Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) as a public service organization statutorily charged to manage all commercial airports in Nigeria and provide service to both passenger and cargo airlines.

Generally, to create conditions for the development in the most economic and efficient manner of air transport and the services connected with it.

The Birth of Nigeria Airports Authority
Nigeria Airport Authority was established by decree 45 of 1976 with the statutory responsibility of overseeing the operation and maintenance of all Federal Airports.
The Renaming of NAA
The Civil Aviation reform of August 1995 brought about the realignment of some of the functionalities of NAA as well as the renaming of NAA to the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria FAAN
History of FAAN
The 1964 Civil Aviation Act saw the establishment of the legal framework for the regulation of aviation in Nigeria, which placed all aspects of aviation under firm government control. The statutory task of upgrading air transport infrastructure in the country to accommodate the growing number of flights and ever-larger aircraft thus fell directly to the Nigerian government.

In 1971 the Nigerian government appointed Netherlands Airport Consultants (NACO) to survey the existing international airports, prepare a master plan, and conduct feasibility and economic impact studies for the upgrading of Lagos airport and 13 other airports in the country. That was the start of the first wave of airport development that would take place during the 1970s.
The Remodeling of FAAN Airports
The Federal Ministry of Aviation in 2013, launched the most ambitious rehabilitation program the aviation industry has experienced since its inception. The program involved the remodeling and rehabilitation of 22 Federal government-owned airports around the country. Many of the country’s Airport terminals were rehabilitated and remodeled to increase their capacity. This program is 90 percent completed.