Recently, the Director-General, Prof. Abba Tijani led a Nigerian Delegation to Switzerland under the Swiss-Benin Initiative to discuss the future of Benin Collections in Swiss Museums.

The Initiative which brings together, Swiss and Nigerian Curators, Academics and Practitioners in the field of Heritage Management discussed possible cooperation projects and development partnerships between the two countries.

In the last 2 years, 8 Swiss Museums came together under the leadership of Museum Rietberg of Zurich to investigate the provenance of their holdings from ancient Benin. The findings, which have been completed gave birth to the Swiss-Benin Forum, a platform created as an opportunity to launch the report and hand over the findings to a delegation of parties from Nigeria, led by the NCMM DG, Prof Abba Isa Tijani.

During the visit, the Nigerian Delegation took time to visit Swiss Museums which include, Zurich, Base, Gallen and Geneva Museums.

The Director-General was accompanied on the international mission by the Director of Research, Planning & Publications- Mr. Theophilus Umogbai.