Km7, Auchi-Abuja Road, Iyamho-Uzairue Edo State, Nigeria.
Edo State University Uzairue (formerly Edo University Iyamho), was established by the Edo University Uzairue Law (2014) and subsequently amended to Edo University Iyamho, Uzairue, (Amendment Law 2015). It was further amended as Edo University Iyamho (Amendment Law 2016). The University was accorded recognition and issued license by the National Universities Commission on 23rd March, 2016, as the 41st State owned University and 142nd University in Nigeria.

Edo State University Uzairue is a fee-paying institution of world–class standard. The purpose for establishing the University is to meet the increasing demands for quality tertiary education in Edo State in particular and Nigeria in general. The Edo State Government also realised that developing human capital through quality education is the key to meaningful development of the State, hence the need to establish a University that will provide quality education. The University is also expected to propel social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and industrial growth of the State and Nigeria. The establishment of theEdo State University Uzairue will equally increase access to tertiary education for Edo State citizens and other Nigerians. Edo State University Uzairue is fully owned by Edo State Government.
The vision of Edo State University Uzairue, is to become a centre of excellence in quality teaching, research, innovations and community development through its teaching, research, and innovative activities. The University is poised to be a major contributor in the advancement of knowledge and understanding for the benefit of the social, cultural, and economic needs of the people of Edo State in particular and Nigeria in general.
The University colours are blue, lemon green and white. The blue colour represents harmonising industry and technology, lemon green, represents agriculture, the main occupation of the people of Edo State, while white represents peace which is the hallmark of Edo people.
The University consist of the Visitor, Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Governing Council, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy-Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Bursar, University Librarian, Senate, Congregation, all graduates and undergraduates of the University and all other persons who are members of the University in accordance with the provisions of Edo University, Uzairue Law 2014 and Edo University Iyamho, Uzairue Law (Amendment Law 2016).
The Governing Council is the supreme governing authority of the University responsible for policy decisions which have financial implications, the general management of the affairs of the University, and in particular the control of property and expenditure of the University.
The Senate of the University is the highest academic body responsible for the formulation of academic policies, including the organization and control of all academic activities of the University. The Senate is advised in academic matters by Boards of Faculties. Senate consists of the Vice-Chancellor (Chairman), Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar (as Secretary), Bursar, the University Librarian, Provost, Deans, Professors, Heads of Department, Directors of Academic units and representatives of the Congregation.
Edo State University Uzairue has approved and accredited programmes in six (6) Faculties, made up of the College of Medical Sciences (Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences and Faculty of Clinical Science), Faculty of Arts, Management and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Science by the National Universities Commission and other professional bodies.
Edo State University is approved by the National Universities Commission to admit up to one thousand five hundred students as its quota for the 2018/2019 academic session with an increase envisaged in the next academic session. The most subscribed programmes for admission are Medicine and Surgery, Nursing Science, and Medical Laboratory Science. Edo University graduated its first set of graduates during the 2018/2019 academic session.
Edo State University Uzairue is ranked 3rd best University in Nigeria by the National Universities Commission in the Open Educational Resource (OER) ranking 2018. The University has transformed from the knowledge-based curriculum to competency based curriculum with the inclusion of entrepreneurial studies in all programmes and more recently the ‘Outcome Based Education’ being implemented by COREN. It is also on record that Edo University Iyamho is the first University in West Africa to deploy the CANVAS Learning Management System, the 2nd University in West Africa to own an Anatomage which is deployed for the human anatomy and radiological imaging. Edo University Iyamho also possesses a low and high Fidelity Mannikins (Sim Man 3G) in the Clinical Skills Laboratory for the training of Medical Students.
The EUI tradition is built on a legacy of commitment, service, equality, diversity and impeccable academic credentials. Edo University Iyamho is a fully residential institution with rooms all en suite. Sporting activity is encouraged with a state of the art infrastructure.