1.1 Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade Level 04
1.2 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade II Grade Level 05
1.3 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade I Grade Level 06
1 .4 Chief Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade Level 07
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
2.1 Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade Level 04
2.1.1 This is a training grade. Officers appointed to this grade are required to undergo or the job training for a period of two years, performing routine Film/Video Censorship duties.
2.2 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade II, Grade Level 05
2.2.1 Assisting in processing applications for registration and licensing.
2.2.2 Assisting in handling various forms under Schedule II of Decree 85 of 1993.
2.2.3 Assisting in keeping registers for Films and Video works.
2.2.4 Assisting in carrying out investigation and inspection.
2.3 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade 1, Grade Level 06
2.3.1 Collecting applications for registration and licensing.
2.3.2 Assisting in keeping and updating registers.
2.3.3 Assisting in field activities and writing reports.
2.3.4 Assisting in collecting and updating data.
2.3.5 Assisting in the preparation of rosters and schedules of field activities.
2.3.6 Supervising junior staff.
2.4 Chief Film/Video Censorship Assistant, Grade Level 07
2.4.1 Collecting application materials for documentation and registration.
2.4.2 Recording data during field operations.
2.4.3 Collating data for the purpose of report writing.
2.4.4 Assisting in the production of reports on collected data
2.4.5 Coordinating the activities of a number of subordinates.

NOTE: All promotions and transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service records.
3.1 Film/Video Censorship Assistant, Grade Level 04
3.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing any of the following
qualifications: Senior Secondary School Certificate/West African School Certificate
with a Pass in English Language. General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) with four credit
passes, including English Language obtained at one sitting or five
credit pass including English Language obtained at two sittings.
3.2 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade II, Grade Level 05
3.2.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Film/Video Censorship Assistant
who has successfully completed the two years’ on-the-job training specified in
sub-paragraph 2.1 above and passed the prescribed Departmental
Confirmation/Promotion Test at Promotion level (i.e. 50%).
3.3 Senior Film/Video Censorship Assistant Grade I, Grade Level 06
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Film/Video Censorship
Assistant Grade II who has spent at least two years on the grade.
3.4 Chief Film/Video Censorship Assistant, Grade Level 07
3.4.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Film/Video Censorship
Assistant Grade I who has spent at least two years on the grade.
Any officer in the Film/Video Censorship Assistant Cadre who acquires any of the qualifications specified for appointments to any higher grade will be eligible for promotion transfer to the grade.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf