Adanwomase is a village in Ghana prominent for the making of kente cloth.
Around half the population of Adanwomase is involved in the making of kente, with weavers showing great pride in their work and often creating personal designs.

People have been making kente cloth since the 17th century in Adanwomase, the royal weaving village for the Asante king.
Visitors are welcome in Adanwomase, which offers guided tours and a chance to buy your very own piece of kente cloth.
The weaving tour includes a visit to the community kente workshop, where guests can try their hand at thread spinning, warping, and weaving, as well as a trip to the village shops to buy kente products and other crafts.
The tour continues to the chief’s palace, the traditional healer’s shrine, the oldest house in the area (over 300 years old) and a cocoa farm and finishes up at a forest shrine.
Visitors can also choose to go on a culinary tour of local farms, take part in palm wine tapping or learn to cook traditional Ghanaian dishes.
An evening of dancing, drumming, and storytelling by a cultural troupe can also be arranged.