Bayelsa traditional rulers: Titles and areas


  1. Ibenanaowei of Oyaikiri
  2. Ibenanaowei of Bassan
  3. Ibenanaowei of Bomo
  4. Amanayanabo of Twon Brass
  5. Pere of Tarakiri
  6. Ibenanaowei of Olodiama
  7. Ibenanaowei of Ogoibiri-Mein
  8. Obenbhan of Oloibiri
  9. Ibedaowei of Kolokuma
  10. Ibenanaowei of Oporoma
  11. Pere of Kumbowei
  12. Pere of Oporomoh
  13. Obenabhan of Emeyal
  14. Ibenanaowei of Ekpetiama
  15. Ibenanaowei of Ogboin
  16. Ibenanaowei of Gbarain
  17. Ebenibe of Atissa
  18. Amayanabo of Nembe
  19. Ebenibe of Epie
  20. Obenbhan of Anyama
  21. Amayanabo of Bassambiri
  22. Ibedaowei of Opokuma
  23. Amanayanabo of Akassa
  24. Amanayanabo of Okpoama


  1. Amanayanabo of Sangana
  2. Ido of Egbemo Angalabiri
  3. Amananaowei of Peretorugbene
  4. Amananaowei of Ekeremoh
  5. Pere Od Iduwini
  6. Alei of Aleibiri
  7. Amananaowei of Kaiama
  8. Obanbohan of Okoroma
  9. Obanade of Ogbia-Town
  10. Obenema of Otuokopti
  11. Obeneba of Imiringi
  12. Agbolo of Kolo Towjn (I, II, & III)
  13. Ibenanaowei of Tungbo
  14. Amananaowei of Angiama
  15. Oporoma-Owei of Oporoma
  16. Amananaowei of Peremabiri
  17. Amananaowei of Amassoma
  18. Amananaowei of Otuan
  19. Ibenanaowei of Tarakiri
  20. Ibenanaowei of Apoi
  21. Ibenanaowei of Biseni
  22. Olilom-Ibe of Zarama
  23. Oda-Apiri Odudobu Epie
  24. Ebeniken of Yenagoa
  25. Ibedaowei of Kabuowei
  26. Ibedaowei of Odi
  27. Odio Logbo of Okugbe
  28. Ibenanaowei of Okordia
  29. Obenema Okoroba
  30. Ibeyana-Owei of Oluasiri


  1. Amadaowei of Ereweibie
  2. Amanyanabo Od Odima
  3. Isamo of Isampou
  4. Anya of Ayamasa
  5. Amananaowei of Obrigbene
  6. Abayai of Ndoro
  7. Tamodiowei of Tamogbene
  8. Pere of Kou
  9. Opudani of Okoloba
  10. Amananaowei of Sabagreia
  11. Amatugu of Igbedi
  12. Amananaowei of Gbarama
  13. Amananaowei of Odi
  14. Amanyanabo of Tereke
  15. Olilama of Idema
  16. Obanema of Emeyal
  17. Amananaowei of Agbere
  18. Amananaowei of Angalabiri
  19. Amananaowei of Ebedebiri
  20. Amananaowei of Asamabiri
  21. Amananaowei of Adagbabiri
  22. Amananaowei of Tungbo
  23. Amananaowei of Opuama
  24. Amananaowei of Olugbobiri
  25. Amananaowei of Koluama I
  26. Amananaowei of Gbaraun
  27. Furu of Foropa
  28. Amananaowei of Oweikorogha
  29. Amananaowei of Okoloba
  30. Amananaowei of Gbarantoru
  31. Amananaowei of Tombia
  32. Amananaowei of Bomoundi
  33. Amananaowei of Ikibiri
  34. Oda-Apiri Osusu Epie
  35. Obeniaken Agudama
  36. Ebe Otubo Atissa
  37. Ebeneken of Agbura
  38. Ebeneken of Yenebeneli
  39. Ogu of Oguama
  40. Amananaowei of Ofoni
  41. Ebeni Sisiba Atissa
  42. Ebeneken of Famgbe
  43. Oda-Apiri Osusu Epie
  44. Ebeneneken of Igbogene
  45. Obanema of Otuasega
  46. Obanema Anyama
  47. Amanyanabo of Sabatoru
  48. Ibeyanaowei of Ikenisi-Ibe
  49. Obanema of Oloibiri

Bayelsa is a state in Nigeria. It is located in the southern part of the country.

Created on October 1st 1996 from the old Rivers State, it’s bounded to the east by Rivers State and west by Delta State, the beautiful waters of the Atlantic Ocean dominates its southern borders.

It has the longest coastline in the West African sub-region making the State a tourists destination.

Bayelsa State consists of 8 Local Government Areas:

  • Brass
  • Ekeremor
  • Kolokuma/Opokuma
  • Nembe
  • Ogbia
  • Sagbama
  • Southern Ijaw
  • Yenagoa

The name  Bayelsa is derived from a combination of acronyms of three Local Government Areas within its confines: Brass LGA (BALGA), Yenagoa LGA (YELGA), and Sagbama LGA (SALGA). The state is made up of 8 Local Government Areas; they are Ekeremor, Kolokuma Opokuma, Yenagoa, Nembe, Ogbia, Sagbama, Brass and Southern Ijaw.

The beautiful city of Yenagoa serves as the Capital City which plays host to most of the Government and private institutions.

Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Yenegoa

The four main languages spoken are Izon, Nembe, Ogbia and Epie-Atissa. Like the rest of Nigeria, English is the official language.

Bayelsa State has one of the largest crude oil and natural gas deposits in Nigeria. Bayelsa is often described as the cradle of Ijaw culture and tradition because of its rich culture and tradition that dates back to so many centuries.

Fishing is the major occupation of Bayelsa people because of the abundant creeks, lagoons, rivers and swamps within which commercial fishing is practiced. Over 200 species of fish can be found in the waters within and around the state. Fish oil extraction is a common economic activity throughout all the LGAs of the state, and the coastal areas abound in sea foods such as fish, oysters, crabs, lobsters, periwinkle et cetera. There are also sea animals such as Hippopotamus, manatee, crocodile etc. in the seas, rivers and streams that crisscross the state.

Food crops grown in the state include yam, cocoyam, banana, pineapple and plantain. Cash crops grown in the state include coconut, pears, oil palm and raffia palm. The potentialities for the development of these crops to feed local industries are very good. Technologies are being developed to reclaim land from mangrove swamps in order to cultivate food, especially lowland rice and the cash crops identified above on a large, commercial scale.

Location: Bayelsa is geographically located approximately within Latitude 4°15 North at the Southern part & 5°23 North at the Northern limit and Longitude 5°22 East at the Western part & 6°45 East at the actual Eastern limit. It is bordered by Delta State to the West, Rivers State to the East, the Atlantic Ocean to the South and both Rivers and Delta States to the North.

Geology: Domiciled within the lower delta plain believed to have been formed during the Holocene of the quaternary period by the accumulation of sedimentary deposits. The major geological characteristic of the state is sedimentary alluvium.

Soils: The major soil types in the state are young and shallow,(inceptisol Aquepts) and acid sulphate soils (Sulphaquepts). There are variations in the soils, some soil types occupy extensive areas whereas others are of limited extent. However, based on physio graphic differences, several soil units could be identified in the state.

Climate and Vegetation: Rainfall in the State varies in quantity from one area to another. The state experiences equatorial type of climate in the southern the most part and tropical rain towards the northern parts. The average monthly temperature is in the range of 25°C to 31°C. The hottest months are December to April.

Minerals: With the largest crude oil reserve in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, the state produces over 40% of the country’s on-shore crude oil and vast quantities of associated gas. It also has large deposits of clay.