National Commission on Culture, Ghana

Ghana’s National Commission on Culture was established in 1990 by Provisional National Defense Council Law 238 to manage from a holistic perspective, the Cultural life of the country. In the execution of the aforementioned, the National Commission on Culture is enjoined, among other things, to promote the evolution of an integrated National Culture, supervise the implementation of programmes for the preservation, promotion and representation of Ghana tradition and values; and perform such other functions as may be prescribed by government.

Adowa Dance


The National Commission on Culture, is headed by a Board with a regulatory, supervisory and collaborative responsibility over a number of institutions to ensure the promotion of culture in the national life of the people.
The institutions are:
• The Regional and District Centres for National Culture
• The National Theatre of Ghana
• The National Dance Company
• The National Drama Company
• The National Symphony Orchestra
• The Ghana Museums and Monuments Board
• The Copyright Office
• The National Folklore Board
• The W.E.B. Du Bois Memorial Centre for Pan African Culture
• Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park
• Pan African Writers Association (Headquarters)
• Bureau of Ghana Languages


The National Commission on Culture also maintains a frontline directorate under the following headings at the Commission’s Secretariat;
• Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department.
• Finance and Administration Department.
• Intersectorial and International Relations Department.
• Arts Department.
• Research, Education and Information Department.
