In Jigawa state manufacturing sector is made up of eleven economic activities: Food, Beverages and Tobacco; Textile, Apparel, and Footwear; Wood and Wood products; Pulp Paper and Paper products; Chemical and Pharmaceutical products; Non-metallic Products, Plastic and Rubber products; Electrical and Electronic, Basic Metal and Iron and Steel; Motor Vehicles and Assembly; and Other Manufacturing. Each of these activities contributes to the aggregate manufacturing value added. However, oil refining and cement production do not exist in the state. However there were imports of possible oil deposit around Guri, Birniwa and Babura fringes of the state which are been investigated.

In monetary terms, manufacturing value added was worth N69,772.75 million in 2013 but increased to N120,565.23 million and N145,098.61 million in 2014 and 2015 respectively. Due to the economic downturn in 2016, value added declined by 6.55% (N135,598.25 million) but increased marginally to N136,859.80 million in 2017, showing a growth rate of 0.93%. In 2018, 2019 and 2020, value added of manufacturing was recorded at N158,955.36 million, N194,697.29 million and N211,182.85 million respectively. This shows a positive year-on-year growth rate of 16.14% in 2018, 22.49% in 2019 and 8.47% in 2020, accounting for a better performance of the sector. Effort by the state government to establish an industrial cluster around Gujungu-Gagarawa is expected to rise the contribution of this sector to the state GDP as well as contribute to job and
employment generation in the state.