1.1 Assistant Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 06
1.2 Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 07
1.3 Higher Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 08
1.4 Senior Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 09
1.5 Principal Radio telecommunication superintendent Grade II Grade Level 10
1.6 Principal Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade I Grade Level 12
1.7 Assistant Chief Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 13
1.8 Chief Radio telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 14
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
2.1 Assistant Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent, Grade Level 06
2.1.1 Maintaining Radio Station Records.
2.1.2 Supervising a number of Radio telecommunication operators
2.1.3 Assisting in the training of subordinate staff
2.2 Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 07
2.2.1 Keeping detailed records of international codes
2.2.2 Maintaining Radio Station layouts and controlling traffic
2.2.3 Controlling and supervising a number of Radio telecommunication operators.
2.3 Higher Radio telecommunication Superintendent, Grade Level 08
2.3.1 Taking responsibility for Radio Station layout and traffic control
2.3.2 Assisting in the training of subordinate staff
2.3.3 Carrying out routine maintenance of communication equipment.
2.4 Senior Radio telecommunication superintendent, Grade Level 09
2.4.1 Supervising the work of a number of subordinates.
2.4.2 Carrying out routine maintenance of communication equipment
2.4.3 Assisting in the training of staff
2.4.4 Ensuring compliance with procedure for radio station transmitting and
2.4.5 Maintaining vital station records.
2.5 Principal Radio Telecommunication Superintendent Grade II, Grade Level 10
2.5.1 Overseeing the maintenance of communication equipment at the zonal
2.5.2 Coordinating the activities of subordinate staff.
2.5.3 Coordinating the training activities of radio stations.
2.6 Principal Radio Telecommunication Superintendent Grade I, Grade Level 12
2.6.1 Maintaining communication equipment at the zonal headquarters.
2.6.2 Supervising the training programme of staff
2.6.3 Ensuring compliance with preventive maintenance routines.
2.6.4 Assisting in the installation of Radio Communication Antenna.
2.7 Assistant Chief Radio Telecommunication Superintendent, Grade Level 13
2.7.1 Installing Radio Communication antenna within the Network.
2.7.2 Coordinating the maintenance of radio communication facilities at the
2.7.3 Taking charge of training programmes
2.7.4 Assisting in the administration of the Radio Station.
2.8 Chief Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent, Grade Level 14
2.8.1 Taking charge of the administration of the Radio Station.
2.8.2 Planning the maintenance of communication facilities at the headquarters.
2.8.3 Advising on radio/telecommunications matters.
2.8.4 Monitoring the installation of radio communication antenna within the

NOTE: All promotions and transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service record.
3.1 Assistant Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Grade Level 06
3.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing any of the following
qualifications. Ordinary National Diploma in Radio and Telecommunication from a
recognized Institution. Full Technological Certificate (craft) of City and Guilds of London
Institute in Radio and Telecommunication. General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) in two relevant
subjects obtained at one sitting or in three subjects at two sittings.
3.2 Radio/Telecommunication, Superintendent, Grade Level 07
3.2.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Assistant Radio/Telecommunication
Superintendent who has spent at least two years on the grade.
3.2.2 By advancement of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in sub paragraph or above who has spent one year on the grade.
3.2.3 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in sub-paragraph 3.1. 1. 1 or 3.1 .1.2 above plus at least one year postqualification cognate experience.
3.3 Higher Radio/Telecommunication Superintendents, Grade Level 08
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Radio/Telecommunication
Superintendent who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.3.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing Higher National Diploma (HND) in electronics from a recognized Institution or the Full Technological Certificate (Technician) of the City and Guilds of London Institute in relevant, field.
3.3.3 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in sub-paragraph or above plus at least four years’ postqualification’ cognate experience.
3.4 Senior Radio/Telecommunication Superintendents Grade Level 09
3.4.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Higher Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.4.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in paragraph or above plus at least seven years’ post-qualification cogs experience or in sub-paragraph 3.3.2 above plus at least three years’ postqualification cognate experience.
3.5 Principal Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Grade 11, Grade Level II
3.5.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.5.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in paragraph 3.1.1. or above plus at least ten years’ post-qualification cognate experience or in sub-paragraph 3.3.2 above plus at least six years’ post-qualification cognate experience.
3.6 Principal Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Grade I, Grade Level 12
3.6.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Principal Radio/Telecommunication
Superintendent Grade II who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.7 Assistant Chief Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent, Grade
3.7.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Principal Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Grade I who has spent at least three years on the grade.
3.8 Chief Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent, Grade Level 14
3.8.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Assistant Chief Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent who has spent at least three years on the grade. - ADVANCEMENT BEYOND THE CADRE
Any officer in the Radio/Telecommunication Superintendent Cadre who acquire any of the qualification specified for appointment to any higher grade is eligible for transfer/promotion to the grade.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf