Forge and Fabrication Shop is a facility of Engineering Works Complex of Ajaokuta Steel Company

The shop is equipped with machines, equipment and installation necessary to produce Steel Forgings of light and heavy parts up to 500Kg, Fabricate light, heavy parts and Steel structures up to 10 Metric Tons etc. The shop’s forging and fabricating capacities are 2,000 MTonns and 2,200 MTonns per annum respectively.
The Shop is design to handle
• Plate Bending of maximum thickness of 40mm.
• Plate/ round/strip of between 25-65mm thick plate/ rounds.
• Annealing and normalizing.
The core equipment of the shop is as follows:
• 2 Ton forging hammer with a forging manipulator
• 4-Roller plate bending machine.
• Different types of welding equipment.
• Heat Treatment furnaces of various hearth areas.