Mbakwerkyar is a community in Ityuav kindred of Ikyurav Ya clan of Tiv nation.
It’s located in Menev council ward, Kwande LGA, Benue state, Nigeria

Ityuav is the kindred where Mbakwerkyar is located. Ityuav is Ikyurav Ya’s area nearest to the Cameroon border.
The capital of Ityuav is Imande Agbatse or Agbatse for short. Agbatse is at the outskirts of the kindred towards Ikyogen and it’s located where both the roads and terrain are relatively better.

A 4km drive towards the another side of the area that has an international border with Cameroon reveals the other phase of Ityuav.
Generally the place has an interesting natural landscape with beautifully arranged hills, streams and vegetation.
It’s Benue’s most mountainous area and one of the most fertile lands. Ityuav also have a lot a clean natural water springs, streams and lakes.
The people plant cocoa, rice, plantain and several other crops.
It’s the only place in Benue state where cocoa is planted in large scale.
The weather is calm. The place has low level of crime. The people are friendly.
It’s however surprising that it’s the least visited kindred in Benue state. People hardly go there even neighbouring communities.
There is one reason for it: Bad roads. The roads sometimes go up a hill and are neither tared nor well paved making mobility even on foot to be difficult.
The people of Mbakwerkyar, especially and Ityuav generally, inter marry with the nearby Oyive and Olite communities in Cameroon.
They also marry with the Undir and Ugee ethnic groups that are in their midst.
There is a neighbouring Tiv clan in Cross River state known as Utanga (Utange). Ityuav people also inter marry with them as well as go to their weekly market.
The Utanga market is the one many Mbakwerkyar people prefer, followed by Imande Agbatse.