In times of uncertainty and conflict, God raises men of courage to carry His light into the darkest of places. Rev. J. I. Shive’s visit to the hideouts of bandit leaders in Logo is not a mere coincidence but a divine mission ordained by God Himself. As we reflect on the image of Rev. Shive holding the Holy Bible close to his heart, while the leader of the bandits holds a weapon, we witness a powerful symbol of God’s plan to bring peace and healing to Sankera.

This image speaks deeply to the biblical truth found in 2 Corinthians 10:4: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” While the bandit leader may hold a physical weapon, Rev. Shive wields the most powerful weapon of all—the Word of God. In this moment, we are reminded that God’s Word is sharper than any sword (Hebrews 4:12), capable of piercing even the hardest of hearts and bringing peace where there is strife.

God’s plan for peace has always been one of transformation through love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Just as David faced Goliath with nothing but faith and a sling (1 Samuel 17:45), Rev. Shive walks into the lion’s den armed with the Holy Bible, confident that God’s power will prevail over violence. This image is a testimony to the truth that peace is not found in weapons, but in the heart of a person transformed by God’s Word.

The presence of the Bible in Rev. Shive’s hands signals that it is not by human might or strength, but by the Spirit of God that peace will be restored to Sankera (Zechariah 4:6). God’s plan is unfolding before our eyes, and He is using His servant, Rev. Shive, to bring hope and reconciliation to a land torn by conflict.

Let this image inspire us to trust in God’s power to break every chain and bring peace to every troubled heart. As Rev. Shive stands firm in faith, holding the Word of God, let us be reminded that God’s promises of peace, hope, and restoration are already at work in Sankera. With God on our side, peace is inevitable, for He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who calms every storm and brings healing to every broken land.

Let us continue to pray for God’s divine intervention, knowing that His Word will never return void (Isaiah 55:11). Peace is coming, and it is God’s doing.