• NKST: A-aven a Adua u Nomiyange

    NKST Church NKST (Nongo u Kristu u i Ser u sha Tar) or Universal Reformed Christian Church (URCC) is a reformation, presbyterian, protestant church that was established on 9 January 1957 in Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria after years of missionary activities that began from Dr Karl Kumm’s missions ministry called Sudan Pioneer Mission later renamed…

  • NKST Activities for English Service, Sunday morning worship

    Call to service Opening prayer Special number Our Lord’s prayer Ten commandments Congregation hymn Apostle’s creed Announcements Offerings Prayer for the offering Choir special number Bible reading Prayer Message exposition Prayer for the sermon Closing hymn Closing prayer/benediction Announcements (additional), reminders Greetings

  • NKST Church

    NKST Church

    NKST (Nongo u Kristu u i Ser u sha Tar) or Universal Reformed Christian Church (URCC) is a protestant, presbyterian church that was established on 9 January 1957 in Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria after years of missionary activities that began from Dr Karl Kumm’s missions ministry called Sudan Pioneer Mission later renamed Sudan United Mission…

  • Welcome to Soluap

    Welcome to Soluap

    Soluap provides information for knowledge. This includes text, images, audio and video on Soluap or other platforms