Abua Yajir

Mr. Simon Abua Yajir was born on 10th October, 1965. He hails from Gboko Local Government Area.

He had early education at Local Government Education Authority, LGEA Abayol Primary School, 1973-1979 where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate, before proceeding to W.M Bristow Secondary School, Gboko 1979-1984 for the General Certificate of Education, GCE.

Mr. Abua served as Special Assistant to Gboko Local Government Chairman, 1991-1993; and Personal Assistant to the Governor of Benue State, 1999-2007. In 2008, he was elected Executive Chairman, Gboko Local Government Area where he served till 2010.

A man with interest in community development, he built and donated three classroom blocks to LGEA Primary School Hule Ukpekpe, and renovated J.S. Tarka Stadium in 2004. He paid BCC Lions players and staff salaries for six months and has given out scholarships and medical support under Crucial Foundation; an organization which he has nurtured across Gboko and environs. Mr. Abua has also donated hundreds of motorbikes as part of his poverty alleviation strategy. He is currently installing electricity in Mbaikya in Mbayion District.

Married with children, he has visited United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Dubai, South Africa, India and Ethiopia.

His hobbies include politics, reading, watching football, tennis and making new friends.