Census PAD app

Nigeria’s National Population Commission (NPC) uses a combination of two main apps for data collection for the country’s census.

The apps are: Census PAD and CS Pro.

While Census Pad is a Nigerian government app, CSPro is a US government app.

In addition, while Census Pad deals with mapping CSPro provides the functionality of questionnaire and it does it with excellence.

Some other functionalities of CSPro are inserted into Census Pad.

The two apps are merged and installed on tablets for use by NPC permanent and ad-hoc staff selected for census exercise.

Census PAD

It’s a census data acquisition package; an android app with a combination of questionnaire, mapping and GIS functionalities.

Census PAD and CS Pro

While Census Pad is used mainly for mapping CS Pro is used for questionnaire.

The Census Pad is an addition to the CS Pro in order to include mapping functionalities.

CSPro (Census and Survey Processing) is a US government (Census Bureau) software offered in public domain.

It’s used by organizations and individuals for entering, editing, tabulating and disseminating census and survey data.

Census PAD fetches maps for use in identification and marking of features, building numbering, household listing and other processes
while the CS Pro is used to carry out the. population and
housing enumeration process.

Data collected is transmitted to cloud and harboured on the devices of some cloud computing service providers as well as stored in a database at the NPC headquarters.