1.1 Environment Health Officer Grade II Grade Level 08
    1.2 Environment Health Officer Grade I Grade Level 09
    1.3 Senior Environment Health Officer, Grade Level 10
    1.4 Principal Environmental Health Officer, Grade Level 12
    1.5 Assistant Chief Environmental Health Officer Grade Level 13
    1.6 Chief Environmental Health Officer Grade Level 14
    1.7 Assistant Director Grade Level 15
    1.8 Deputy Director/Director (State) Grade Level 16
    1.9 Director Grade Level 17

Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service


2.1 Environmental Health Officer Grade II, Grade level 08
2.1.1 Inspecting factories for industrial health and food hygiene under supervision.
2.1.2 Collecting food and water samples for bacteriological examination to ensure
compliance with food hygiene regulation.
2.1.3 Participating in carrying out health education programmes both in the public and training Institutions.

2.2 Environmental Health Officer Grade I, Grade level 09
2.2.1 Participating in carrying out health education in the community.
2.2.2 Ensure that the public complies with the public health laws on environmental health and offensive trade, disposal of toxic wastes and other pollutants.
2.2.3 Designing and managing appropriate sewage and refuse disposal systems at
cost which the community could afford and maintain for sanitary disposal of
their solid gaseous and liquid wastes.
2.2.4 Carrying out meat, milk and other food inspection where they are handled,
processed, prepared or preserved to ensure that handlers either by their
omissions or commissions do not introduce physical, bacteriological and
chemical contamination to food meant for human consumption.
2.2.5 Maintaining statistical records for planning and research purposes.
2.2.6 Ensuring compliance with all laws relating to public health in his area of
2.2.7 Conducting investigations into infectious and contagious diseases during
epidemic diseases outbreak.

2.3 Senior Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 10
2.3.1 Carrying out pollution control activities within his area of jurisdiction.
2.3.2 Carrying outfield investigations with a view to controlling epidemic diseases
such as cholera, cerobro-spinal meningitis, yellow fever etc.
2.3.3 Supervising subordinate officers.
2.3.4 Participating in organizing health education programmes.
2.3.5 Collecting and processing health data.
2.3.6 Initiating policy formulation on environmental health issues.

2.4 Principal Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 12
2.4.1 Collecting analyzing and synthesizing epidemiological data relevant for the
measurement and evaluation of the health status of the community under
2.4.2 Participating iii carrying out health education programmes.
2.4.3 Assisting in the conduct of research in the field of environmental health.
2.4.4 Vetting and collating the submissions of a number of subordinates on data
gathered on environmental health activities.

2.5 Assistant Chief Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 13
2.5.1 Supervising and coordinating the activities of a number of subordinates.
2.5.2 Assisting in planning the activities of the department.
2.5.3 Initiating policy formulation in the field of environmental health.
2.5.4 Assisting in executing environmental health programmes of the department.
2.5.5 Coordinating cold rooms activities in compliance with the rules and
2.5.6 Assisting in carrying out research in the department

2.6 Chief Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 14
2.6.1 Heading a Section
2.6.2 Participating in planning the activities of the department.
2.6.3 Assisting in preparing the budget/estimate for environmental health service.
2.6.4 Examining inter-state environmental health matters and making
2.6.5 Initiating policies on environmental health matters.
2.6.6 Participating in organizing training for environmental health staff.

2.7 Assistant Director, Grade Level 15
2.7.1 Heading a branch
2.7.2 Keeping an up-to-date record of staff.
2.7.3 Participating in organizing training programmes, seminars and workshop for
2.7.4 Preparing budget/estimate for environmental health services.
2.7.5 Handling inter-state environmental health matters.
2.7.6 Supervising mass immunization against preventable diseases within his
2.7.7 Initiating policies in relevant fields.
2.7.8 Assisting in the administration of the department (States).

2.8 Deputy Director/Director (States), Grade level 16
2.8.1 Heading a Division/Department (State)
2.8.2 Taking responsibility for environmental health development planning.
2.8.3 Advising on the formulation, execution and renewal of policies and
programmes on matters relating to environmental health.
2.8.4 Assisting in formulating policies.
2.8.5 Giving professional advice on preventive approach to environmental/public
health problems.
2.8.6 Assisting in the general administration of the Department.

2.9 Director, Grade level 17
2.9.1 Coordinating all the environmental health activities of the Department.
2.9.2 Advising on the formulation, execution and review of environmental/public
health) policies and programmes.
2.9.3 Representing the Ministry in International environmental health meetings,
seminars and workshops.
2.9.4 Overseeing environmental health manpower development.
2.9.5 Coordinating scientific activities for the improvement of public health.
2.9.6 Overseeing environmental impact assessment (EIA) on projects.
2.9.7 Liaising with public, private and UN agencies on environmental public health


NOTE: All promotions transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service record.

3.1 Environment, Health Officer II, Grade level 08
3.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a degree in Environmental
Health Science from a recognized University.
3.2 Environmental Health Officer Grade I, Level 09
3.2.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Health Officer Environmental Grade
II who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.2.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in subparagraph 3.1.1. above plus at least three years’ post-qualification cognate
3.3 Senior Environmental Health Officer Grade Level 10
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed suitable Environmental Health Officer Grade I
who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.3.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in sub-paragraph 3.1.1 above plus at least six years post-qualification cognate
3.4 Principal Environmental Health Officer Grade level 12
3.4.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Environmental Health
Officer who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.5 Assisting Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 13
3.5.1 By promotion of a suitable Principal Environmental health Officer who has
spent at least three years on the grade.
3.6 Chief Environmental Health Officer, Grade level 14
3.6.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Chief Environmental Health Officer who
has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.7 Assistant Director, Grade level 15
3.7.1 By promotion of a suitable Chief Environmental Health Officer who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.8 Deputy Director/Director (States) Grade level 16
3.8.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Director who has spent at least four years on the grade.
3.9 Director, Grade level 17
3.9.1 By promotion of a suitable Deputy Director who has spent at least four years
on the grade.

  1. Director appointment to posts in Grade level 12 and above;
    Direct appointment may also be made to the post in GL. 12 and above; but this would preceded
    by specified advertisement at the instance of the user Ministry/Promotion from Su direct
    appointments to higher grade are subject to confirmation of appointment.

Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice .gov.ng /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf