Nigeria is divided into a total number of 9,410 Council Wards, 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and 36 states with 1 Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
The wards (electoral districts) serve as the smallest administrative units for governance. It is especially relevant during local elections and for activities meant to reach the grassroots directly.
Nigeria’s division into states, LGAs, and wards ensures that governance reaches all levels of society. This hierarchical structure allows local government areas and wards to effectively address community-specific needs and engage citizens in democratic processes.
Nigeria, as a federal republic, has these details as concerns its administrative divisions:
- Total number of states: 36 (and 1 Federal Capital Territory)
- Total number of LGAs: 774
- Total number of council wards: 9,410
Nigeria’s 36 states are:
- Abia
- Adamawa
- Akwa Ibom
- Anambra
- Bauchi
- Bayelsa
- Benue
- Borno
- Cross River
- Delta
- Ebonyi
- Edo
- Ekiti
- Enugu
- Gombe
- Imo
- Jigawa
- Kaduna
- Kano
- Katsina
- Kebbi
- Kogi
- Kwara
- Lagos
- Nasarawa
- Niger
- Ogun
- Ondo
- Osun
- Oyo
- Plateau
- Rivers
- Sokoto
- Taraba
- Yobe
- Zamfara
List of States, Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Wards in Nigeria
Nigeria’s 36 states and 1 Federal Capital Territory (FCT), 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs). and 9,410 Council Wards are located, in various numbers, per states and Local Government Areas.
Largest number of LGAs: Kano has 44 Local Government Areas, the largest number per a state in Nigeria.
Smallest number of LGAs: Bayelsa has 8 Local Government Areas, the smallest number per a state in Nigeria. (Abuja has 6 Local Government Areas so in a context where it is considered as a state, it has the smallest number followed by Bayelsa).
Largest number of wards: Kano has 484 council wards, the largest number per a state in Nigeria. It is followed by Lagos which has: 377.
Smallest number of wards: Bayelsa has 105 council wards, the smallest number per a state in Nigeria. It is followed by Gombe State’s 114 total number of council wards.
Numbers of Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Wards in States of Nigeria
State | LGA | Wards |
Abia | 17 | 267 |
Adamawa | 21 | 226 |
Akwa lbom | 31 | 328 |
Anambra | 21 | 330 |
Bauchi | 20 | 323 |
Bayelsa | 8 | 105 |
Benue | 23 | 277 |
Borno | 27 | 310 |
Cross River | 18 | 192 |
Delta | 25 | 267 |
Ebonyi | 13 | 235 |
Edo | 18 | 192 |
Ekiti | 16 | 177 |
Enugu | 17 | 280 |
FCT | 6 | 62 |
Gombe | 11 | 114 |
Imo | 27 | 376 |
Jigawa | 27 | 288 |
Kaduna | 23 | 255 |
Kano | 44 | 484 |
Katsina | 34 | 361 |
Kebbi | 21 | 225 |
Kogi | 21 | 239 |
Kwara | 16 | 193 |
Lagos | 20 | 377 |
Nasarawa | 13 | 147 |
Niger | 25 | 275 |
Ogun | 20 | 240 |
Ondo | 18 | 203 |
Osun | 30 | 332 |
Oyo | 33 | 351 |
Plateau | 17 | 325 |
Rivers | 23 | 318 |
Sokoto | 23 | 244 |
Taraba | 16 | 167 |
Yobe | 17 | 178 |
Zamfara | 14 | 147 |
TOTAL | 774 | 9410 |
States and their Local Government Areas
Largest to smallest: List of States and their Local Government Areas: From States with the largest number of Local Government Areas to the ones with the smallest number.
State | LGA |
Kano | 44 |
Katsina | 34 |
Oyo | 33 |
Akwa lbom | 31 |
Osun | 30 |
Borno | 27 |
Imo | 27 |
Jigawa | 27 |
Delta | 25 |
Niger | 25 |
Benue | 23 |
Kaduna | 23 |
Rivers | 23 |
Sokoto | 23 |
Adamawa | 21 |
Anambra | 21 |
Kebbi | 21 |
Kogi | 21 |
Bauchi | 20 |
Lagos | 20 |
Ogun | 20 |
Cross River | 18 |
Edo | 18 |
Ondo | 18 |
Abia | 17 |
Enugu | 17 |
Plateau | 17 |
Yobe | 17 |
Ekiti | 16 |
Kwara | 16 |
Taraba | 16 |
Zamfara | 14 |
Ebonyi | 13 |
Nasarawa | 13 |
Gombe | 11 |
Bayelsa | 8 |
FCT | 6 |
Smallest to largest List of States and their Local Government Areas: From States with the smallest number of Local Government Areas to the ones with the largest number.
State | LGA |
FCT | 6 |
Bayelsa | 8 |
Gombe | 11 |
Ebonyi | 13 |
Nasarawa | 13 |
Zamfara | 14 |
Ekiti | 16 |
Kwara | 16 |
Taraba | 16 |
Abia | 17 |
Enugu | 17 |
Plateau | 17 |
Yobe | 17 |
Cross River | 18 |
Edo | 18 |
Ondo | 18 |
Bauchi | 20 |
Lagos | 20 |
Ogun | 20 |
Adamawa | 21 |
Anambra | 21 |
Kebbi | 21 |
Kogi | 21 |
Benue | 23 |
Kaduna | 23 |
Rivers | 23 |
Sokoto | 23 |
Delta | 25 |
Niger | 25 |
Barno | 27 |
Imo | 27 |
Jigawa | 27 |
Osun | 30 |
Akwa lbom | 31 |
Oyo | 33 |
Katsina | 34 |
Kano | 44 |
Council Wards, their Local Government Areas and States
Largest to smallest: List of States and their Council Wards: From States with the largest number of Council Wards to the ones with the smallest number.
State | Wards |
Kano | 484 |
Lagos | 377 |
Imo | 376 |
Katsina | 361 |
Oyo | 351 |
Osun | 332 |
Anambra | 330 |
Akwa lbom | 328 |
Plateau | 325 |
Bauchi | 323 |
Rivers | 318 |
Borno | 310 |
Jigawa | 288 |
Enugu | 280 |
Benue | 277 |
Niger | 275 |
Abia | 267 |
Delta | 267 |
Kaduna | 255 |
Sokoto | 244 |
Ogun | 240 |
Kogi | 239 |
Ebonyi | 235 |
Adamawa | 226 |
Kebbi | 225 |
Ondo | 203 |
Kwara | 193 |
Cross River | 192 |
Edo | 192 |
Yobe | 178 |
Ekiti | 177 |
Taraba | 167 |
Nasarawa | 147 |
Zamfara | 147 |
Gombe | 114 |
Bayelsa | 105 |
FCT | 62 |
Smallest to largest: List of States and their Council Wards: From States with the smallest number of Council Wards to the ones with the largest number.
State | Wards |
FCT | 62 |
Bayelsa | 105 |
Gombe | 114 |
Nasarawa | 147 |
Zamfara | 147 |
Taraba | 167 |
Ekiti | 177 |
Yobe | 178 |
Cross River | 192 |
Edo | 192 |
Kwara | 193 |
Ondo | 203 |
Kebbi | 225 |
Adamawa | 226 |
Ebonyi | 235 |
Kogi | 239 |
Ogun | 240 |
Sokoto | 244 |
Kaduna | 255 |
Abia | 267 |
Delta | 267 |
Niger | 275 |
Benue | 277 |
Enugu | 280 |
Jigawa | 288 |
Borno | 310 |
Rivers | 318 |
Bauchi | 323 |
Plateau | 325 |
Akwa lbom | 328 |
Anambra | 330 |
Osun | 332 |
Oya | 351 |
Katsina | 361 |
Imo | 376 |
Lagos | 377 |
Kano | 484 |

Nigeria Council Wards serve several purposes:
- Basic Administrative Units: Wards are the smallest electoral and administrative units in Nigeria’s political structure, directly impacting local governance.
- Election of Councillors: Each ward elects a councillor who represents them in the LGA council, providing direct governance and a voice for local residents.
- Varied Number of Wards: The number of wards varies by LGA and state, depending on population density and geographic considerations.
- Grassroots Representation: Wards serve as a bridge between the people and local government, enabling more localized governance and representation.