List of Secondary Schools and their addresses in Anambra State, Nigeria.
Anambra has over 795 Secondary Schools. The names and addresses of the schools are:
- Aguata Bhigh School, Aguata
- Christ The Redeemer College Amesi, Ubaha
- Community School Aguata, Ezinifite
- Community School, Aguluezechukwu, Aguluezechukwu
- Community Secondary School, Akpo
- Community Secondary School, Uga
- Community Secondary School, Igboikwu
- Community Secondary School, Isuofia
- Community Secondary School Achina, Achina
- Community Secondary School Nkpologwu, Town
- Community Secondary School Umuchu, Igbhubu Achala Umuchu
- Communtiy Secondary School Eri, Ora-Eri
- Eagles International Academy, Achina
- Ezinifite High School, Ezinifite
- First Hill Secondary School, Ekwulobia Umuchiana Village
- Girls High School, Uga
- Girls Secondary School, Igboikwu
- Gods Own Secondary School School Umuchu, Umugama – Umuchu
- Goodness Comprehensive Secondary School, Nkono Ekwulobia
- Government Technical College Umuchu, Ozarakukwu Umuchu
- Immaculate Heart Secondary School Uga, Uga
- Jafed International Nur/Primary School,Ula, Ula Ekwulobia
- Pioneer Secondary School, Amanasa Umuchu
- Royal Brains College , Ekwulobia
- St Augustines Model Secondary School, Uga
- Uga Boys Secondary School, Uga
- Umuchu High School, Umugama Umuchu
- Unique City Foundation Umuchu, Umuchu
- Urban Girls Secondary School Ekwulobia, Ekwulobia
- Above All International Secondary School , Nsugbe
- Above All International Secondary School , Umueri
- Archbnishop Patterson Seminary, Igbariam, Igbariam
- Chukwunonye Secondary School, Abata Nsugbe
- Col. Mike Attah Secondary School, Enugu-Otu Aguleri, Enugu-Otu Aguleri
- Community High School, Igbariam, Igbariam
- Community Secondary School, Ifite Umueri, Ifite-Aguleri
- Community Secondary School, Umuoba Anam, Umuoba Anam
- Cornerstone Foundation School, Iken Namdo
- Destiny Secondary School, Umueri
- Enchristo Comprehensive Secondary School, Amaeze Aguleri
- Ezeora Primary School, Nando, Abubu-Agu Nando
- Father Joseph Memorial High School, Aguleri, Aguleri
- Father Lutz Memorial Secondary School, Igbariam, Igbariam
- Franklin International Secondry School, Abata Nsugbe, Abata Nsugbe
- Future Hope Secondary School, Abata Nsugbe
- Gift Pride Academy Secondary School , Abata Nsugbe
- Government Technical College, Umueri, Ikenga Umueri
- Great Creation International School, Abata Nsurge
- Immanuel International Secondary, Umueri, Enuobodo Umueri
- Justice Chinwuba Memorial Secondary School, Aguleri, Aguleri
- Madonna Secondary School, Umueri, Umueri
- Mary Knoll International School, Nsugbe, Ogwari Aguleri
- Mater Dei Secondary School, Ugwunadegbe Aguleri, Ugwunadegbe Aguleri
- Mater Dei Secondary School, Umueri, Nneyi- Umueri
- Maureen Holy Secondary School, Nsugbe, Abata Nsugbe
- Michael Tansi Secondary School, Aguleri, Amaeze Aguleri
- Pacesetters College, Abata Nsugbe, Abata Nsugbe
- Prime Foundation Secondary School, Abata Nsugbe, Abata Nsugbe
- Saint Ftrancis Model, Nando
- Saint Joan Of Arc Model Secondary School, Mando
- Stella Maris College, Umueri, Umueri
- Success International Secondary School, Umueri, Umueri
- Virgin Mary Convent, Umueri
- Willie Obiano Community Secondary School Enugu Aguleri, Aguleri
- An Am High School Oroma Etiti Anam, Oroma Etiti Anam
- Christ The College Umuem Anam, Umuem Anam
- Christ The King College Odeh, Odeh
- Community Comprehensive Secondrary School Nzama, Nzam
- Community Secondary School Ifite Anam Mmiata, Mmiata Anam
- Community Secondary School Igbedor, Igbedor
- Community Secondary School Umueze Anam, Umueze Anam
- Crowther Memorial College Umuikwu, Umuikwu Anam
- Fr Amadi Memorial Collegeumuenwelum Anam, Umuenwelum Anam
- Graet Sailor Internationalsecondary School, Onono Umikwu Anam
- Our Lady Of Lourdes College Mmiata Anam, Anambra West, Mmiata
- Rev. Fr. Ohai Memorial Model Secondary School Oroma Etiti Anam, Oroma-Etiti Anam
- Trinity College, Onono Umuikwu Anam, Onono Umuikwu Anam
- Udama Community Secondary School Inoma Akator, Inoma
- Agulu Grammar School Agulu, Agulu
- Alpha Star Secondary School, Agulu
- Bubendoff Memorial Grammar School, Adazi
- Community Secondary School, Obeleou
- Community High School, Akwa Eze
- Community High School Adazi, Adazi Ani
- Community High School Aguluzigbo, Iruowelle Aguluzigbo
- Community Secondary School Adazi Nnukwu, Adazi Nnukwu
- Community Secondary School Agulu, Agulu
- Community Secondary School Ichida, Mgbuda
- Divine Mecy College Adazienu, Adazi Enu
- Flora Azikiwe Model Comprehensive Secondary School, Neni
- Holy Queen Secondary School Aguluzigbo, Aguluzigbo
- Lake City Secondary School Nri, Nri
- Ojiakor Memorail Secondary School, Adazi Ani
- Pioneer Precious &Amp; Peculiar International Secondary School, Agulu , Agulu/Umubialla
- Precious Gods Love Montessori Secondary School, Agulu
- Regal Secondary School, Nri
- Rosamystica High School, Agulu, Agulu
- St Albert The Great Secondary School, Agulu, Agulu
- St Anthonys Catholic Comprehensive Institute Agulu, Agulu
- St Augustines Secondary School Ichida, Ubulu Village, Ichida
- St Jude Unique Secondary School And Computer Centre, Adazi Ani
- Union Secondary School, Anaocha
- Anerobi International College, Amansea
- Christ The King College, Isuanocha
- Community Secondary School, Achalla, Awka-North
- Community Secondary School, Amansea, Amansea
- Community Secondary School, Amanuke, Awka-North
- Community Secondary School, Ebenebe, Ebenebe
- Community Secondary School, Mgbakwu, Mgbakwu
- Community Secondary School, Urum, Awka-North
- Community Secondary School,Isuaniocha, Isuaniocha
- Elevated Excellence College, Amansea., Egbeagu
- Elmerit Gemz Secondary School , Isuaniocha
- Favour Of Grace School Awba- Ofemili, Umuokpe
- Favour Of Grace Secondary School Ebenebe, Ebenebe
- Globex Spring International Academy, Isuaniocha
- Handmaid Girls Secondary School, Amansea
- Holy Spirit Secondary School Ebenebe, Ebenebe
- Nwaokike Memorial Secodary School, Ebenebe
- Seat Of Wisdom Secondary School, Awka-North
- Signs And Wonders Intl School, Ebenebe, Ebenebe/ Umujana
- St Paul Secodary School Achalla, Awka-North
- St. John Bosco Seminary, Isuanaocha
- Winners College International, Amansea., Eggnagu
- Alexander College, Gra Awka
- All Saints Secondary School Nibo, Nibo
- Bishop Crowther Seminary Awka, Awka
- Blossom Fount College Awka, Iyiagu Awka
- Bright Star Academy, Ezinator Ifite
- Brighter Light Secondary School, Nise
- Candy International College, Awka, Awka
- Capital City Secondary School, Awka, Awka
- Community Secondary School Okpuno, Okpuno Awka
- Community Secondary School, Agulu-Awka, Agulu Awka
- Community Secondary School, Amawbia, Amawbia
- Community Secondary School, Isiagu, Mbaukwu
- Community Secondary School, Mbaukwu, Mbaukwu
- Community Secondary School, Umuokpu, Umuokpu Awka
- Destiny Comprehensive Secondary School Awka, Amikwo Awka
- Differential College, Awka
- Divine Model Secondary School, Ndiorah, Ndiora
- Eagle Power College Of Excellence Awka, Awka
- Elite International College, Umubeole – Awka, Umubeole – Awka
- Emeka Aghasili – High Secondary School, Nise, Nise
- Ezeike High School, Nibo, Nibo
- Ezi-Awka Community Secondary School, Awka, Awka
- Faith Model Secondary School, Awka
- Fidelis International High School, Umurele – Awka, Umurele – Awka
- Flora Field College, Okpuno
- Girls Secondary School, Awka, Awka
- Glory Model School, Okpuno, Rural
- Gran Hermano Academy, Awka
- Holy Cross High School, Umuawulu Mbk, Umuawulu/Mbaukwu
- Holy Ghost Academy Secondary School, Kamali/Ngozika Housing Estate
- Igwebuike Grammar School, Awka, Awka/Umudika
- Jupavi Secondary School, Okponu
- Kabe College Amawba, Amawbia
- Kairos International Schools, Umukabia/Amawbia
- Kenneth Dike Mem. Secondary School, . Awka, Amikwo
- King International College, Amawbia
- Kings And Queen Comprehensive Academy, Ifite-Awka
- Kings And Queens Comprehensive Academy, Ifite Awka
- Krosa Secondary School, Amawbia, Amawbia
- La Sainte International College, Umuorama, Awka, Awka
- Masters Secondary School , Awka
- Model Comprehensive Secondary School Amawbia, Amawbia
- National Secondary School Umuawka, Umuawka
- Nnamdi Azikiwe University High School Awka, Ifite Awka
- Nneoma Community School, Nibo, Nibo
- Nwafor Orizu College Demonstration Secondary School, Awka
- Nwanno Nwimoh Memorial Secondary School, Awka
- Purity Model School, Amikwo – Awka, Amikwo – Awka
- Queens Convent Awka, Awka
- Redeemers International High School, Okpuno
- Refine Junior Secondary School, Okochime Okpono
- Rev. Fr. Aaron Ekwu Memorial Secondary School Amawbia, Amawbia
- Rosary College, Nise, Nise/Ngodo
- Royal Saints International Secondary School, Amikwo – Awka, Amikwo – Awka
- Special Science School, Nibo
- Splendid Comprehensive Secondary School, Mbaukwu
- St John Of God Secondary School, Awka, Awka
- St Joseph Vocational Secondary School, Amawbia, Amawbia
- St Lucy Secondary School, Awka/Ifite
- St Marys College Awka, Awka- Amikwo
- St. Pauls University Secondary School, Nibo-Nise
- State Model Junior Secondary School, Iyiagu Awka
- Tansi International College Awka, Okpuno Umuodu
- Total Child School Awka, Awka Amikwo
- Ubaka Comprehensive Secondary School, Awka
- Union Secondary School, Amawbia, Adabebe Village
- Union Secondary School, Umuawulu, Umuawulu
- Amikwe Communisty Secondary School, Omor, Omor
- Brain Field Secondary School Omor, Omor
- Communisty Secondary School, Ifite-Ogwari, Ifite Ogwari
- Communisty Secondary School, Igbakwu, Igbakwu
- Communisty Secondary School, Omor, Ayamelum
- Communisty Secondary School, Umueje, Umueje
- Community Secondary School, Umumbo, Umunbo
- John Odenigbo Memorial Secondary School Omasi Agu, Omasi Agu
- Madonna Group Of School , Omasi Uno
- Mater Christi Secondary School, Umumbo
- Ogbe High School, Anaku, Anakn
- Regina Caeli Secondary School, Omor
- Riverside Secondary School, Umerum, Umerum
- Sacred Heart Of Jesus Secondary School, Ifite Ogwari
- St Josephs Interntional Secondary School Anaku, Ikenga
- Universal Secondary School, Omasi, Omasi
- Wisdom Secondary School Umumbo, Umudim
- Arch Angel Gabriel Secondary School, Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Christ The King Comp. Secondary School, Igbuala – Ifitedunu, Igbuala – Ifitedunu
- Community Secondary Sch Ukpo, Ukpo
- Community Secondary School, Ndwgu, Nawgu
- Community Secondary School, Ukwulu, Ukwulu
- Community Secondary School, Umunachi, Umunnachi
- Edwin Spring College, Ukpo, Ukpo
- Golden Kids Secondary School, Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Modona International Girls Secondary School Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Nnemaka Community Secondary School, Ifitedunu, Igbuala – Ifitedunu
- Peter Marist College Ifitedunu., Obinagu – Obieze Ifitedunu
- Progressive Comprehensive Secondary School, Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Shalom Royal Academy, Akwa- Ifitedunu
- St. Anthonys Comprehensive Secondary School, Umudioka, Umudioka
- St. Kizito Girks Ss Umudioka, Umudioka
- St. Marys Model Comprehensive College, Ukpo, Ukpo
- St.Mary’S H.S Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Walter Eze M.Ss Ukpo, Ukpo
- Wisdom Secondary School, Okpuru Village, Umudioka
- Wisdom Secondary School, Ifitedunu, Ifitedunu
- Zita International Secondary School, Iruodumma Oranto Ukpo
- Archdeacon Nwosu Memorial Secondary School, Ozubulu
- Boys Secondary School, Oraifite, Oraifite
- Cath. Girls Secondary School, Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Citi High School Nza, Ozubulu
- Community Secondary School, Ichi, Ichi
- Community Secondary School, Ifite Oraifite, Oraifite
- Community Secondary School, Ihembosi, Ihembosi
- Community Secondary School, Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Dame Irene Okwuosa Memorial Convent, Oraifite
- Jesus International Technical Secondary School, Umuezuopi, Oraifite
- Sancta Maria Secondary School Nza Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Seat Of Wisdom Secondary School, Egbema Ozubulu
- St Joseph Nursery And Primary School Egbema Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Standard Secondary School, Ichi, Ichi
- Varsity Comprehensive Secondary School, Ozubulu
- Warriors International Secondary School, Ifite, Oraifite
- Young Governors Secondary School Egbema, Ozubulu
- Zixton Secondary School, Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Abanna Secondary School, Abatete, Idemili-North
- Achievers Interntional Secondary School, Odume Obosi
- Al Saint Secondary School Littlewood, Obosi, Obosi
- Anglican Girl?S Secondary School, Ogidi, Ogidi
- Anointed International Group Of Schools, Obosi, Achaputa Odume Obosi
- Apex International Schools, Owele-Aja Obosi
- Ascension Model Secondary School, Odume Obosi
- Assumption High School Ogidi, Ire Ogidi
- Awada Secondary School, Obosi, Obosi
- Best-Gate Heritage Secondary School, Odume Layout Obosi
- Bluesky Academy , Odume-Obosi
- Boy?S Secondary School, Ogidi, Ogidi
- Brilliant Kids Special Secondary School , Awada Obosi
- Campus Secondary School,, Ugwuagba Obosi
- Charles Heerey International Secondary School , Odume Obosi
- Chinua Achebe International Secondary School, Ogidi, Nkwelle-Ogidi
- Christ He King Secondary School Obosi, Umuota Obosi
- Christ The Saviour Secondary School, Ugwuagba, Ugwuagba
- Citizens Comprehensive Secondary School, Mbachu, Nkpor Agu
- City Comprehensive Secondary School , Ogidi
- City Group Of Schools Nkpor Agu, Nkpor-Agu
- City Of Knowledge International School Nkpor Agu, Nkpor Agu
- Clasyl Divine International School , Awada Obosi
- Community Secondary School, Eziowelle, Eziowelle
- Community Secondary School, Ideani, Ideani
- Community Secondary School, Obosi, Obosi
- Community Secondary School, Oraukwu, Oraukwu
- Community Secondary School, Uke, Uke
- Community Secondary School, Umuoji, Umuoji
- Cor Mariae Secondary School Nkpor- Agu, Nkpor
- Crux Sancta Secondary School, Nkpor Agu
- De Gracious Lively Stone Academy , Odume Obosi
- Delight Secondary School, Ogidi, Nkwelle Ogidi
- Divine Concept Secondary School, Odume, Obosi
- Dominion Comprehensive Secondary School, Ire Obosi
- Ebelechukwu International Secondary School, Umusiome Nkpor
- Ebenezer Unity Sec Sch,Ire Ogidi, Ire Ogidi
- Eco Foundation International School, Owelle-Aja Obosi
- Egreato Columbus International School, Umusiome Nkpor
- Ekwuno Memorial Secondary School , Umuota Obosi
- Fort Foundation Secondary School, Awada Obosi
- Fountain Foundation Model School, Nkpor
- Genius Model Secondary School, Awada, Awada-Obosi
- Glory International School, Ugwuagba
- Gods Promise International School, Odume, Odume Obosi
- Golden Concept Foundation Secondary School , Awada Obosi
- Goodnews Heritage Academy, Ogidi/Nkpor
- Govt. Tech. College, Nkpor, Idemili-North
- His Grace Internation School, Ugwuagba Obosi
- Holy Family High School Akuzo Nkpor , Nkpor
- Holy Rosary Secondary School, Uke
- Ideal Minds Foundation, Awada
- Jubich Intl Schools, Awada, Awada Obosi
- Kaychristo Model Secondary School, Ikenga, Ogidi
- King Emmanuel Special School, Odume Obosi
- King Of Glory Secondary Schoool, Enekwasumpu Obosi, Enekwasumpu Obosi
- Kings And Queens Secondary School Akuzor Nkpor, Nkpor
- Lenient International Sec School , Awada Obosi
- Life Spring Secondary School, Odume, Odume Obosi
- Little Jane Secondary School, Oduke Obosi, Obosi/Oduke
- Lucid Comprehesive Secondary School, Nkpor
- Lucky Star Secondary School, Odume-Obosi
- Maranatha Excellence &Amp; Unique Schools Ltd, Obosi
- Maria Assumta Secondary Abacha, Idemili-North
- Mater Christi Group Of Schools Iba Pope Awada, Awada Obosi
- Merciful Innovative College, Enekwasumpu Layout, Obosi, Obosi/Enekwasumpu
- Millennium Challenge Academy, Umusiome Nkpo
- Model Innovative School Of Today, Nkpor/Odume Obosi
- Mount Zion Secondary School, Uugwuagba Obosi
- Nehemiah International Secondary School, Nkpor Agu, Nkpor Agu
- New Auto Parts Open Market School (Napoms), Nkpor, Nkpor Agu
- Ocean Of Knowledge Foundation Sec Sch, Awada Obosi
- Oraukwu Grammar School, Oraukwu, Oraukwu
- Our Ladys International Academy, Umuoji, Umouji
- Perfect Image Science And Technical College, Owelle-Aja, Obosi
- Perfect Secondary School Ogidi, Ogidi
- Pillar Of Success International Schoo;L, Owelle-Aja Obosi
- Potential Leaders College, Awada
- Primus Hallowed International School, Obosi, Obosi
- Princess Rohi Creative College, Ogidi, Ndiagu
- Prosperity Secondary School, Nkpor Agu
- Regan International School, Ugwuagba
- Rev.Isaac Memorial Academy , Obosi
- Royal Family Secondary School, Odume, Odume Obosi
- Royal Foundation Secondary School, Awada Pobosi
- Saint Pauls Secondary School, Nkpor, Amafor Nkpor
- Sam Agogbua Memorial Secondary School, Ogidi, Ikenga Ogidi
- Seat Of Wisdom Primary School, Nkpor
- Solid Base International School , Akuzo, Nkpor Agu
- Solid Rock Secondary School Nkpor-Uno, Nkpor-Uno
- Splendour Secondary School , Awada Obosi
- St Alphonsus Secondary School Nkpor-Uno, Nkpor
- St Anthony Of Padua High School, Nkpor, Nkpor
- St Edmund Secondary School Nkpor- Agu, Nkpor/Amafor
- St. Albert The Great College, Odume, Odume – Obosi
- St. Andrews Secondary School, Obosi, Obosi
- St. Joseph The Worker International Secondary School, Enekwasumpu, Nkpor
- St. Josephs Comprehensive Academy, Ogidi, Nkwelle – Ogidi
- St. Ritas Secondary School, Nkpor-Uno
- Standard International Secondary School Eziowelle, Eziowelle
- Starlight Comprehensive Secondary School, Uruezealor Village Ogidi
- Successful Kids Secondary School, Oduke Obosi
- Summit Comprehensive College Obosi, Obosi
- Sunrise Group Of Schools Nkpor, Akuzor Nkpor
- Supreme Knowledge Comprehensive School, Nkpor Agu
- Systematic Unique Standard Unsurpassale College (Susu), Nkpor
- Tender Field College, Nkpor, Nkpor Agu
- Union Secondary School, Awada, Obosi, Awada Obosi
- Union Secondary School, Obosi, Obosi
- Unique Foundation College, Awada
- Urban Secondary School, Nkpor, Nkpor
- Valid International School Odume Obosi, Obosi
- Victory Crown College, Odume Obosi
- Victory International Model Secondary School, Awada Obosi
- Victory Secondary School Ogidi, Adazi
- Wilog Comprehensive Secondary School Nkpor, Nkpor
- Winners International Secondary School, Nkpor, Nkpor
- Wisdom Heritage International Sch Ogidi, Ogidi
- Zenith Global Secondary School, Awada Obosi
- All Saints High School Nnobi, Umuru Nnobi
- Ave Maria Secondary School Nnokwa, Nnokwa
- Boys Secondary School, Ojoto, Ojoto
- Calvary International Secondary School Oba, Aborji Village Oba
- Christ The King Seminary Nnobi, Awuda Nnobi
- Community School, Nnobi, Nnobi
- Community Secondary School, Nnokwa, Idemili-South
- Devans Comprehensive Secondary School, Oba
- Divine Knowledge School, Okpuno-Etiti Aborji Oba
- Encouragers High Schoo, Ojoto
- Faith Model Secondary School, Alor, Idemili-South
- Father Paul Memorial Secondary School, Awka-Etiti, Awka-Etiti
- Giant Step International Secondary School Oba, Aborji Oba
- Girls School, Oba, Oba
- Girls Secondary School, Awka-Etiti, Awkw-Etiti
- Girls Secondary School, Ojoto, Ojoto
- Girlsã¯Â¿Â½ School, Alor, Idemili-South
- Glory Royal Academy (Secondary) , Awka-Etiti, Awka-Etiti
- Good Shephered Creative Secondary Schools Oba, Okpuno Aboji Village Oba
- Grundtvig International Secondary School Oba, Oba
- Madonna International Academy Ubaha Ebenesi Nnobi, Ubaha Ebenesi Nnobi
- Mater Dei Model Secondary School Alor, Idemili-South
- Merchants Of Light School, Oba, Oba
- Oba Women Secondary School, Oba
- Okigbo Memorial International Secondary School, Ojoto, Idemili-South
- One Foundation International Secondary School, Oba, Umuokokpa Village Oba
- Our Lady?S Secondary School, Nnobi, Nnobi
- Saint John?S Secondary School, A/Ukwu, Akwu-Ukwu
- Saint Pauls Model Nursery And Primary School Oba, Oba
- Saint Peters Special Secondary School Oba, Umuogali Village Oba
- Saint Stephen Secondary School, Nnokwa, Idemili-South
- Seat Of Wisdom Comprehensive Secondary School, Nnobi
- St John The Apostles Olive Garden International Secondary School, Oba
- St Johns International School, Aborji Village Oba
- St. John?S Tech. School, Alor, Alor
- Staint Pouls Model Secondary School Oba, Oba
- Trinity Model Secondary School Nnobi, Nnobi
- Triumphant Cross Secondary School, Oba, Oba
- Unity Secondary School, Nnokwa, Idemili-South
- Vision Builders College Oba, Isu-Ebii Oba
- Zion Secondry School Ebenesi, Nnobi, Nnobi
- Abbot Boys Secondary School, Ihiala, Okohia Ihiala
- Abbot Girls Secondary School, Ihiala, Ihiala Uzoakwa Umuarugwu
- Aluora Community Primary School, Uli, Uli
- Assumption Girls Secondary School, Uli, Uli
- Ausborn Secondary School, Isseke, Isseke
- Azia Comprehensive Secondary School, Azia, Azia
- Christ The Foundation Model Academy, Ihiala, Ihiala
- Community High School, Amorka, Uli
- Community High School, Umuoma, Uli
- Community Secondary School, Azia, Azia
- Community Secondary School, Isseke, Isseke
- Community Secondary School, Lilu, Lilu
- Community Secondary School, Orsumoghu, Orsumoghu
- Convent Of St. Mary, Ihiala, Ihiala
- Divine Secondary School, Ihiala, Ihiala
- Divinity Intl Schools, Uli, University Rd Uli
- Easy Knowledge Nursery And Primary School Amorka, Amorka
- Fast Learning Academy Secondary School Amorka, Amorka
- First Foundation Secondary School, Ihiala, Ihiala
- Gem Model Christian Nursery And Primary School, Umudimogo, Ihiala, Umudimogo Ihiala
- Government Tech. College, Ihiala, Ihiala Ubahaekwem
- Higher Achievers Sec. School, Uli
- Holy Family Comprehensive Secondary School, Okija, Okija
- Hope Secondary School, Ihiala, Ihiala
- Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys Secondary School, Azia, Azia
- Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Girls Secondary School, Azia, Azia
- Okija Grammar School, Okija, Okija
- Precious Child Secondary School, Uli, Uli
- Spencer Secondary School, Uli, Uli
- St Patrick College Okija, Okija
- St. Anthonys Secondary School, Azia, Azia
- St. Augustine College, Mbosi, Mbosi
- Uli High School, Uli, Uli
- Union Secondary School, Okija, Okija
- All Saints Secondary School Abagana, Njikoka
- Busy International Secondary School Nimo, Njikoka
- Community Secondary School, Nimo, Nimo/Ezira
- Community Secondary School, Abba, Abba
- Community Secondary School, E/Agidi, Iruobi Enugwu-Agidi
- Community Secondary School, Nawfia, Ifite/Nawfia
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Nawfia, Nawfia
- Consolers International College, Nimo
- Divine Light Standard Academy Akpu Abagana, Abagana/Akpu
- Girls Secondary School,Abagana, Abagana/Uru
- Goodchild Secondary School Enugwu-Ukwu, Enugwu-Ukwu/Uruokwe
- Government Technical College Enugwu Agidi, Enugwu-Agidi
- Ide Secondary Schoool E/Agidi, Enugwu-Ukwu/Avomimi
- Maria Gratia Plena School, Nimo
- Mount Zion Secondary School Enugwu -Agidi, Enugwu-Agidi
- Nnamdi Azikwe Ss Abagana, Abagana
- Okutalukwe Community Secondary School, Enugkwu-Ukwu, Enugwu-Ukwu/Akiyi
- St. Joseph Girls’ Secondary School,Nimo, Nimo/Abba
- St. Theresas Secondary School Enugwu-Ukwu, Enugwu-Ukwu/Umuakwu
- St.Michaels Model Comprehensive Secondary School Nimo.Css Nimo, Nimo
- Stella Maris Girls College Abagana, Njikoka
- Thy Kingdom Come Secondary School Abagana, Abagana Amaenye
- Victor Frank New Dimension Secondary School Mimo, Uruokofia Village Nimo
- Akaboedo Market Square Nnewi, Nnewi
- Akaboezem Community Secondary School, Uruagu Nnewi, Uruagu
- Community Secondary School, Nnewichi, Nnewichi
- Girlss Secondary School, Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi.
- Maria Regina Model Comprehensive Secondary School, Nnewi, Nnewi
- Nigeria Sc. &Amp; Tech College, Nnewi, Nnewi Otolo Ndiakwu
- Nnewi High School, Nnewi, Nnewi
- Okongwu Mem. Grammar School, Nnewi, Umudim/Nnewi/
- Women Education Center, Nnewi, Nnewi /Uruagu/Akaboedoji
- Boys High School, Osumenyi, Village
- Community High School, Ezinifite, Village
- Community School, Azigbo, Village
- Community School, Ukpor, Village
- Community Secondary School Ekwulumili, Village
- Community Secondary School, Amichi, Amichi
- Community Secondary School, Awka Ihedi, Village
- Community Secondary School, Awor Ezimuzor, Village
- Community Secondary School, Ebenator, Illage
- Ebe Unity College Ukpor, Vilage
- Girls High School, Osumenyi, Village
- Girls High School, Utuh, Village
- Government Tech College, Utuh, Town
- St Johnbosco Secondary School,Unubi, Village
- Ukpor High School, Ukpor, Village
- Union Secondary School, Amichi, Village
- Unubi High School, Unubi, Village
- Community Secondary School Obeagwe, Obeagwe
- Creative Model International School, Iyiowa Odekpe
- De Davids Intl School Nkpikpa, Nkpikpa Lay-Out
- Fountain Primary School Okpoko, Okpoko
- Liberty Secondary School, Okpoko
- Oxford Creative International Nursery/Primary/Secondary School, Iyiowa Odekpe
- St Tessy Matins Secondary School Okpoko, Okpoko
- Universal Secondary School Okpoko, Okpoko
- Actus Dei International School, Onitsha
- Ado Girls Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Akunne Oniah Memorial Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- All Hallows Seminary School Onitsha, Onitsha
- Anglican Girls Grammar School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Army Day Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Be-Radiant Secondary School, 3-3 Onitsha
- Beth-Roots Model Secondary School 3 3 Onitsha, Onitsha
- Bishop Crowder Memorial Model Secondary School, Onitsha
- Blessed Child Schools, Okosi
- Brook Hills International School, Onitsha
- Busy Brain International School, Onitsha
- Cordi Stars Intl School, 3 3 Onitsha, Onitsha
- Delight Academy Schools, Onitsha
- Dennis Memorial Grammar School, (D.M.G.S)., Onitsha, Onitsha
- Deo Gratias Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha-North
- Divine Intervention School, Federal Housing Estate 33 Onitsha
- Eastern Academy, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Front Liners International Secondary School, Fedral Housing Estate 33 Onitsha
- Glory Secondary School, Federal Housing Estate 3 3 Onitsha, Onitsha-North
- Gloryland International Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Godly Seeds Academy Secondary School, Fedral Housing Estate 33 Onitsha
- Gods Intervention Model School, Onitsha
- Government Technical College Onitsha, Onitsha
- Great Learners Citadel International Schools, Odume Layout
- Heritage Heights School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Holy Cross Secondary School, Gra Onitsha, Onitsha
- Holy Spirit International Secondary School , Omagba, Onitsha
- Inland Girls’,Secondary School Onitsha, Onitsha
- Ivory Secondary School, Fedral Housing Estate 33 Onitsha
- Kingdom Leaders International , 153 Okagbue Enema Layout Seaview Estate 33 Onitsha
- Latter Rain Foundation Schools, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Learning Field International School, Campus Ii, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Maranatha Intl Secondary School, Trans Nkisi 3 3 Onitsha, Onitsha
- Metropolitan Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Morther Bernedettte Anyogu Comprehensive Secondary School, Onitsha
- Myrtle Vine College, Onitsha
- New Era Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Onitsha High School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Onward Comprehensive Sec. Sch. Federal Housing Estate 3 3, Onitsha
- Our Lady Of Assumption Secondary Secondary School, Federal Housing Estate Onitsha 33
- Our Lady’S High School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Patterson Memorial Grammar School Onitsha, Onitsha
- Prince Mem. Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Queen Of The Rosary College,., Onitsha, Onitsha-North
- Redeemed Christian Secondary School, Onitsha
- Regent College, Gra Onitsha
- Regina Pacis Model Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Resurrection Secondary School, 33 Onitsha
- Rock Foundation College, Onitsha
- Royal Ambassadors Foundation Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Royal Land College, Onitsha
- Sancta Theresa Model Secondary School 33 Onitsha , Mba Farm 33 Onitsha
- St Marks Standard Secondary School, Omaba Onitsha, Onitsha
- St Therese Of The Child Jeuse International Secondary School Federal Housing Estate ,3-3,Onitsha, Federal Housing Estate Onitsha
- St. Charles Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- St. Christopher Junior Seminary 3-3, Onitsha
- St. Valerians High School, Akpaka Gra Ii Onitsha, Onitsha
- Supreme Kings Kids International Secondary School, Onitsha
- Trinity Secondary School Onitsha , Gra Onitsha
- United Learners Model Secondary School, Onitsha
- Victory College Omagba Phase 2 Onitsha, Onitsha
- Victory Model School, Federal Housing Onitsha, Federal Housing Estate Onitsha 33
- Washington Memorial Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha
- Arch Bishop Onyemelukwe Memorial Secondary School, Odoakpu
- Basic Steps International School, Fegge, Fegge
- Bethlehem Secondary Scool, Fegge, Fegge
- Christ The King College Onitsha, Odoakpu
- City International Secondary School Fegge , Onitsha South
- Confidence International Secondary Scool, Fegge, Fegge
- Estate Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Excellent International Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Greater Height Secondary School, Fegge
- Hallowed Ground Model Secondary School, Odoakpu, Odoakpu
- Infant Jesus Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Kezz Foundation Schools Jss, Fegge
- Learning Field International School, Jss, Fegge
- Light Of The World International School, Fegge
- Living Word Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Mayrays Secondary School, Housing Estate, Fegge
- Metu Mem. Secondary School, Onitsha, Odoakpu
- Modebe Mem.Secondary School, Onitsha, Onitsha-South
- Nfe Ochanja Mkt Primary School, Fegge, Odoakpu
- Nkem Comprehensive Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Non-Formal Education Bridge Head Ii Fegge, Fegge
- Non-Formal Education, Bridge Head 1, Fegge, Fegge
- Promise International Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Prudence Comprehensive Secondary School,, Onitsha
- Seat Of Wisdom Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Shanahan Memorial College Odoakpu Onitshsa, Odoakpu
- Special School For Deaf/ Dumb Onitsha, Onitsha-South
- St John The Apostle High School, Fegge, Onitsha-South
- St Johns Model Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- The Salvation Army Secondary School, Fegge, Fegge
- Urban Boy Secondary School, Onitsha, Fegge
- Urban Girls Secondary School, Onitsha, Fegge
- Ywca Nursery And Comprehensive Secondary School, Onitsha South
- All Saints International Technical College [Asitec] Awgbu, Awgbu
- Awgbu Ggrammar School, Awgbu, Awgbu
- Chapel Of The Light Secondary School, Oko, Oko
- Community High School Awgbu, Awgbu
- Community High School, Nanka, Nanka
- Community Seccondary Sch. Ndiokpaleke, Ndiokpaleke
- Community Secondary School Awgbu, Awgbu
- Community Secondary School Omogho, Kolulu-Village Omogho
- Community Secondary School, Awa, Awa
- Community Secondary School, E/Abor Ufuma, Ufuma
- Community Secondary School, Nanka, Nanka
- Community Secondary School, Ndikelionwu, Ndikelionwu
- Community Secondary School, Ndiowu, Ndiowu
- Community Secondary School, Oko, Oko
- Community Secondary School, Okpeze, Okpeze
- Community Secondary School, Ufuma, Ufuma
- Community Secondary School,Ndiukwuenu, Ndiukwuenu
- Daughters Of Mary, Mother Of Mercy Girlshigh School, Ndiowu
- Destined Success Academy Oko, Uhudo Village Oko
- Deus Primus College Uburu – Omogho, Omogho
- Ga1us Benton Secondary School, Oko, Ifite Oko
- St Charles Lwanga Secondary School, Amaokpala
- St John The Divine Secondary School, Oko, Eziabor – Oko
- Sunrise Secondary School,Oko, Oko
- The Incubators Secondary Academy Enugwuabor Ufuma, Ufuma
- All Saints Secondary School, Umunze., Umunze
- Beati Mundo Corde Comprehensive Secondary School, Umunze, Nsogwu Umunze
- Bethel Comprehensive College, Awuka Ogbunka
- Community High School, Nawfija., Nawfija
- Community High School, Ogboji., Ogboji
- Community High School, Umunze., Umunze Ugwunano
- Community Secondary School, Ihite., Nawfija
- Community Secondary School, Owere-Ezukala., Owerre Ezukala Mkputa
- Demostration Secondary School, Eziagu, Eziagu
- Divine Success Secondary School, Ndiabor-Umunze
- Fr Tansi Memorial Secondary School, Akpu
- Girls? Secondary School, Ogbunka., Ogbunka Umunobe
- Govt. Tech. College, Umunze., Umunze
- Ike Memorial Secondary School, Ihite Amakpuru
- Immaculate Conception International College, Umuchukwu
- Kenora Innovative Highschool, Umunze Anambra State, Umunze
- Madonna Girls Secondary School, Umunze
- Model Secondary School, Umunze/Lomu/Agbrigba
- New Bethel Secondary School, Isulo., Isulo
- Premier Secondary School, Ogbunka., Awuka Village
- St Domic Sario Seminary Akpu, Akpu
- St Peters Secondary School, Lomu Umunze
- Union Secondary School, Owere-Ezukala., Owrre/Ezukala
- Union Secondary School, Umuomaku., Umuomaku
- Universal Comprehensive Secondary School, Umunze/Ikpafor
- Victory High School, Ezira., Ezira
- Access International Secondary School, Nkwelle-Ezunaka
- Archbishop Maxwell Anikwenwa Secondary School, Awkuzu
- Best Brain High School, Umunya
- Boys High School, Nteje, Nteje
- Cave City Secondary School, Azuogbunike
- Cedars Intl College, Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Community High School, N/Ezunaka, Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Community Secondary School, Akwuzu, Awkuzu
- Community Secondary School, Umunya, Umunya
- Crystal Valley Modern High School, Umunya Ezi-Umunya
- Deeper Life High School Nteje, Nteje
- Divine Foundation International Secondary School, Nkwele Ezunaka
- Divine Knowledge Secondary School, Awkuzu
- Eagle Minds Academy, Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Eclat Foundation Secondary School, Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Gods Favour International Secondary School Awkuzu, Awkuzu
- Golden Knowledge Group Of Schools, Awkuzu , Ukpomachi- Awkuzu
- Immanuel Standard College, Nkwelle -Ezunaka
- Marist Comprehensive College, Nkwelle-Ezunaka
- Model Comprehensive Secondary School, Nkwelle -Ezunaka
- Mother Of Christ Secondary School, Amawa Ogbunike
- New Era Secondary School, Nteje, Nteje
- Orient Special College, Ogbunike
- Precious International School (Secondary), Nkwelle Ezunaka ( Holy Ghost Estate)
- Progressive Secondary School, Umunya, Umunya
- Restoration Schools, Nkwelle-Ezunaka
- Sint Thomas Comprehensiv Secondary School Ogbunike, Ogbunike
- St Monica College Ogbunike, Ogbunike Ifite
- St Stephens College Ogbunike, Ogbunike
- St. Monicaã¯Â¿Â½S College, Nteje
- Unity Secondary School, Akwuzu, Ifite Awkuzu
- Women Education Centre , Awkuzu, Awkuzu
- Zenith Super College , Awkuzu., Awkuzu
- St. Felix Christ College, Otigba., Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Mater Amabilis Secondary School Umuoji, Umuoji
- Asaf Schools Junior Secondary, Gra
- Ogbaru High School, Ogbakuba, Ogbaru
- Anthony Obaze Memorial Cummunity Secondary School Ochuche, Ochuche
- Community Secondary School, Atani, Atani
- Ideke Girls School, Ogbaru, Odekpe
- Government Technical College Ossamala, Umuoyeogwu Village Ossomala
- Community Girls Secondary School, Okpoko, Okpoko
- Vision High School, Umudim Nnewi
- Unity Comprehensive Girls High School,Okpoko, Okpoko
- University Preparatory Secondary School,Oduda Nnewichi, Nnewi., Oduda Nnewichi Nnewi.
- Community Primary School 11 Iyiowa, Odekpe, Odekpe
- Josephine Oduah Memorial Sec. School Akili Ozizor, Oorial Sec. School Akili Ozizor
- Talent Comprehensive Seconsary School,Ezinifite, Village
- Prof. Sam Chukwujekwu Memorial Grammar School,Okofia., Okofia.
- Fidelity Secondary School Unubi, Village
- The Masters Secondary School, Nnewi, Uru- Umudim.
- Migrant School Agwe-Efi, Agw-Efi
- Great Divine Gift Secondary School, Uruagu
- St. Patricks College Awka, Awka
- Mater Misericordia Secondary School, Nkwelle Ezunaka, Nkwelle Ezunaka
- Community Boys Secondary School, Okpoko, Okpoko
- China Foundation International Secondary School Iyiowa, Iyiowa Odekpe
- St. Mary The Virgin Model Sec. School East Niger, East Niger Layout Obgaru
- Graceland Academy Okoti – Odekpe, Okoti – Odekpe
- Creative Model International School Iyiowa-Odekpe, Iyiowa Odekpe
- Assumption Comprehensive Secondary School Umuh,Ukpor, Village
- Ebony International Secondary School, Nnewichi
- Federal Science And Technical College, Amikwo Awka
- Potters College Nkwelle Awka, Awka
- Orient Special College, Ogbunike, Ogbunike
- Prudent Tutors Montessori Nursery And Primary School, Umudim Nnewi
- The Light Secondary School, Oko
- Blemic Secondary Schools, Ogbunike, Ogbunike
- Saint Monicas College Ogbunike, Ogbunike
- The Incubators Secondary Academy , Enugu-Abo
- Community Secondary School, Omogho, Omogho
- St Mary The Virgin Convent Ufuma, Village
- Sancta Maria Comprehensive ,Ezinifite, Village
- Mabel Divine International Secondary School, Nnewichi
- Calvary Secondary School, Okpoko
- St. Vincent De Paul Group Of Schools Iyiowa Odekpe, Iyiowa Odekpe
- Golden Star School Of Excellence, Amichi Okpokolo
- Light International School, Okoti
- Divine Destiny Intl School Iyiowa Odekpe, Iyiowa Odekpe
- Grace Court International High School, Awka
- City Intl Schools, Obgaru
- Union Secondary School, Ichi, Ichi
- Divine Gift Model Secondary School, Egbema, Ozubulu
- Comprehensive Secondary School Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Mater Dei Secondary School, Oraifite
- Robertson Vocational And Computer Institute, Obosi
- Notre Dame High School, Abatete, Abatete
- St. Judes School, Ihiala, Okohia Village Ihiala
- De Paul Secondary School And Deaf Unit, Oraifite
- Great Leaders Nursery And Primary School Ugbenu, Ugbenu
- Favour Of Grace School Ugbenu, Umuopinta Village Ugbenu
- Divinity Intl Secondary School Uli, Uli
- Divine Secondary School Akwa Ihiala, Ihiala Akwa
- Holy Innocent Secondary School,Ukpor, Vilage
- Diamond Model Sec Sch School, Amichi
- Prince Of Peace Foundation Secondary School, Okpoko
- Blessed Child Secondary School, Nkpikpa
- Leaders Of Tomorrow Secondary School, Okpoko
- Holy Innocent Secondary School, Nnewi., Nnewi
- Rhema International Secondary School ,Amichi, Village
- St Judes Comprehensive Secondary School, Ozubulu, Ozubulu
- Enizim Secondary School Ekwulumili, Ekwulumili,
- Popular Secondary School Amorka, Amorka
- Community Secondary School , Awgbu
- Ausborn Secondary School Issek, Isseke Umueze
- Spencer Secondary School Umuoma Uli, Umuoma Uli
- Hez Dike School Awka, Awka-Amikwo
- Epignosis Standard College, Fegge, Fegge
- Divine College, Fegge, Fegge
- Nwaokike Memorial Secondary School Ebenebe, Ebenebe
- Nwafor Orizu College Of Education Demostration Secondary School, Nsugbe, Nsugbe
- Pace Setters Model Secondary School, Abata Nsugbe
- Holy Rosary Girls College, Nsugbe, Abata Nsugbe
- Zion Mission Secondary School, Nsugbe, Nsugbe
- Sedes Sapientiae College, Nsugbe, Nsugbe
- Chukwudozie Comprehensive College, Agulu
- Bishop Anthony Nkwoka Grammar, Nsugbe
- Zest International College , Onitsha
- Agef (Apple Of Gods Eyes Foundation ) Secondary School , Fegge
- Higher Achivers Intl Secondary School , Amamputu Uli
- St. Josephs Nursery And Primary School, Okofia Otolo., Okofia Otolo Nnewi.
- Courageous Minds International School, Umuanuka Otolo
- Harvesters International School, Umuanuka Otolo Nnewi
- Eminent Scholars Imperial Academy, Nkpikpa Urban Onisha
- Upright Secondary School, Nkpikpa Lay-Out
- Fountain Of Knowlegde Model School, Nnewi, Abubor Nnewichi Nnewi
- Mind Of God International Secondary School, Ufuma
- Fountain Of Wisdom International Secondary School, Umudim Nnewi, Nnewi
- Calvary Comprehensive Secondary School (Missionary), Ururo Umunze
- Mind Of International Secondary School Oko, Town
- St Patricks Nursery School Enugu-Umuonyia, Enugu-Umuonyia
- Divine Model Secondary School Ndiorah Ezinator, Ndiorah Ezinator
- Phrankstars Classic School, Amawbia
- Bristish Spring College, Awka
- Community Secondary School, Ndike, Ndike
- Saint Pauls Academy, Umuchiana Ekwulobia
- St. Barnabas Secondary School, Omaba Onitsha, Onitsha
- Community Secondary School, .Ajalli, Ajalli
- Pillars Technical College Akpo, Akpo
- First Hill Secondary School, Umuchima Ekwulobia
- Solid Step Internation School, Nkpor
- Kentina International School, Nnewi
- Great Minded Ambassadors International School, Ekwulobia, Okpo Village Hall
- Evidence Link Academy , Nnewi
- The Lords Foundation School.Nnewichi Nnewi., Nnewichi Nnewi..
- Dr. Alutus College Of Excellence And Computer Studies, Nnewi., Nnewi
- Christ Foundation Secondary School, Awada Obosi
- Concept College Ekwulobia, Ekwulobia
- New Generation Secondary School , Agba-Ekwulobia, Agba

Secondary Education
Pre-Independence to 1982 (The 5-Year System)
Before Nigeria gained independence in 1960, secondary education lasted for five years. After completing this period, eligible students proceeded to a two-year Higher School Certificate (HSC) program, which qualified them for university education.
This system followed a 3+2 structure:
- Three years of junior secondary education.
- Two years of senior secondary education.
However, the education system underwent major reforms after independence.
Post-1982 Reform (Introduction of the 6-Year System)
In 1982, recognizing the need to improve education, especially in science and technical subjects, the Nigerian government extended secondary education to six years. The goal was to expand the curriculum to better prepare students for the demands of the modern world.
This reform introduced the 6-3-3-4 system:
- 6 years of primary education
- 3 years of junior secondary education
- 3 years of senior secondary education
- 4 years of university education (or more, depending on the course).
This system remains the standard in Nigeria today.