Infantry Corps Centre
The Infantry Corps Centre (ICC) came into being in April 1958 when some Nigerians and British instructors were moved from the West African Command Training School Teshie, Gold Coast now Ghana to Queens Own Nigeria Regiment Dalet Barracks Kawo, Kaduna to start the Nigerian Military Forces Training College (NMFTC). The Infantry is one of the teeth arms of the NA and the queen of battle. It is the surest guarantor of peace which Nigeria needs in addition to carrying out its normal role as the combat arm capable of capturing and holding the ground. The Corps is headed by the Commander ICC.
Armoured Corps
Nigerian Army Armoured Corps (NAAC) came into being on 21 April 1958 from the only existing artillery battery then in the NACA. The artillery battery was changed to a Reconnaissance (Recce) Squadron. NAAC is one of the teeth arms of the NA. NAAC provides close combat support to the infantry. It has various types of units equipped with different categories of vehicles and armaments for the performance of their peculiar roles. These units include Recce Battalions, Tank Battalions, Light Tank Battalions and the Demonstration Battalion. The NAAC is headed by the Commander Armour Corps (CAC).
Corps of Artillery
History of Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery (NACA) dates back to the early days of colonial rule. It was used effectively to wage war of expedition between 1898 and 1920. The present Corps of Artillery came into being in April 1956. NACA, one of the teeth arms, provides fire support to manoeuvre units of the NA and protection against hostile artillery fire. It also provides Air defence cover for strategic installations of the country as well as sensitive areas of operations. NACA is headed by the Commander Corps of Artillery (CCA).
Engineers Corps
The nucleus of today’s Nigerian Army Engineers Corps (NAE) was formed in 1947 as the 36 Field cadre of Nigerian Engineers, which was part of the Royal West African Engineers in Bukuru, Jos. NAE provides both civil and military engineering needs of the NA for warfare and peace support operations. The Corps is headed by the Corps Commander Engineers (CCE).
Army Signals
The inception of the Nigerian Army Signals (NAS) can be traced to as early as 1865 when Lagos Constabulary was formed with a section of runners responsible for carrying messages from one place to the other. Later, around 1898, telegraph unit was formed. NAS is responsible for the provision of communication support for effective command and control, provision of electronic warfare (EW) support, liaison with civil communication authority for provision of communication and management of NA Frequency Spectrum. NAS is headed by the Commander Corps of Signals (CCS).
Intelligence Corps
impact on Nigeria’s national interest or international obligation in support of world peace as provided for in the UN charter. NAIC is headed by the Director of Military Intelligence (DMI).
Corps of Supply and Transport
The history of the Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport (NACST) dates back to the days of the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF) when West African Army Service Corps (WAASC) was established. The roles of NACST include the provision and operation of mechanical transport in service of all formations of the NA and the acquisition of supplies and sustenance on which unit operations rely on. Its provision of transport includes those of land, water and air while its schedule of responsibilities includes the provision of second and third line of various support available in the NA, providing and distributing combat supplies such as ammunition, Petrol, Oil and Lubricant (POL) industrial gas, rations to and within all the formations. The Corps is also responsible for fire prevention and protection, catering services, movement of controlled facilities and the training of personnel for mechanical transport, POL, catering, fire fighting, maritime, railway and air services. NACST is headed by the Commander Corps of Supply and Transport (CC ST).
Nigerian Army Medical Corps
Nigerian Army Medical Corps (NAMC) evolved out of the detachment of the British Army Medical Service that operated with the 82 (West African) Division during the Second World War. NAMC thus offers primary, secondary and tertiary health services such as clinical consultation, management of patients, teaching and medical research. Consultancy services are offered to civilian and other interested institutions in the country. There also exists a hi-tech Audiological Centre, the first of its kind in West Africa provided by the corps. NAMC is headed by the Commander, NAMC.
Nigerian Army Ordinance Corps
Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps (NAOC) is one of the major logistics corps of the Nigerian Army. The Corps’ primary role is the production, storage, maintenance and issue of military stores. Its secondary role includes inspection, repairs and the disposal of ammunition, clothing, technical and general stores. The corps has a training school, i.e. the Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps Training Centre (NAOCTC) which supplies the Corps with the needed manpower and suitable skills to perform its assigned roles. NAOC is headed by the Corps Commander of Ordnance (CC Ord).
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Nigerian Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (NAEME) is responsible for the maintenance of electrical, mechanical, electronic, optical and electro-medical equipment of the NA. The Corps also provides technical advice to commanders at all levels. In order to fulfill its roles, NAEME carries out pre-procurement tests and trials to determine the suitability of equipment to be introduced into the NA. It also conducts pre-delivery inspection of equipment to certify their conformity with laid down standards and adherence to technical aspects of contractual agreement. NAEME also carries out repairs of unserviceable equipment and scaling for scientific forecast and mechanical engineering regulations as well as research and development to keep abreast with technological developments relevant to the military. NAEME is headed by the Commander Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (CCEME).
Corps of Military Police
The history Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police (NACMP) dates back to the days of West African Frontier Force (WAFF). The Corps at inception was a small force commanded by British officers. The disposition of WAFF covered Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra-Leone and the Gambia. The Force in Nigeria had No 1 and 3 Sections in Lagos and No 2 and 4 Sections were based in Kaduna. In peace time, NACMP undertakes the tasks of crime prevention, crime detection, apprehension of offenders, assistance to service personnel and maintenance of discipline. Others are routine police duties like foot patrols, traffic control, route signing, ceremonial duties including VIP escort and protection, criminal investigation, as well as co-operation with civil police in all aspects of police duties. In war time, NACMP carries out all the tasks enumerated during peace in addition to stragglers centre control, refugee control, establishment of prisoners of war camp, rear area protection, security of main supply route and support of NA Engineers. NACMP is headed by the Provost Marshal Army (PM ‘A’)
Education Corps
Nigerian Army Education Corps (NAEC) is one of the oldest services in the Nigerian Army as its history dates back to the days of the RWAFF which had an Education Arm/Corps headed by a Chief Education Officer based in Teshie, Gold Coast (now Ghana). NAEC endeavors to plan and execute the NA programme of education in liberal, scientific and doctrinal studies, manage service educational establishment and training support facilities, as required for the professional excellence of the NA. NAEC is headed by the Commander Corps of Education (CCE).
Finance Corps
Nigerian Army Finance Corps (NAFC) was born out of the Royal Pay Corps of the colonial military establishment. At independence, the Royal Pay Corps was renamed Pay and Record Office. By 1960, the Pay Office became separate from Records Officer and the name was changed to the Nigerian Army Pay Corps (NAPC). As a result of the various reorganizations in the NA and the Corps itself, the name was changed to Nigerian Army Finance Corps (NAFC) in 1983. Its responsibility is effective management of the financial resources of the NA. It is headed by the Commander Corps of Army Finance and Accounts (CCAFA).
Army Physical Training
The history of the Directorate of Army Physical Training (DAPT) dates back to the end of the First World War of 1914-1918 when the importance of physical fitness to troops was first appreciated. The DAPT is charged with the responsibility of keeping the NA personnel physically and mentally fit. It is also these aspects of fitness that will guarantee the individual’s emotional stability and these 3 states of the body therefore combine to give the individual soldier all round fitness to carry out his role. This therefore, is in tandem with DAPT motto: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, (A sound mind in healthy body). DAPT is headed by the Director Physical Training (DPT)
Band Corps
The Nigerian Army Band Corps (NABC) began as a Regimental Band in 1932 with a Bandmaster sent from the Royal Life Guards Band in England to man the Band. In 1935, the Band was converted to full-fledged Military Band. The music provided by NABC covers highlife, traditional and military music for the needs of the NA and barracks communities as well as other interested civil populace. NABC is headed by the Director of Music (DOM)
Chaplain Service Services Roman Catholic
The Roman Catholic (RC) Chaplaincy of the NA is one of the oldest spiritual institutions established at the inception of West African Frontier Force. The earlier priests were Reverend Fathers (Military) seconded from Britain to Nigeria to administer the administrative and spiritual concerns of RC officers and soldiers. Later, Reverend Fathers of Nigerian origin took over from their British counterparts in the early 1960s. Today, there are 32 Chaplain (RC) Officers providing spiritual services to officers and soldiers of the RC denomination. Chaplain RC is headed by the Director of Chaplain Services (RC).
Chaplain Service Protestant
The Protestant (Prot) Chaplaincy like the RC is also an old spiritual Army institution. It developed from its cradled of a ‘one-man’ office of British Chaplain Officer seconded from Britain in the early 1950s. Today, there are Prot Chaplain Officers in various formations and units to conduct various religious services to officers, soldiers and their families. It is headed by the Director Chaplain Services (Protestant).
Islamic Affairs
The Directorate of Islamic Affairs (DOIA) is perhaps the oldest religious component of the Nigerian Army. It is tasked with providing the spiritual needs of the Moslem officers and soldiers in the NA and is headed by the Director of Islamic Affairs.
Army Public Relations
The Directorate of Army Public Relations (DAPR) was established in 1962 to keep the Nigerian contingent in the United Nations Peace Keeping Force in Congo abreast with happenings back home. It was also to inform Nigerians at home on the performance of the Nigerian contingent in the operation area. DAPR has developed and expanded in terms of manpower, roles and responsibilities. It is charged with the short and long term building and management of good corporate image for the NA and sustenance of cordial relationship between the NA and the public. DAPR has the role of advising commanders on the proactive ways of shaping policies and operations to gain public acceptance and support. As the mouthpiece of the NA, DAPR interprets and explains NA roles, policies, activities and accomplishments to the public. During war, conflicts, exercises or operations DAPR conducts information management to keep the public abreast and also undertake activities to motivate troops for attainment of overall NA’s mission. Avenues used by DAPR to achieve its tasks include publications, production of documentaries, media relations, radio and television broadcasts. DAPR is headed by the Director of Army Public Relations.
Legal Service
The main function of the Directorate of Legal Services (Army) (DLS ‘A’) is the provision of legal services to the Nigerian Army. Other functions include providing legal advice, review of reports of Boards of Inquiry and Regimental Inquiries, review of petitions and letters of redress, supervision of Court-Martial trials, review of Records of Proceedings of Court-Martial trials, preparation of memoranda on disciplinary cases to the Army Council, preparation and vetting of contract documents, commercial agreements and Memoranda of Understanding. DLS conducts Military Law training packages at various training schools. The Directorate also monitors and holds brief on cases involving the NA in Civil Courts and conducts liaison between the NA and stakeholders in civil justice administration sectors. Additionally, DLS provides Company Secretaries and Legal Officers to NA Commercial outfits. DLS is headed by the Chief Legal Adviser Army (CLA ‘A’)