1.1 Air Traffic Officer Grade II Grade Level 08
1.2 Air Traffic Officer Grade I Grade Level 09
1.3 Senior Air Traffic Officer Grade Level 10
1.4 Principal Air Traffic Officer Grade Level 12
1.5 Assistant Chief Air Traffic Officer Grade Level 13
1.6 Chief Air Traffic Officer Grade Level 14
1.7 Assistant Director Grade Level 15
1.8 Deputy Director Grade Level 16
1.9 Director Grade Level 17
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
2.1 Air Traffic Officer Grade II, Grade Level 08
(Air Traffic Control)
2.1.1 This is a training grade for university graduates in relevant fields who are
required to undergo an 18-month training programme at the Nigeria College of
Aviation Technology, Zaria. On completion of the course, successful
candidates are required to further undergo a 12-month on-the-job training at
any of the major Airports and obtain Aerodrome and Approach Diploma for
Air Traffic Controllers.
2.1.2 This post is a professional training grade for University and Higher National
Diploma graduates in Mathematics, Physics. Geography and Computer
Science, to enable them on completion of the 18-month AFTN Aeronautical
Communication Operation Course at the Nigeria College of Aviation
Technology, Zaria. obtain a professional Diploma in AFIN Operational
Procedure and Practice. Officers on successful completion of 18-month
training programme will commence one year on-the-job training at any of the
major airports and take up duties aimed at obtaining (the) proficiency
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.1.3 Officer recruited to this grade who must possess HND or B.Sc. in Physics,
Geography, Mass Communications, Journalism, Sociology, Computer Science
or Mathematics from a recognized Institution, are required to undergo a twelve
month basic training on the job and thereafter proceed to Nigerian College of
Aviation Technology, Zaria for one year Officers’ Course.
2.2 Air Traffic Officer Grade I, Grade Level 09

(Air Traffic Control)
2.2.1 Performing routine duties under supervision.
2.2.2 Providing Air Traffic Service to aircraft on the maneuvering area of aerodrome and those operating in the aerodrome traffic zone.
2.2.3 Notifying aircraft under jurisdiction of any failure or inequality of any
apparatus equipment or other services necessary for a safe conduct of any
aerodrome traffic.
2.2.4 Providing flight information services
2.2.5 Inspecting airfields, including run away, taxi ways aprons to determine the
suitability of the maneuvering area for aircraft operations.
2.2.6 Providing services relating to search and rescue operations.
2.2.7 Indicating NOTAM actions on all aerodrome facilities/services.
2.2.8 Making limited weather observations and reporting to pilots on weather
conditions on the approach and take off paths.
2.2.9 Assisting in keeping records.
2.2.10 Providing air traffic services to all the aeronautical fixed stations.
2.2.11 Transmission and reception of Aeronautical messages
2.2.12 Dissemination of meteorological messages.
2.2.13 Receiving, analyzing and categorizing of all aeronautical administrative
2.2.14 Responsible for collection, recording and distribution of NOTAM messages.
2.2.15 Handling all AFTN messages relating to safety of air navigation.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.2.16 Performing the function of collection of information that required NOTAM
2.2.17 Responsible for the promulgation and distribution of NOTAM rules.
2.2.18 Receiving completed flight plans, cross checking and processing them.
2.2.19 Preparation of daily bulletins and briefing materials.
2.3 Senior Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level 10 (Air Traffic: Control)
2.3.1 Providing air traffic services to aircraft on the maneuvering area of an
aerodrome and those operating in the aerodrome traffic zone.
2.3.2 Notifying aircraft under jurisdiction of any failure or irregularity of an
apparatus, equipment or other services necessary for the safe conduct of any
aerodrome traffic.
2.3.3 Providing flight information services
2.3.4 Inspecting airfield including runways, taxi ways and aprons to determine the
suitability of the maneuvering area of aircraft operations.
2.3.5 Indicating NOTAM actions on all aerodrome facilities/services. 2.3.6 Making
limited weather observations and reporting to pilots on weather conditions on
the approach and take-off paths.
2.3.7 Disseminating meteorological messages
2.3.8 Keeping record of In-Transit-Time messages and message delay analysis
(Reference (ICAO In-Trans it-Time criteria).
2.3.9 Sorting and retrieving messages and information from the computer Data
2.3.10 Processing daily out-traffic backlog statistical data
2.3.11 Categorizing AFFN messages and assigning priority indicator to them.
2.3.12 Performing data processing duties at the AFTN station’s statistics unit.
2.3.13 Operating on national AFTN circuits.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.3.14 Organizing navigational warning summaries, operational co-ordination of civil and military warnings.
2.3.15 Having supervisory responsibility for collection, recording and distribution of aeronautical information.
2.3.16 Responsible for special duties Like cartography, printing, computer
programming. etc.
2.3.17 Performing other AIS technical duties like flight planning and processing.
2.4 Principal Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level 12
(Air Traffic Control)
2.4.1 Supervising aerodrome control activities and coordinating such activities as
required with other ATC units to ensure effective management of the airspace.
2.4.2 Interpreting regulations to ensure conformity with ATC procedures.
2.4.3 Making recommendations on the issuance and validation of rating.
2.4.4 Handling emergencies from Control Towers.
2.4.5 Investigating reports of non-compliance with regulations and procedures and taking necessary actions.
2.4.6 Standing at watch in operating positions to maintain proficiency for the ratings held.
(Approach Control)
2.4.7 Providing standard separation in accordance with ICAO standard between controlled flights from the time and place at which:
a. In-bound aircraft is released by Area Control Unit such traffic is transferred to
Aerodrome control.
b. Outbound aircraft is taken over from aerodrome control until such traffic is
released to Area Control.
c. Aircraft inbound from the flight information region comes under function and
until such traffic is transferred to Aerodrome control.
d. Aircraft outbound to the flight information region is taken over from
aerodrome control and until such traffic is transferred to the unit.
2.4.8 Providing flight information
2.4.9 Providing flight information services to all aircraft under control.
2.4.10 Initiating overdue action on aircraft which fail to land at aerodrome under
control within a specified time.
2.4.11 Participating in search and rescue operations.
2.4.12 Monitoring navigational aid and communications facilities and informing
pilots about their status before clearing such aircraft to carry out instrument
2.4.13 Liaison with net office for aerodrome forces and reports.
2.4.14 Assisting in the investigation of aircraft accidents/incidents. Ensuring timely
recording of aerodrome data for automatic terminal information services
2.4.15 Performing general supervision function on:
a. AFTN Satellite Communication computer Terminals
b. National and International Circuits.
2.4.16 Collating AFTN circuit service ability reports from corresponding stations.
2.4.17 Taking responsibility for the preparation of predetermined circuit
responsibility list, station routing list, and updating routing directory.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.4.18 Taking responsibility for translation of aeronautical information.
2.4.19 Assisting in responsibility for collation and edition of Aeronautical
2.4.21 Information in conformity with ICAO recommended practices
2.4.21 Assisting in printing, distribution and amendment of Nigeria and foreign AIPs
2.4.22 Assisting in ‘CAT AIS Aerodrome Units
2.4.23 Supervising and assisting in training subordinates.
2.5 Assistant Chief Air Traffic: Officer, Grade Level 13
(Air Traffic: Control)
2.5.1 Coordinating the training of aerodrome control personnel
2.5.2 Ensuring that all necessary technical equipment, publications and facilities are
available to aerodrome control personnel.
2.5.3 Participating in the rating and validation examination of aerodrome controllers.
2.5.4 Preparing and issuing unit orders and local knowledge questionnaires for use in aerodrome rating and validation examination.
2.5.5 Maintaining records and submitting reports on personnel, traffic activities and all phases of ATC operations as required.
2.5.6 Analyzing reports on investigations and notifying the Area Chief Controller as appropriate.
2.5.7 Supervising the activities of approach control and coordinating such activities to ensure effective management of the airspace.
2.5.8 Directing the approach control personnel and making recommendations on the issuance and validation of ratings
2.5.9 Supervising the training of approach control personnel and making
recommendations on the issuance and validation rating
2.5.10 Ensuring adequate records of arriving, departing and over flying traffic
2.5.11 Investigating reports of non-compliance with regulations and procedures and taking necessary actions
2.5.12 Supervising AFTN operation to ensure efficiency and high productivity
2.5.13 Assisting the officer-in-charge of the station in planning and organizing
aeronautical communications operations
2.5.14 Deputizing for officer-in-charge of the station
2.5.15 Preparing AFTNB statistical charts (monthly and annually) circuit outage
charts percentage of circuit serviceability charts circuit traffic loading daily
graphics monthly (In-Out) traffic backlog and delay statistics for the station
2.5.16 Making recommendation for the expansion, review or restructuring of the
network circuit frequency equipment, changes or system modification.
(Aeronautical information Services)
2.5.17 Supervising AFI’N operation to ensure efficiency and high productivity.
2.5.18 Having responsibility for chart production and maintaining inventory of charts.
2.5.19 Supervising the printing, distribution and amendment of Nigeria and foreign AIPs.
2.5.20 Serving as Unit Control Coordinators
2.521 Translating policy letters written in French and other languages into English
language and vice-versa.
2.5.22 Assisting in Category ‘B’ aerodrome units.
2.5.23 Assisting in training subordinates
2.6 Chief Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level 14
(Air Traffic Control)
2.6.1 Using the data and information presented on the radar to perform traffic control services functions and maintaining watch on the progress of air traffic in order to provide:
2.6.2. a. Improved position information regarding aircraft under control
b. Supplementary information regarding other aircrafts
c. Information regarding any significant deviation by aircrafts from the
terms of their respective air traffic control clearance.
2.6.3 Taking charge of a Section
2.6.4 Assisting in the search for and rescue of aircraft by plotting the last position of such aircraft on radar.
2.6.5 Assisting in the provision of other services relating to search and rescue
2.6.6 Ensuring that aircrafts are separated from obstacle on terrain.
2.6.7 Providing meteorological information.
2.6.8 Taking charge of a major AFTN Station
2.6.9 Coordinating AFIN operations
2.6.10 Compiling monthly reports of AFTN operational and telephone/billing
2.6.11 Supervising the preparation of duty and annual vacation leave rosters for
communication personnel
2.6.12 Maintaining discipline of staff in the station.
2.6.13 Ensuring conformity with AFTN operations and telephone services.
2.6.14 Liaising with other Heads of Units for effective co-ordination of interdepartmental activities.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.6.15 Heading Category ‘B’ MS aerodrome unit
2.6.16 Supervising cartography, printing and distribution.
2.6.17 Assisting in MS Category’ A’ aerodrome unit
2.6.18 Charge of a section
2.6.19 Supervising the training programmes of staff.
2.7 Assistant Director, Grade Level 15
(Air Traffic Control)
2.7.1. Supervising the work of radar control personnel
2.7.2 Supervising the training programmes of radar control personnel.
2.7.3 Initiating the review of aerodrome policies and programmes.
2.7.4 Participating in search and rescue operations as may be required.
2.7.5 Standing as a watch in operating position(s) to maintain proficiency for the
rating held
2.7.6 Taking charge of a Branch.
2.7.7 Ensuring provision of standard separation in accordance with ICAO standards.
2.7.8 Taking responsibility for aerodrome operations development planning.
2.7.9 Exchanging air traffic data with contiguous area control centres, approach
control unit and aerodrome control towers under jurisdiction.
2.7.10 Providing flight information and alerting services to aircraft within the Flight Information Region (FIR).
2.7.11 Activating the Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) and participating in SAR
2.7.12 Taking charge of a Branch
2.7.13 Taking charge of a Branch
2.7.14 Keeping current and accurate records of all communications staff and their
2.7.15 Ensuring availability and allocation of AFTN stationeries to all aeronautical
stations the country.
2.7.16 Ensuring the compliance of communication centres with ICAO standard and recommended practices as they affect AFTN communication operations.
2.7.17 Compiling and updating communications equipment.
2.7.18 Arranging communications postings.
2.7.19 Collecting and collating transmitted Class ‘B’ message and liaising with the
Finance Department for revenue collection.
2.7.20 Liaising with NCPI, Zaria and other training institutions and coordinating the ae; communications training and re-training programmes.
2.7.21 Preparing ICAO 3-Letters designators for distribution to all NAMA
departments, stations and aircraft operators.
2.7.22 Ensuring that all messages handled on the network are in accordance with
ICAO procedures.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.7.25 Heading category ‘A’ AIS (Aerodrome) unit.
2.7.26 Assisting in the planning and exchange of training programmes
2.7.27 Assisting in technical/administrative functions.
2.7.28 Coordinating activities in cartography, printing, publications. etc.
2.7.29 Taking charge of a Branch.
2.7.30 Taking responsibility for aeronautical information development planning.
2.8 Deputy Director, Grade Level 16
(Air Traffic Control)
2.8.1 Coordinating the supervision and training of radar control personnel.
2.8.2 Ensuring that all necessary technical equipment, publications and facilities are available to Radar/Control Personnel
2.8.3 Participating in the conduct of rating and validation examinations of radar
2.8.4 Preparing and issuing Unit Orders and Local Knowledge Questionnaires for
use in radar rating and validation examination
2.8.5 Maintaining records and submitting reports on personnel, traffic activities and all phases of ATC operations as required.
2.8.6 Standing as a watch in operations as required.
2.8.7 Taking charge of a Division
2.8.8 Assisting in SAR operations ‘as may be required.
2.8.9 Providing radar services to over-flying air traffic before being handed over to adjacent Flight Information Regions (FIR).
2.8.10 Directing search and rescue services/operations
2.8.11 Providing alerting services.
2.8.12 Assisting in the general administration for the Department
2.8.13 Taking charge of a Division and assisting in the general administration of the Department.
2.8.14 Ensuring effective utilization of personnel and compliance with LCAO
procedures and national policy on aeronautical communications set up in the
2.8.15 Collecting and collating transmitted class “B” messages and liaising with the
Finance Department on charges.
2.8.16 Liaising with appropriate units/departments on all communication matters.
2.8.17 Undertaking tour of aeronautical communication stations to ensure compliance with ICA-In Transit Time criteria.
2.8.18 Ensuring development and system analysis of SATCOM in conjunction with
the engineering department for improved serviceability, efficiency and
2.8.19 Coordinating through field officers. SATCOM operation and publishing
changes in procedures/application.
2.8.20 Collating system outages, shortcomings/deficiency and forwarding to the
Director (Electronic Communications) for urgent attention.
2.8.21 Compiling SATCOM channel occupancy and congestion delay status and
making appropriate recommendation.
2.8.22 Collating fortnight/monthly statistical reports from stations and plotting
graphic charts and circuit outages.
2.8.23 Preparing AFIN statistical reports and for transmission to JCAO regional office on monthly basis.
2.8.24 Ensuring implementation of standards for effective, speedy and regular
telephone operations and aircrafts emergency response to search and rescue
2.8.25 Preparing monthly and annual telephone reports and liaising with the Finance Department to ensure effective telephone revenue collection.
2.8.26 Making recommendations on matters relating to the construction or expansion of telephone exchanges, equipments, installations and maintenance in all the airports.
2.8.27 Preparing annual telephone directory with a view to updating the directory and upgrad1 lag or cutting down line to airport telephone users.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
2.8.28 Assisting in the general administration of the Department
2.8.29 Coordinating activities of centers and units
2.8.30 Planning development of programmes to meet ICAO standards.
2.8.31 Coordinating AIS Technical Services.
2.8.32 Heading of the MS inspectorate services in the Zones/Regional Headquarters.
2.9 Director, Grade Level 17
2.9.1 Taking charge of the general administration of the Department
2.9.2 Advising on the formulation, execution and review of relevant policies and
2.9.3 Liaising with operators and flying clubs on relevant matters
2.9.4 Issuing or validating licenses’ ratings
2.9.5 Enforcing compliance with rules and regulations
3.1 Air Traffic: Officer Grade II, Grade Level 08
3.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a degree in Physics,
Geography, electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Science or
Mathematics from a recognized University.
3.1.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a degree or HND in Physics, Geography, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications.
Computer Science ci mathematics from a recognized University Institution.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.1.3 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a degree or HND in Physics
Geography Mass Communication Journalism Sociology Computer Science or
Mathematics from a recognized University Institution
3.2 Air Traffic, Officer Grade I, Grade Level 09
(Air Traffic Control)
3.2.1 By advancement of an Air Traffic Officer Grade II (ATC) who has successfully
completed the appropriate training programmes specified in sub paragraph
2.1.1 above and obtained the prescribed Certificate/Diploma
3.1.1 By advancement of an Air Traffic Officer Grade U (Communications) who has
successfully completed the appropriate training programmes specified in subparagraph 2.1. above and obtained the prescribed Certificate/Diploma.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.2.2 By advancement of a suitable Air Traffic Officer Grade II (AIS) who has
successfully completed the appropriate training programmes specified in
subparagraph 2.1.3 above and obtained the prescribed Certificate/Diploma.
3.3 Senior Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level I0
(Air Traffic Control)
3.3.1 By promotion of an Air Traffic Officer Grade I (ATC) who has spent at least
three years on the grade, attend and passed Air Traffic Control Licensing
Examination and obtained Aerodrome Rating/License.
3.3.2 By promotion of an Air Traffic Officer Grade I (Communications) who has
spent at least three years on the grade and successfully completed the
prescribed training programme at the Nigerian College of Aviation
Technology, Zaria and obtained proficiency rating.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.3.3 By promotion of a suitable Air Traffic Officer Grade I (AIS) who has spent at
least three years on the grade and successfully completed the Advanced MS
officers course and obtained AISO Certificate.
Principal Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level 12
(Air Traffic Control)
3.4.1 By promotion of a suitable Senior Air Traffic Officer (ATC) who has spent at
least three years on the grade and successfully completed the prescribed
training for Approach Control and obtained the Approach Control. Rating
3.4.2 By promotion of a Senior Air Traffic Officer (Communications) who has spent
at least three years on the grade and acquired the appropriate skill.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.4.3 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Air Traffic Officer (AIS) who
has spent at least three (3) years on the grade and obtained AISO Certificate.
Assistant Chief Air Traffic: Officer, Grade Level 13
(Air Traffic: Control)
3.5.1 By promotion of a suitable Principal Air Traffic Officer (ATC) who has spent
at least three years on the grade and successfully completed the prescribed
training in Aerodrome and Approach.
3.5.2 By promotion of a suitable Principal Air Traffic Officer (Communications)
who has spent at least three years on the grade and successfully completed the
prescribed training in AFIN operations.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.5.3 By promotion of a suitable Principal Air Traffic Officer (AIS) who has spent
at least three years on the grade.
3.6 Chief Air Traffic Officer, Grade Level 14
(Air Traffic Control)
3.6.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Chief Air Traffic Officer (AC) who has
spent at least three years on the grade and successfully completed the
prescribed training for approach Radar Controller and obtained the Approach
Radar Rating License.
3.6.2 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Chief Air Traffic Officer
(Communications) who has spent at least three years on the grade and
successfully completed the prescribed training in Advanced AFTN Operations.
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.6.3 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Chief Air Traffic Officer (AIS) who has
spent at least three years on the grade.
3.7 Assistant Director, Grade Level 15
(Air Traffic Control)
3.7.1 By promotion of a suitable Chief Air Traffic Officer (ATC) who has spent at
least three years on the grade and successfully completed the prescribed
training for Area Procedural Control.
3.7.2 By promotion of a suitable Chief Air Traffic Officer (Communications) who
has spent at least three years on the grade and successfully completed the
prescribed training and rating
(Aeronautical Information Services)
3.7.3 By promotion of a suitable Chief Air Traffic Officer (AIS) who has spent at
least three years on the grade.
3.8 Deputy Director Grade Level 16
3.8.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Director (ATO) who has spent at least
four years on the grade
3.9 Director, Grade Level 17
3.9.1 By promotion or a suitable Deputy Director (ATO) who has spent at least four years on the grade.
3.10 Direct Appointment to Posts in Grade Level 12 and above
Direct appointments may also be made to posts in Grade Level 12 and above but these will be preceded by specific advertisement at the instance of the user
Ministry/Department Promotions from such direct appointment to higher grades are subject to confirmation of appointment.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf