List of Secondary Schools and their addresses in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
Akwa Ibom has over 696 Secondary Schools. The names and addresses of the schools are:
- , Army Secondary School, Ibagwa, Ibagwa
- Bishop Urom Academy, Nto Obo Ikot, Essien Uten
- Central Comprehensive Secondary School, Afaha Obong, Afaha Obong
- Central Secondary School, Nko Otoro, Nko Otoro Abak
- Communityhigh School, Afaha Obong, Afaha Obong
- Comprehensive Secondary School , Ediene, Abak
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Midim, Midim
- Comprehensive. Junior Secondary School, Atai Otoro,Abak, Atai Otoroabak
- Creative High School , Abak
- Ennon High School, Abak Town, Nifor Road Abak
- Esteem Secondary School, Midim-Waterside Abak, Abak Town
- Faith P0wer College, Ikot Etok Udo Otoro
- Full Gospel Internnational Secondary School, Abak Town
- Full Grace International School , Utu Abak
- George Omo International College , Utu Abak
- Government Models Girls Secondary School, Ikot Ekang
- Govt. Technical Junior College, Abak, Abak Town
- Havilah High School, Abak, Abak Town
- Holy Family College, Oku-Abak, Oku-Abak
- Hopeland High School , Manta
- Independent Comprehensive College , Itung
- Mcintire Secondary Commercial School, Utu -Abak, Utu-Abak
- Methodist Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Essien Ekot Otoro
- Nigerian Christian Secondary School, Ukpom, Ukpomabak
- Nseptip High School, Ekpat Iduot, Midim
- Palmgrove Christian Secondary Seminary, Utu-Abak, Utu-Abak
- Queen Of Apostles Seminary, Afaha Obong
- Royal College Secondary School , Akpasak
- Saints College , Uyo
- Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Etokudo/Ibong Otoro, Ikot Etokudo Otoro
- Seed Of Heaven Secondary School, Ikot Odiong, Afaha Obong
- St. Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Oku Mfang, Ikot Oku
- The Unique Secondary School, Eka Nto Obo, Eka Nto Oboabak
- Tower Of Ivory Secondary School, Ediene, Ediene-Abak
- Vikidyl Model College, Abak
- Willcon Comprehensive High School, Ibiakpan No2 Otoro, Ibiakpan No2 Otoro
- Witmore Academy , Mbarakom
- World Faith High School, Nelson Mandela
- Community Secondary School, Iko, Iko
- Foundation Comprehensive Secondary School , Iwofe
- Govt. Comprehensive Secondary School, Amadaka, Amadaka
- Jesus Child Academy Secondary School, Okorombokho, Okorombokho
- Migrant Secondary School Emere-Oke, Emere-Oke
- Obiko Comprehensive High School Ikonta Obianga, Ikonta Obianga
- Okoromita Community Secondary School, Okoroete, Okoroete
- Abraham Memorial International School, Okopedi
- Alex Secondary School, Idua
- All Weather Secondary School, Eket
- Beautiful Gate High School, 29 Iko Ikwa Road, Eket, Iko Ikwa
- Blessed Hope Academy Schools , Odoro Enen Ofriyo
- Community Secondary Comercial School, Odio Town, Eket
- Community Secondary School, Idong Iniang, Eket
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Use Ekong, Eket
- Dayspring Comprehensive College, Eket, Eket
- De High Peculiar School , Afaha Eket
- Destiny Secondary School Eket, Afaha Uqua
- Divine High School, Afaha Uqua
- Divine Nursery And Primary School, Town
- Divine Seeds Schools Idua Eket, Idua
- Divineseeds High School, Eket, Eket
- Dominion Intl School,, Ikot Okudumu
- Emives International Secondary School, Town
- Evangel Global Secondary School, Eket
- Everest School, Town
- Excellent Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Udoma, Eket, Ikot Udoma
- Faith Acadamy Day Secondary School, Town
- Frankfurt High School Eket, Odoro Enen
- Girls High School, Ikot Ibiok Eket, Eket
- Glamour Middle Secondary School, Eket, Afaha Odorenin
- Glorious Vision Secondary School, Eket
- God First Model Academy, Eket
- Government School, Afaha Eket, Eket
- Government Secondary School , Afaha Atai
- Govt. Secondary School, Ikot Eket, Eket
- Greenfield High School , Asang
- Harry Haigh Schools, Idung Iniang Ikot Uso Ekong
- Helen British High School , Usung Inyang
- Henolat Secondary School, Afaha Eket
- Icon Global High School, Eket
- Imperial Secondary School, Eket
- Jotimack Technical College, Idung Udoh
- Liberation Gate Academy, Afaha Odua
- Merrit International , Village
- Modest Seeds Schools , Ofriyo
- Ndue Eduo High School, Eket, Eket
- New Era High School Eket, Town
- Nuture Nurture High School , Asang
- Ontario High School , Ekpene Ukpa
- Pegasus High School, Ikot Obiom
- Princekin High School , Afaha Uqua
- Progressive High School, Odungide
- Qua Iboe Church Secondary School Grace Bill, Eket
- Revelation Secondary School, Eket
- Roseland Breed International School, Edeurua
- Solid Foundation Secondary School, Ikot Obiom, Eket, Eket
- St, Francis Secondary School, Ikot Ataku, Town
- Treasure High School, Mkpok
- Virtues Model International School , Udofa
- Blescon International Schools Uquo, Uquo
- Christian Comprehensive High School, Akpautong
- Community Secondary School, Akpautong, Akpautong
- Eket Modern High School, Ekpene Obo, Ekpene Obo
- Lutheran High School, Uquo Assang
- Model International Secondary School, Ntak Inyang
- National High School, Etebi, Etebi
- Secondary School, Edo, Edo
- Union Technical College, Ikpa Town
- Annang Secondary Commercial, Idung Esimuk, Odoro Ikot, Idung Esimuk Odoro Ikot
- Community Sec Commercial School, Ukana East, Essien-Udim
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Uko Odoro Ikot, Ikot Uko Odoro Ikot
- Community Secondary School, Ikpe Annang, Ikpe Annang
- Community Secondary School, Nto Usung, Nto Osung
- Community Secondary School, Ukana West, Essien-Udim
- Future Hope Redemption College, Essien-Udim
- Golden Legacy International Schools, Ukana Odoro Ikot, Ukana Odoro Ikot
- Govt. Secondary School, Nto Nsek, Essien-Udim
- Independece High School, Ukana, Essien-Udim
- Jeoma Secondary Commercial School, Umon-Okon
- Johnn Maurice International Schools , Ukana
- Kings And Queens Academy Idung Esimuk Odoro Ikot, Idung Esimuk Odoro Ikot
- Kizito Community Secondary School, Adiasim, Essien-Udim
- Living Hope Christian Nursery Schools, Ikpe Ikot Akpan, Ikpe Annang
- Model Migrant Secondary School, Essien-Udim
- New Century College , Ukana Ikot Ntuen
- Notre Dame Girls Secondary School, Urua Edet Obo
- Okon Secondary School, Ikot Oko, Ikot Oko
- Police Secondary School, Ukana, Ukana
- Secondary School, Odoro Ikot, Odoro Ikot
- St Caspar Schools Ikot Ineme, Essien-Udim
- St Dominic International School, Essien-Udim
- St Raphael College, Mbiabet Ikpe
- St. Joseph Catholic School Okon, Okon
- Sure Foundation College Ikot Ekpenyong, Essien-Udim
- Topfaith International Secoondary School, Mkpatak
- Christian Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Edet
- Christian Foundation Model Academy, Uruk Ata 11
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Eka Obong/Ukanafun Edem Inyang, Eka Obong/Ukanafun Edem Inyang
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Ese, Ikot Ese
- Community Secondary School, Eka Uruk Eshiet, Eka Uruk Eshiet
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Esop, Ikot Esop
- Community Secondary School, Uruk Ata 2, Uruk Ata Ii
- Community Secondary Technical School, Etok Uruk Eshiet, Etok Uruk Eshiet
- Divine Comprehensive Secondary School, Ibio Nnung Iba
- Divine Foundation Secondary School, Udianga Enem
- Ekemini Model Secondary School, Udianga Enem
- Excellent Christian Secondary School, Nto Unang
- Foresight Comprehensive College, Inen Ikot Okpo, Inen Ikot Ebo
- Godcares Nigerian Academy, Iwukem
- Government School, Nkwot Ikono, Nkwot Ikono
- Great Faith Comprehensive College , Utu Ikot Ekpo
- Hero 1 Technical College , Ntak Inyang, Eka Uruk Eshiet
- Iwukem High School, Iwukem, Etim-Ekpo
- Lumen Christi Academy, Ikot Iyah
- Nigerian Christian Academy, Uruk Ata Ikot Akpan, Uruk Ata Ikot Akpan
- Northern Annang Secondary Commercial School, Utu Etim Ekpo, Utu Etim Ekpo
- Ntawin Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Odongo, Ikot Odongo
- Victory Christian Comp. High School, Omum Unyam, Omum Nyam
- Beulah International School Ekom Iman, Ekom Iman
- Calvary Victory Comprehensive Institute , Ikot Esua Etinan
- Command Science Secondary School, Etinan
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Nte, Etinan
- Community Secondary Community School, Ikot Akpabio, Village
- Community Secondary Community School, Ikot Eba, Etinan
- Community Secondary Grama School, Ikot Etina, Etinan
- Community Secondary School, Asuna, Asuna
- Community Secondary School, Nkana, Etinan
- Comprehensive Secondary School Ekom Iman, Ekom Iman
- Comprehensive Secondary School Ekpene Ukpa, Ekpenen Ukpa
- Etinan Community Secondary School, Etinan, Etinan
- Etinan Institute Secondary School, Etinan, Etinan
- Fundamental College, Etinan
- Government Techinical College Mbioto Ii, Etinan
- Precious Regent International School (Regent Academy), Ikot Inyang
- Regina Rex High School, Etinan
- Salvation Army High School, Efa, Etinan
- Salvation Army School, Ikot Akpan Obio Ekot, Ikot Akpan Obio Ekot
- Slawd Peters Comprehensive Technical School Ilo Uyo Road Etinan, Town
- Starlight International Devine College Akpan Ekanem Street , Etinan
- Absolute Success Internaional School, Inyang Itor Upenekang
- Bright Light High School, Ibeno
- David Ekong Memorial Secondary School, Ibeno
- Dependable Gods Care High School, Iwuoachang
- Destiny Seed College, Mkpanak
- Divine Grace International College, Iwuoachang
- Gods Family Academy, Iwuoachang
- Greater Ibeno All Stars Secondary Schools, Upenekangu
- Mkpanak Community Secondary School, Mkpanak
- S. S. Peter And Paul Comprehensive High School, Inua Eyet Ikot, Mkpanak
- Secondary Grammar School, Ibeno, Upenekang
- Airforce Comprehensive School, Okop Ndua Erong
- Asutan Ekpe Comprehensive Secondary School, Okop Ndua Erong, Okop Ndua Erong
- Awesome Blessing Secondary School , Ikot Iko
- Bayan International Nursery School, Nna-Umiang, Nna-Umiang
- Brotherhood Secondary School, Ikot Ibe Akpakpan, Ikot Ibe Akpakpan
- Christ Child College, Nung Udoe Ibesikpo
- Christ Marshals Model Academy, Mbak Ekpe
- Community Secondary Grammar School, Ikot Essien, Ikot Essien
- Community Secondary School , Obot Ideng
- Community Secondary School, Nung Ette, Nung Ette
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Akpaetok / Ediam, Ibesikpo-Asutan
- Duke International Secondary School, Ikot Ikere
- Godswill Comprehensive Secondary School, Obot Idim Ibesikpo
- Golden Child Secondary School, Ikot Obio Nko, Ikot Obio Nko
- Ibesikpo Secondary Community School , Nung Udoe, Ibesikpo-Asutan
- Ikpaisong Science And Technical School, Ikot Obio Ata
- Kingsley International Secondary School , Afaha Etok
- Lutheran High School, Obot Idim, Obot Idim
- Mary Divine College, Mbikpong, Ikot Edim, Ikot Edim
- Mfononbong School, Nung Ete
- Ndikpo Grammar School, Ikot Obio Nko, Ikot Obio Nko
- Princeton Elite Internationational College, Owot Uta
- Rehma High School, , Ikot Ikot
- Secondary Commercial School School, Iwawa Usung Eket, Ikot Akpa Edung, Iwawa Usung Eket Ikot Akpa Edung
- Springchild International School , Afaha Ibesikpo
- The City Of God Secondary Commercial School, Itoko, Itoko
- Trinity Stars Model School, Ikot Akpan Abia
- Wisdom-Field International Secondary School, Afaha Atai, Afaha Atai
- Bright Unity College , Nkwa Ibiono
- Christian International College, Ikot Enyin Idoro
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Mbiabong Nsan
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ono, Ono
- Community Secondary School Ibiaku Ibiono Western, Ibiaku
- Community Secondary School Ikot Usen, Ikot Usen
- Community Secondary School, Itukho, Itukho
- Community Secondary School, Use Ikot Amama, Use Ikot Amama
- Comprehensive Secondary School- Ntan Mbat, Ntan Mbat
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Uneke, Ikot Uneke
- Dean Comprehensive College, Nkim Ibiono
- Divine Link Intl High School, Ibiaku Inyang Isong
- Excess Academy Sec School, Use Ikot Oku
- Faith Academy , Asanting Ibiono
- Flowing Grace International School, Ibiaku Ikot Ukpong, Ibikot Ukpong
- Fulga International College Mbiabam, Mbiabam
- Future Leaders High School , Ikot Ada Idem
- Ibiono Community High School, O. Edem Urua, Edem Urua
- Ibiono South Commercial Secondary School, Ibiaku Ikpedip, Ibiaku Ikpedip
- Island Prestigious Schools, Ikot Idaha Ibiono
- Judea International Schools, Ikot Ekwere Ibiono, Ikot Ekwere Ibiono
- Lott Carey Baptist Secondary School Afaha Obio Eno, Afaha Obion Eno
- Mass Education/Skill Acquisition School, Asanting Ibiono
- Model Sec Commercial School, Ibiaku Itu Udo
- Presbyterian Secondary School, Use Ikot Oku, Town
- Progress International Schools , Ikot Ambang
- Secondary School, Ididep, Ididep-Ibiono Ibom
- Train Guide Academy, Ikot Ambang, Ibiono Ibom
- Ubofes International College, Ikot Idaha Ibiono
- Union Secondary School, O. Ibiaku, Ibiaku
- Alfred Science And Computer School, Ikot Akpan Ifang
- Blessed Hope Comprehensive College, Ikot Otong Ikotakpa Offiong
- Christian Standard Science College, Nto Udo Enwan
- Government Technical College Ikot Uko-Ika, Ikot Uko
- Gracefield Comprehensive Academy, Udi Ika, Village
- Ika Community High School, Ikot Akpan Anwa, Urban Ii
- Ika Secondary Community School, Ikot Osukpong, Urua In Yang
- King Of Kings Secondary Commercial School, Nto Ntia
- St, Augustines Secondary School, Urua Inyang, Ika
- St. Johns College Ikot Inyang 3., Ikot Inyang 3 Ika
- Trinity High School Ikot Inyang Ika, Ikot Inyang Ika
- Victory Academy Otomo Ika, Otomo Ika
- Archibong Memorial Secondary School, Ukpom, Ukpom
- Bright Future Academy, Ikot Umo Osuk Ediene
- Community Secondary School Obio Ediene, Obio Ediene
- Competent Comprehensive Secondary School, Nkara Obio Ikono
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ndiya, Ndiya
- Detrio International Secondary School , Itak Ikot Akpandem
- Divine Grace Secondary School, Ikot Udofia Itak
- Eboison Comprehensive College, Ndiya Etok
- Ediene Community Secondary School, Ikot Ayan, Ikono
- Effective Model School, Afaha Ediene
- Ikono Girls Secondary School, Itak Ikot Akpa Ndon, Itak Ikot Akpandem
- Ikono Peoples High School, Nung Ukim, Nung Ukim
- Real Cornerstone College, Mbioku Ikot Odung
- Royal Lovex International School, Ikot Akpa Ekpuk Ndiya
- St, Mary’S Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Nseyen, Ikot Nseyen
- Trinity Academy, Iton Odoro, Ikono
- Uncle Peters International College, Mbiabong Ikot Ette
- Unity High School, Mbiabong Ukan, Ikono
- Akama Catholic Girls High School Essene, Essene
- Alexma Secondary School , Ikpetim
- Alscon Staff Secondary School Ikot Abasi, Ikot Abasi
- Beneno International Schools, Ete
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Odoro Atan, Odoro Atan
- Comprehensive High School, Edemaya, Ikot Abasi
- Creative Minds Academy, Ikot Obong, Ikot Abasi Urban
- Destiny Model Secondary School, Ikot Ukpo Inua
- Grand Light Model Schools, Ata Udousung
- Jennet Model High School, Ikot Abasi
- Life Foundation Secondary School, Ikwa
- Methodist Secondary School, Ete, Ete
- Midtown Secondary Commercial School Ukan Edemaya, Ukan Edemaya
- Paniel International Schools, Ette Ikot Abasi
- Progressive Secondary Commercial School, Okon, Okon
- Qua Iboe Church Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Osudu
- Regina Coeli College Essene, Essene
- Royal Secondary School, Ikot Ukpo Inua, Ikot Ukpo Inua
- Secondary Commercial School, Ibekwe, Ibekwe
- Shining Stars Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Abasi, Ikot Abasi
- St Teresa Model School, Ikot Abasi Urban, Ikot Abasi Urban
- Ukpum Ete Secondary Technical School, Ete
- Ukpum Okon Comprehensive Secondary School, Okon Town, Okon Town
- Unity Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Obong
- Amanyam Community Secondary School, Mbiaso, Ikot-Ekpene
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Inyang, Ikot Inyang
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Urua Obo, Ikot-Ekpene
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Abia Idem/Ikot Enwang
- Confidence Comprehensive High School, New Stadium Road, Ikot Ekpene
- Divine Assistance Christian College, Uruk Uso
- Duchess Park Academy, Ikot Ekpene
- Edemsco Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Idem
- Edwina College, Uruk Uso
- Federal Government College, Ikot Ekpene
- Foresight International Academy, 198 Aba Road, Ikot Akpan Abia
- Global Icon Foundation Schools, Ifuho Ikot Okpo
- Goretti Girl’S Secondary Commercial School, Ikot-Ekpene
- Government Technical College , Ikot Udoe
- Graben International Nursery/Primary School, Ikot Idem
- Greenfield College, Ibiakpan
- Immanuel College, Ikot Ekpene
- Itai Comprehensive High School,Ikot Obionting, Ikot Ekpene
- Liberty College, Ikot Otu, Ikot Otu
- Lutheran High School, Ikot Obong Edong
- Methodist Girls Secondary School, Utu Ikpe
- Mid-Town Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Ekpene
- Modern Comprehensive Secondary School, Abiakpo Ikot Essien
- Pinnacle College, Ikot Ekpene/Nkap
- Premium College, Abak Oko, Abak Oko
- Redeemers High School , Ikot Ekpene
- Ritman College, Ikot Ekpene, Ikot Ekpene
- Royal Achievers Group Of Schools , Ikot Uboh
- Saint Louises Inclusive Secondary Secondary School, Ikot Ekpene, Ikot Ekpene
- Scipture Union High School, Ikot Ekpene , Ikot Enwang
- Secondary Commercial School, Indon Ide, Ikot Ekpene, Ndon Ide
- St. Pauls Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Ekpene, Ikot Ekpene
- State College, Abak Road, Ikot Ekpene
- State Secondary Commercial School, Okop Eto, Abaikpo Ikot Essien
- Topfaith Legacy College, Ibiakpan, Ikot Ekpene
- Wisdomville College , Ikot Offiong
- Amasun Model Academy, Mbiabet Ikpe, Mbiabet Ikpe
- Beracah Standard College, Mbiabong Ikot Udofia, Mbiabong Ikot Udofia
- Christian Comprehensive College, Ibam Edet
- Community Secondary School, Ukwok, Ini
- Comprehensive High School, Ukwok, Ini
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Mbiabet Ikpe, Mbiabet
- Dominic Kengel High School, Odoro Ikpe, Odoro Ikpe
- Franco Secondary Commercial School, Ananamong Itu Mbonuso, Ini
- Ikpe Community Secondary School, Ibam Edet, Ini
- Ini Secondary School, Ikpe Ikot Nkon, Ikpe Ikot Nkon
- Iwerre Comprehensive Secondary School, Ini
- Life And Light Comprehensive College, Odoro Ikpe, Ini
- Life And Ligth Comprehensive College, Ikpe Ikot Nkon
- Nazareth Technical College, Mbiakpa Ibakesi, Mbiakpa Ibakesi
- Odoro Ikono Secondary School, Mbiabong Ik Udo, Mbiabong Ikot Udofia, Ini L.G.A.
- Ogu Community Secondary School, Itu Mbon Uso, Ogu Itu Mbonuso
- Prince Michael Cmprehensive Secondary School, Ini
- Redeemer Secondary School, Ikot Essien Itumbonuso, Ikot Essien Itumbonuso
- Secondary Commercial School, Mbiabong Ikot Udofia, Ini
- Secondary School, Ebo Itu Mbon Uso, Ebo Village
- African Church Sec.Comm.Sch., Oku Iboku
- Arconi Academy, Nung Ukot Itam
- Ayadeha Technical School, Ayadeha
- Brilliant Comprehy College, Ekit Itam 2
- Christ City Academy Secondary School, Ekit Itam 2
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, East Itam, East Itam Itu
- Community Sec Commercial School, Ibiaku Itam, Town
- Community Secondary School, Mbak Obio Itam
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Andem Itam, Village
- Diplomats Academy, Mbribit Itam
- Ekemini-Abasi Model Secondary School, 10 Imo Street Off Urua Ikpa Road. Itu
- Grace Field Nursery School, Utibe Ita Street, Ekit Itam Ii
- Greysons Academy, Ikot Mbonde Itam
- Itam Secondary School, Itam, Obong Itam
- Jimbo Secondary Commercial School, Afaha Obong Itam/Uyo
- Jupepasil Nursery/Primary School, Ikot Ekpuk Itam
- Lott Carey Baptist Academy , Ikot Ebom Itam
- Mfonabasi High School Nwut Usiong, Nwut Usiong
- Monef High School, Ikot Ebom Itam, Ikot Ebom Itam
- New Jessy International Secondary School Ikot Ekwere Itam, Ikot Ekwere Itam
- Ntiat/Mbak Comprehensive Sec School, Ntiat/Mbak, Itu Urban
- Rowth Christian Academy, Nung Ukot Itam
- Royal Comprehensive Secondary School, Itu Hill
- Ruth International Academy, Obio Edet, Ikot Ntu, Oku Iboku, Village
- Ukpaubong Community Secondary School, Ukpaubong, Itam
- Watson International, Ikot Ntu,Oku Iboku
- West Itam Secondary School, Ekit Itam Ii, Ekit Itam Ii
- Word Of Faith Schools , Enen Afaha Itam
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Udesi, Udesi
- Community Secondary Grammar School, Ebughu, Mbo
- Enwang Comprehensive Secondary School, Enwang, Enwang
- Ibaka Community Secondary School, Ibaka
- Oduo Comprehensive Secondary School, Oduo
- Uda Community Secondary School, Offi-Uda
- Adiahaobong Girls High School, Ikot Ekop, Ikot Ekop
- Ame Zion Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Obio Ekpong
- Assong Community Gramma School, Assong, Mkpat-Enin
- Community High School, Ikot Essen, Ikot Essen
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Esa Ekpo, Esa Ekpo
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Iffe Town, Iffe Town
- Community Secondary School, Mkpat Enin, Mkpat Enin
- Community Secondary School, Nya Odiong, Nya Odiong
- Community Technical College, Ikot Akata
- Comprehensive High School, Ikot Abia, Ikot Abia
- Costline Modern College, Ikot Inyang Okop, Ikot Inyang Okop
- Dominion Academy Group Of Schools, Ikot Ekong, Ikot Ekong
- Edu Secondary School, Ikot Edeghe, Mkpat-Enin
- Esetang High School, Ekim, Ekim
- Excellence College, Ikot Unya, Ikot Unya
- Father Fintans Memorial Community Secondary School, Ikot Ntot, Ikot Ntot
- Federal Government Girls College, Ukam Ikot Obio Itong
- Godswill Academy. Nya Obiong, Nya Odiong
- Great Achievers Secondary School, Mkpat Enin, Mkpat Enin
- Hope Academy, Ikot Ekpe
- Ibiaku Clan Community Secondary School, Ikot Ebak, Ikot Ebak
- Ikpa Ibom Community Secondary School, Ikot Ekong, Ikot Ekong/Ikot Enin
- Pentecostal Assemblies High School, Minya Ntar
- Qua Iboe Church Secondary Community School, Minya, Minya
- Secondary School, Ibotio/Ndon, Ibotio And Ndon
- Secondary School, Ukam, Mkpat Enin, Ukam
- Starlink International School, Ikot Akpaden, Ikot Akpaden
- The Apotolic Church Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Obiokoi
- Blessed Redeemer International Schools, Ndisiak Nsit,, Nsit Atai
- Community Sec Commercial School, Ikot Akpan Ike, Nsit Atai
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Iwok, Iwok
- Community Secondary School, Ibedu Idikpa, Nsit Atai
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Ubok Udom, Nsit Atai
- Danson Secondary School, Ikot Uyo-Nsit, Nsit Atai
- Eastern Nsit Secondary School, Odot, Odot
- Essien Itiaba Community Secondary School, Essien Itiaba, Ikot Asua
- Migrant Community Secondary School, Nsit Atai
- Abu Ivy Technical College , Oboyo Ikot Ita
- Akscoe Staff School, Afaha Nsit, Afaha Nsit
- Apost, Ch, School, Ikot Oku Nsit, Ikot Oku Nsit
- Christian Academy, Oboyo Ikot Ita
- Community Secondary School, Afia Nsit Urua Nko, Afia Nsit Urua Nko
- Community Secondary School, Edebom I, Edeobom 1
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ataha-Abia
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Oboetim, Oboetim
- Emilis Secondary School, Afaha Offiong
- Five Towns Comprehensive Secondary School, Afaha Nsit 2
- Govt. Secondary Community School, Ikot Nya, Ikot Nya
- Martha Memorial Secondary School, Afaha Nsit
- Nsit Peoples Grammar School , Afaha Offiong, Afaha Offiong
- Pinnacle High School, Ikot Ntuen
- Royal Nefsea International Secondary School , Ikot Ntuen Nsit
- Royal Nefsea International Secondary School , Ikot Ntuen Nsit
- Saint Matthew International Schools, Edeobom 1
- Secondary Commercial School, Afaha Offiong
- Secondary School, Mbiokporo Ii, Mbiokporo
- Unity Model College, Obontong, Obontong
- Universal Future Leaders High School, Ikot Obok Nsit
- Adiaha Obong Girlssecondary School, Ikot Imo, Ikot Imo
- Brilliant Secondary School, Ikot Ubo
- Christian Comprehensive Secondary School, Edem Idim Okpot, Edem Idim Okpot
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Ekpene Udo, Nsit-Ubium
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School , Ikot Eyo, Ikot Eyo
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Akpan Ubium, Ikot Akpan Ubium
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Ewang, Nsit-Ubium
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Ubo, Town
- Community Secondary School, Ndukpoise, Ndukpoise
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ndiya, Nsit-Ubium
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Nung Obong, Nung Obong
- Daniel Joseph Academy, Ikot Akan, Nsit-Ubium
- Ebullet High School, Ikot Ubium
- Foncyl High School, Ikot Edibon
- Itreto Community Secondary School , Ikot Okobo, Nsit-Ubium
- Jabuk High School Ikot Ntung, Ikot Ntung
- Patrick High School, Ikot Ekpene Udo, Nsit-Ubium
- The Salvation Army Secondary School, Akai Ubium, Akai Ubium
- Ubium Community Secondary School, Ikot Okwot, Ikot Okwot
- Wells International Shool, Ikot Inyang Eti
- Western Nsit Secondary School, Ukat Aran, Ukat Aran
- Yograce Schools, Afia Nsit Atai, Afia Nsit Atai
- Abiakpo Community Comprehensive Secondary School (Government Junior Secondary School), Ikot Ukana, Obot-Akara
- Access Point Academy, Ibong Okpo Eto
- Christian Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Abia Osom
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School (Government Junior Secondary School), Ubon Akwa, Obon Ukwa
- Community Secondary Comprehensive School (Government Junior Secondary School, Nto Edino), Nto Edino
- Comprehensive High School, Ikpe Mbak Eyop
- Etda Secondary Commercial School , Nto Eton
- Fida Secondary Commercial School, Urua Offiong Etor Udo, Ikot Ukpong 5
- Godswill Secondary Commercial, Ikot Idem Udo, Ikot Idem Udo
- Methodist Secondary School (Government Junior Secondary School, Nto Ndang), Nto Ndang
- Ndianaabasi Excellent International School, Ikot Ikok
- The Great Shepherd High School , Abiakpo Ikot Sbasi Inyang
- Wesley School Academy,Abiakpo Idaha, Abiakpo Idaha
- Ame Zion Secondary Commercial School, Village
- City Of Joy Model College Nung Atai Eta Okobo, Village
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Ekeya, Ekeya
- Community Secondary School Offi-Oro, Village
- Community Secondary School, Odobo Okobo, Village
- Community Secondary School, Urua Ita, Urue Ita
- Comprehensive High School Eweme, Village
- Eastern Okobo High School, Obufi, Obufi Okobo
- Faith Stars International Institute, Village
- Itabas Divine Academy Secondary School, Okopedi
- Model Unity College Okopedi, Village
- National High School, Nung Atai, Nung Atai Odobo
- Odu College, Ebighi Edu
- St. Vincent Secondary School, Oti Oron, Oti – Oron Okobo
- Union Secondary School, Nsie Atak Oro, Nsie
- Wisdom Model Secondary School, Nung Atai Eta
- Afaha Inang Secondary School , Ikot Idem Udo, Ikot Idem
- Blessed Foundation College, Awa Iman, Awa Iman
- Community Secondary Comercial School, Ikot Akpan Ishiet, Ikot Akpan Ishiet
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Ebiere, Ikot Ebiere
- Egad Comprehensive High School Nung Oku Ekanem Onna, Nung Oku Ekanem
- Government Secondary School, Okat, Okat
- Govt. Junior Secondary School, Ndon Eyo, Ndon Eyo
- Nung Oku Itina Community Secondary School, Ikot Mbong, Ikot Mbong
- Oniong East Community Secondary School, Ikwe, Ikwe
- Oniong West Secondary School, Ikot Edor, Ikot Edor
- Onna Peoples High School, Abat, Abat
- Smiles And Surprises Academy, Ndon Eyo, Ndon Eyo
- Christ Konwledge Secondary School, Oron
- Community Secondary School, Oron
- Elite Era Secondary School, Oron
- Etiedu Secondary School, Oron
- Fanem Model High School, Oron, Oron
- Firmlight Academy, Oron
- Frank Comprehensive High School, Oron
- Gateway To Success, Oron
- Immaculate Model Secondary School, Eyoabasi
- Intellectual Champions Christian Academy, Oron
- Mainland Technical College, Oron, Oron
- Mary Hanney Secondary School Oron, Oron
- Mayemma Kiddies Academy, Oron
- Onyieme Glorious College, Oron
- The Salvation Army Secondary School, Oron
- African Christian Secondary School , Usung Atiat
- Bright Hope Christian Academy, Ikot Ntuk, Oruk-Anam
- Community Comprehensive College, Ikot Inyang 1
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Afanga, Ikot
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Inuen, Ikot Inuen
- Community Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Osute, Ikot Osute
- Community Secondary School, Inen Ekefe, Inen Ekeffe
- Community Secondary School, Mbiakot, Mbiakot
- Community Secondary School, Nung Ita/Ikot Ibritam, Oruk-Anam
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Esenam, Ikot Esenam
- Divine Favour Christian Nursery And Primary School. Ikot Udo Aduak, Ikot Udo Aduak
- Eastern Midim Secondary School, Ikot Owobo, Ikot Owobo/Ikot Otok
- Glorious Hope Schools, Ekparakwa, Ekparakwa
- Gods Time Comprehensive Secondary School, Ntenge Akana Obio Akpa
- Good Shepherd Academy , Ikot Obong Akan
- Government School, Ikot Akama, Ikot Akama
- Government School, Inen Ikot Essien, Inen Ikot Essien
- Government School, Nung Ikot Obiodo, Nung Ikot Obiodo
- Jumbos Noble Academy,Ikot Udoffiong/ Utu Ikot Iwara, Ikot Udoffiong/ Utu Ikot Iwara
- Keystone Secondary School, Ikot Ibritam
- Madonna Community Secondary School, Obo Ntanya, Obo Ntanya
- Modern Comprehensive Secondary School, Ibianga, Ibianga
- Otop Christian High School, Ikot Ukpong Eren, Ikot Ukpong Eren
- Pillars Of Light Academy, Ikot Ukpong
- Q. I. Community Secondary School, Ika Annang, Ika Annang
- Qua Iboe Church Secondary School, Ibesit Anwa Udo, Ibesit Anwa Udo
- Saint Annie Christian College, Obio Ndot
- Seat Of Wisdom Comprehensive Secondary School, Ibianga, Ibianga Asakpa
- Southern Annang Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Okoro, Ikot Okoro
- Super Grace Academy, Ibesit
- Urban High School, Ikot Akpan Essien, Ikot Akpan Essien
- Vessel Of Honour Academy Nursery And Primary, Ikot Akpan Essien, Ikot Akpan Essien
- Worem High School, Ikot Oko
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Edikor, Edikor
- Community Secondary School, Udung Uko, Udung Uko
- The Apostolic Secondary School, Eyotai, Eyotai
- Afaha High School, Ikot Udombang
- Christ Bearer Schools, Ikot Utiat Village
- Community Comprehensive High School, Ntak Afaha
- Community High School, Usung Atiat, Usung Atat
- Community School, Urua Ekpa Enang, Urua Ekpa Enang
- Community Secondary School, Afaha Obo
- Community Secondary School, Nkek, Nkek
- Divine Wisdom International School, Ikot Akpa Nkuk, Ikot Akpa Nkuk
- Enoabasi Model High School, Ikot Akpa Nkuk
- Gatelink International Academy, Edem Idim, Edem Idim
- Gateway Standard Academy, Ikot Akpankuk, Ikot Akpankuk
- Good Vision Academy, Ikot Akpa Nkuk, Ikot Akpa Nkuk
- Grace Foundation Christian Schools, Ikot Andem, Ikot Andem
- High Level Christian Academy, Ikot Anta
- Ivi College, Ikot Akpa Nkuk
- Kings &Amp; Queens Christian Academy, Ikot Akpan Nkuk
- Majesty International Nursery,Primary,And Secondary, Ikot Inyang Abia, Ikot Inyang Abia
- Mightier Nursery, Primary And Secondary School, Ikot Ikpe, Ikot Ikpe
- Nkek Standard High School, Nkek Ndon Anan
- Omega Grace Academy, Ikot Akpankuk, Ikot Akpankuk
- Rock Foundation Mastery School, Ikot Andem, Ikot Andem
- Unique Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Akpan Afaha, Ikot Akpan Afaha
- Western Annang Secondary Commercial School, Ukanafun, Ikot Akpa Nkuk
- Adiahaobong Secondary School, Ekpene Ukim, Ekpene Ukim
- African Methodist Episcopal Secondary Commercial School, Ndon Ebom, Ndon Ebom
- Atakpo Community Secondary School, Mbiaya, Uruan
- Community Technical College Ikot Otoiyie, Ikot Oyonyie
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Idu Uruan
- Edgemac Model International Secondary School, Ituk Mbang
- Holy Trinity College, Mbiakong
- Holy Trinity School, Mbiakong, Mbiakong
- Idagha Secondary School, Nung Oku Uruan, Nung Oku
- Mboko High School,Idu, Uruan
- Meth. Secondary School, Ibiaku Issiet, Ibiaku Issiet Uruan
- Secondary School Adadia Uruan, Adadia
- Secondary School, Adiadia, Adiadia Uruan
- Secondary School, Ibiaku Uruan, Uruan
- Services And Glory International School, Ituk Mbang
- Success International School, Ikot Otoinyie, Ikot Otoinyie
- Ultimate International Academy, Ituk Mbang, Uruan, Ituk Mbang
- A.B.C Secondary School, Oruko
- Basin Comprehensive Secondary School, Urue-Offong/Oruko
- Blessedland College Ukuko 2, Ukuko
- Christian Secondary Technical College, Oyubia
- Community Secondary School, Mbukpo Eyokan, Mbokpu Eyokan
- Community Secondary School, Ukuko, Ukuko
- Comprehensive High School, Okossi, Okossi
- Living Impacts International Secondary School, Oyubia Town
- Shepherd Comprehensive Secondary School, Oruko
- Ubodung Community Secondary School, Oruko, Ubodung
- Urue Offong/Oruko Technical College, Eyokpifie, Eyokpifie/Oruko
- Anioted Future Leaders Schools , Mbiabong By Traffic Light
- Auntie Bassey Schools, Mbiabong Ikot Udo Usoh
- Beloved Child Of God International Schools, Ediene Ikot Obio Imo, Uyo
- Bidamee International Schools, Anua Offot
- Blessedland International Secondary School , Ifa Ikot Okpon
- Bright Future College, Uyo
- Centenary Star College, Four Towns Uyo
- Christ The King College , Osongama, Uyo
- Christian Secondary Community School, Uyo, Uyo
- City Union Academy , Ewet Housing Estate Uyo
- Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Nsung Ikono
- Community Sec Community Sch, Ikot Okubo Offot, Uyo
- Community Secondary School, Aka Offot, Aka Offot
- Community Secondary School, Four Towns, Efiat Iboko
- Community Secondary School, Ikot Ekpeyak Ikono, Uyo
- Community Secondary School, Mbak Etoi, Mbak Etoi
- Cornelia Connelly College, Afaha Oku, Uyo
- Creative Minds Academy , Mbiaobong Anyanya
- Crown Of Wisdom High Schools, Effiat Offot
- Davies Model High School , Ikot Eboro Ikono
- De Samara Legacy School , Ediene Ikot Obio Imo
- Destiny High School, Uyo
- Efficient Secondary Commercial School, Uyo
- Ekpri Nsukara Offot International Schools, Ekpri Nsukara Offot
- Emeralds Green Schools , Use Offot
- Ernest Secondary Commercial School, Itiam Ikot Ebia, Etoi
- Essence High School , Unung Uyo, Idoro
- Evangel Comprehensive High School, Aka Itiam
- Extra Grace College, Mbiabong Ikot Essien
- Fastville International Schools , Akpasak Estate Ifa Atai
- Federal Science &Amp; Techinical College, Ewet Uyo
- Fellowship High School, Uyo
- Fortune High School, Effiat Offot
- Future Model Schools , Ifa Atai
- Goshen Secondary School, Obio Etoi
- Government Technical College, Ewetuyo
- Govt Secondary School Oduk, Oduk
- Graceland High School, Shelter Afrique
- Greanpear International Schools , Akpasak Estate
- Heritage College, Itiam Community, Uyo
- Hopeland Prime Schools, Ifa Ataietoi
- Idafils High School , Ifa Ikot Abia Ntuen
- Idorenyin Legacy Schools, Anua Offot
- Ikono Ibom Community Secondary Sch, Ikot Ayan Ikono, Ikot Ayan Ikono
- Jesus Save Comprehensive Secondary School , Ifa Ikot Okpon
- Jevic Science Academy, 62 Iboko Street, Uyo
- Joyprime Model Secondary School, Use Ikot Ebio
- King Georges Technical College, Ikot Mbon Ikono
- King Solomon Secondary School, Uyo
- Kingdom Vibrant International School , Mbak 4
- Kings And Queens High School , Ewet Housing Estate
- Merilebon Academy, Aka Itiam
- Mordern Training Institute, Uyo
- Nigerian Christian Institute Uyo, Uyo
- Northern Ikono Community School, Ikot Odung, Ikot Odung Ikono
- Offot Ukwa Secondary School, Obio Offot, Uyo
- Rayfield International Secondary School , Uyo
- Redeemer International Schools Science And Technical College , Uyo
- Reward Foundation High School, Aka Offot
- Sacred Heart High School, Aka Offot, Uyo
- Saint Henry Academy , Ufet Nsa, Ifa Atai
- Saint Thomoses International Secondary School , Use Offot
- Saintshood College , Ikot Oku Ikono
- Scripture Union Secondary School, Uyo
- Seasons International Schools, Oniong Offot Etim Umana
- Secondary School, Etoi, Uyo
- Shammah International Christian School, Uyo
- Shamme International Christian School, Iboko Offot
- Shinning Stars Royal High School, Ifa Atai Uyo
- Special Education Centre, Off 391 Oron Road, Uyo, Uyo
- St. Benedicts High School, Dominic Utuk Avenue
- Success Pilar International School, Uyo
- Sweet Jesus International School, Uyo Ifa Obong Ifa Atai
- The Apostolic Church Secondary School, Uyo
- The City Of God Secondary School, Effiat Offot
- The Kings Kid Christian Schools, Plot 14j Sam Edem Street, Ewet Housing
- Ultra Excellence Model Secondary School, Afaha Offot
- University Arms Education Foundation, 43 Ikpa Road
- University Of Uyo International Secondary School, Oku
- Uwakmfon-Abasi International Schools, Uyo / Atan Offot
- Uyo High School, Uyo, Uyo
- Victory Christian High School, Uyo

Challenges Facing Secondary Education in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
Despite its importance, secondary education in Akwa Ibom it faces several challenges:
A. Poor Infrastructure
- Many public schools lack adequate classrooms, libraries, and laboratories.
- Overcrowding is common due to inadequate school buildings.
B. Inadequate Funding
- Government funding for education is often insufficient.
- Many schools struggle with teacher salaries and resources.
C. Examination Malpractice
- Cheating, bribery, and certificate forgery are common issues.
- Some schools and students engage in illegal practices to pass exams.
D. Teacher Shortages and Quality Issues
- Many teachers are underqualified or lack motivation due to poor salaries.
- There is a shortage of qualified science and technical teachers.
E. Inconsistent Government Policies
- Frequent policy changes affect curriculum stability.
- Some reforms are not effectively implemented.