Banks & other financial institutions in Adamawa

The banks and other financial institutions in Adamawa State are:

1 Access Bank
13/15 Atiku Abubakar Way
Jimeta, Yola

2 Adamawa Homes and Savings
No. 1 Bishop Street
Jimeta, Yola

3 Afri Bank PLC
Yola – Jimeta Road
PMB 2181 Jimeta, Yola

4 Afri Bank PLC
47, Modibbo Adama Way
PMB 1303, Yola Town

5 Central Bank of Nigeria
24, Galadima Aminu Way
PMB 2121, Jimeta, Yola

6 Diamond Bank
No. 10 Galadima Aminu Way
P.O BOX 460, Jimeta, Yola

7 Equatorial Trust Bank
Atiku Abubakar Way
Jimeta, Yola

8 Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria
166, Bishop Street, P.O BOX 503
Jimeta, Yola

9 First Bank of Nigeria PLC
Galadima Aminu Way PMB 2282
Jimeta, Yola

10 First Bank of Nigeria
9 Bank Road PMB 2050
Jimeta, Yola

11 First City Monument Bank
22 Atiku Abubakar Way
Jimeta, Yola

12 Guaranty Trust Bank
43, Galadima Aminu Way
PMB 2274 Jimeta, Yola

13 Access Bank
30 Atiku Abubakar Way
Sabru House Jimeta, Yola

14 Jimeta Community Bank
Bornoma House Mohammed
Mustapha Way Jimeta, Yola

15 Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative
and Rural Development Bank
Off Jimeta – Yola Road,
Opp. Fed. Min. of Information
Building P.O Box 443, J/Yola

16 Oceanic Bank Int’ Ltd.
1 Galadima Aminu Way
Jimeta, Yola

17 Platinum Habib Bank
Galadima Aminu Way,

18 Umma Community Bank
Sokoto Street, Yola-Town

19 Unity Bank
1 Bank Road P.O BOX 90
Jimeta, Yola

19 Yola Road

21 Zenith International Bank PLC
25, Galadima Aminu Way PMB 2005
Jimeta, Yola

Adamawa is a state in Nigeria. It is diverse with many ethnic nationalities. Those nationalities have various ways of life.

The state capital and largest city is Yola.

Adamawa is one of the most ethnically diverse in Nigeria, with over 100 indigenous groups, such as the Mumuye, Bwatiye, Kilba, Marghi, and many others.

The state is rich in cultural heritage, which reflects in its history, dances, dress patterns, craftsmanship, music, and hospitality.

You’ll be thrilled at the nutritious foods, arts, and festivals.

You can interact with community leaders, natives and early/modern farmers, cattle rearers.

Adamawa State was created on 27th August, 1991. It is located in the North Eastern part of the country. Prior to its creation in 1991, it was part of the North Eastern State from 1967 to February 1976 and Gongola State 1976 – 1991.

The State shares border with Gombe State to the North, and Borno State to the North East, while to the West it is bordered with Taraba State as well as the Republic of Cameroon to the East.

Adamawa Local Governments and their headquarters

The 21 Local Government Areas in Adamawa State and their headquarters are:

Mubi NorthMubi
Mubi SouthGella
Yola NorthJimeta
Yola SouthYola

Adamawa State has a total area of 39,742.12 square kilometers. This is about 4.4 percent of the land area of Nigeria. The 2005 projected population of the State is 3,106,585, giving population density of 68 persons per square kilometer.
The State lies between 8O0 N and 11N and longitude 11.50 and 13.50 E. The State generally is characterized by many rivers; the major one is the River Benue whose source is from the highlands of the Cameroon and flows southwards to join the River Niger.

Agro based economy


Adamawa State is blessed with abundant human and material resources, readily at the disposal of every investor to harness. The state has a vast fertile land suitable for farming and other economic activities.


Solid minerals found in the state include: Feldspars, Flourspar, Marble, Gypsum, Magnesite, Tantalite, Rock crystal, Laterites, Topas, Sandstones, Mercury, Glass Sand, Zircon, Spinel, Emerald, Graphite, Beryil, Tourmaline, Mica, Iron ore, Clay Minerals, Diatomite, Coal, Garnet, Aquamarine, Gold Dust, Zoisite, Cassaterite, Agates, Amethyst Chalcopyrite, Kaolin, Limestone, Chalcedeny, Onyx, Barytes, Zinc, Tin, Uranium, Quartz, Mica, Diamond, Wolframite, Calumbite, Platinum, Ruby etc. These minerals are also found in Commercial quantity.


Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Yam, Rice, Beans. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Maize, Millet, Cassava, Sorghum, Yam, Groundnuts, Rice, Cotton, Cassava, Cattle, Sugar Cane, Beans, Sweet Potato.

Some major market days in Adamawa

SundayDong, Gereng, Kiri, M/Farang, Song, Fufore, Kojoli, Michika, Shuwa, Muva, Kala’a, Gella.Yam, Rice, Fish (Smoked and Fresh Livestock) etc Potash, Hides & Skins.
MondayHong, Jada, Muchala, Ghumchi, Mayo Bani, Gyawana ChikilaYam, Beans, Groundnuts, Maize, Cassava, Sugar Cane, Mangoes etc.
TuesdayBorrong, Labondo, Bazza, Nassarawo Jereng Daksami, GarkidaFish (smoked and fresh), pigs, beans, bananas, cassava, livestock & grains.
WednesdayNgurore, Mubi, Konkol, Banjiram, Michika, Pella, Gulak, Loko, MbuloLivestock, hides ans skin, yam, maize, millet, Irish Potatoes, smoked fish, potash.


The climate of the State is characterized by wet season from April to October, while the dry season lasts from November to March.

The average rainfall for the State is 79mm in the Northern parts and 197mm in the Southern parts. The wettest months are August and September. The mean annual temperature is around 28 degrees centigrade. There is also the harmattan period when the dusty – laden North – Easterly trade winds from the Sahara – Desert have a marked effect on the State climate. The period is cold and dry with an average temperature of 15.20C and 39.70 maximum.


There are two notable vegetational zones in the State; the Sub-Sudan Zone and the Northern Guinea Savannah Zone. The Sudan Zone is marked by short grasses and short trees, commonly found in the Northern parts of the State. In the South, the vegetation is thick WITH tall grasses and trees.


Adamawa State has a modern system of communication looking with other parts of the Country, as well as the outside world through the telephone and other telecommunication services like the global system for Mobile Telecommunication (GSM), Internet etc.

Telecommunication operators in the State are putting more efforts to extend their coverage in other parts of the State which are not covered by their services.

There are over 80 ethnic groups found in Adamawa State, each with its distinct historical and cultural heritage yet understanding and accommodating each other. Some of the ethnic groups include: Chamba, Mumuye, Dabanci, Dangsa, Higgi, Nyandang, Sukur, Margi, Gudu, Hona, Mboi, Ga’anda, Yungur, Bwatiye, Mbula, Bala, Bille, Sate, Koma, Bura, Lala, Gwaba, Njanyi, Fali, Gude, Holma, Lunguda, Kanakuru, Jen, Matakam, Laka, Wula, Lilba, Kwah, Waja, Tambo, Libo Mwama, Kilba, Viengo and others.


There are quite a number of ethnic organizations in the State. The groups are made up of people with the same ethnic background and are also cultural in orientation. The major organizations found in the State include the Igbo Community, Yoruba Community, Igala Welfare Association, Urhobo Prograssive Union, Edo Union, Isoko Union, Kaduna State Development Association etc. Social and development clubs are also found in the State; Zumunci Social Club, Unity Social Club, the Gamzaki; Rotaract Club and many more are all found in the State.


There are two major religions in the State; Christianity and Islam.


Dr Muhammamdu Barkindo Aliyu MusdafaLamido AdamawaFirst Class
Alh. Abubakar Isa Ahmadu CFREmir of MubiFirst Class
Homun Asaph ZadokHama BachamaFirst Class
Alh. Umaru A. Sanda OONGangwari GanyeFirst Class
Homun Alhamdu Gladstone Teneke MFRHama BattaFirst Class
Amna Abdullahi K.D. ManaginaAmna ShellengFirst Class
Kwande Wilfred K. KimdeKwandi NunguriyaFirst Class
Murum Joram J. FwaMurum MbulaFirst Class


Yola, Numan, Mubi, Gombi, Ganye, Michika.


Farming is a major occupation. Majority of the people in Adamawa State are farmers.

Cattle rearing are also an occupation, while village communities living on the banks of Rivers Gongola and Benue and their tributaries in the State engage in fishing and farming.