List of over 40 markets in Konshisha

List of Konshisha markets, Benue State, Nigeria

  1. Achoho
  2. Aba
  3. Adoka
  4. Agbeede
  5. Agberagba
  6. Agera Mbaashia
  7. Ageraga
  8. Agia
  9. Agidi
  10. Akputu
  11. Alabesa
  12. Amua
  13. Anima
  14. Ansha
  15. Anyamgura
  16. Avi
  17. Awange
  18. Ayev
  19. Bonta
  20. Central Deke
  21. Dio
  22. Gbaya
  23. Gbinde
  24. Gungul
  25. Haanongun
  26. Ikpeakor
  27. Ikyon
  28. Jov-Ikyudan
  29. Jov-Mbavaa
  30. Korinya
  31. Manta
  32. Mhambe
  33. Selagi
  34. Shikaan
  35. Shiliki
  36. Tongo
  37. Tor Mkar
  38. Tsuwe
  39. Tyough
  40. Ubwa
  41. Ukehe
  42. Warnyinya
  43. Wuese

Konshisha is a Local Government Area (LGA) in Benue State, Nigeria.

It was created on February 28, 1983 out of former Vandeikya Local Government Area in Benue State.


Tse-Agberagba is the administrative capital while Korinya is the commercial capital and largest town


Konshisha is bounded in the North by Gboko LGA, Gwer LGA in the West, Ushongo and Vandeikya LGAs in the East, Oju LGA in the South-West and Cross River in the South.

Korinya market in Korinya town. Korinya is the largest urban area in Konshisha LGA

Land area

Konshisha has an area of 1,673 km2


Konshisha is mainly populated by Gaav and Shangev Tiev clans of Tiv ethnic group.


Christianity is the main religious of Tiv people both in Konshisha and elsewhere with close to 100% of Tiv being Christians except for few that adhere to traditional religion.

Council wards in Konshisha

Konshisha LGA comprises 11 Council Wards /Districts which are:

  • Mbaiwarnyam
  • Mbatsen
  • Ikyurav /Mbatwer
  • Mbayegh /Mbaikyer
  • Tse-Agberagba
  • Mbavaa
  • Mbanor
  • Mbatser /Mbagusa
  • Mbake
  • Mbawar
  • Mbaikyase
Bags of gari at Korinya, Konshisha, Benue State, Nigeria
Elected councilors in Konshisha with the Chairman and deputy Chairman Elect. Year 2020


Majority of Konshisha people are farmers producing yam, cassava, rice, guinea corn, and soya beans are among the crops.

The people of Konshisha LGA also engage in quarrying, food processing, and hunting.

Also they raise livestock including oats, pigs, birds and cattle.

Construction of Agbeede-Tse Mhambe-Adyorough-Korinya-Branch Atser road

Towns and markets in Konshisha

Konshisha is home to a number of towns and marketplaces where a diverse range of goods are traded.

Major towns

  • Korinya
  • Tse-Agberagba
  • Gungul

Other towns, markets

  • Ubwa
  • Tongo
  • Ikpeakor Mbayegh
  • Agera
  • Agera Mbashia
  • Mbavaa
  • Aba
  • Abagi
  • Aduu
  • Agen
  • Shikiri
  • Shom
  • Tor Mkar
  • Tsue
  • Yogbo
  • Yande
  • Ya-Akur
  • Tile
  • Tarvough