The National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission (NSIWC) is structured into seven departments made up of Administration, Finance and Accounts, Management Information, and Special Duties, Compensation, Evaluation and Grading, as well as Productivity, Prices and Incomes Departments. The Commission also has five units directly under the Chairman, which are Internal Audit, Legal, SERVICOM, ACTU, and Public Affairs Units; while the Secretary to the Commission supervises the Procurement Unit.

The National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission (NSIWC), established by Decree No. 99 of 1993—now recognized as Cap N72 in the Laws of the Federation—was created to oversee and address various aspects of compensation within Nigeria’s Federal Public Service.

NSIWC’s core functions encompass handling remuneration-related matters, administering the National Minimum Wage, reviewing Federal Public Service pensions, conducting research into public service pay structures, and managing comparability surveys and salary administration regulations across the country.
Reference: NSIWC. /wp-content /uploads /2023/01/ NSIWC- ACT.pdf