Ghana National Anthem

Ghana National Anthem was composed by Mr Philip Gbeho and the Anthem was adopted in 1957.

The music for the national anthem was originally composed by Philip Gbeho and sung to lyrics written by Emmanuel Pappoe-Thompson.

However the words were revised by a literary committee in the Office of the then head of state, Kwame Nkrumah.

Michael Kwame Gbordzoe has made claims to the current lyrics being used saying that it was written by him after the overthrow of President Nkrumah.

A competition was held and Kwame Gbordzoe, who was then a student at Bishop Herman College, presented the current lyrics which was chosen to replace “Lift High The Flag Of Ghana” which had been officially adopted after independence and used as Ghana’s National Anthem during Nkrumah’s regime

1st Stanza

God bless our homeland Ghana, and make our nation great and strong bold to defend forever, the cause of freedom and of right. Fill our heart with true humility, make us cherish, fearless, honesty, and help us to resist oppressors rule with all our will and might forever more.

2nd Stanza

Hail to thy name, O Ghana,

To thee we make our solemn vow:

Steadfast to build together

A nation strong in Unity;

With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,

Whether night or day, in the midst of storm,

In every need, whate’er the call may be,

To serve thee, Ghana, now and for evermore.

3rd Stanza

Raise high the flag of Ghana

and one with Africa advance;

Black star of hope and honour

To all who thirst for liberty;

Where the banner of Ghana freely flies,

May the way to freedom truly lie;

Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,

And under God march on for evermore!