• Officer having concluded the self-service enrollment on the project portal, a summary slip would be generated for the officer to be endorsed by appropriate officials of the MDA in duplicate copies. The officer would keep one while the MDA would keep one for the enrollment
• The officer must present himself physically for biometric data capturing where the facial picture would be taken (religious inclination of female staff is recognized where only the face is taken without requesting for the ears women in puddah (nikaf) would be required to be taken in private by a female official of the project consultants/federal documents civil service commission)
• The following documents would be scanned into the IPPIS application:
(i) The self generated and duly signed IPPIS Summary sheet;
(ii) Staff letter/gazette of first appointment – new employer need to submit evidence of assumption (if any)
(iii) Letter of last promotion (if any) ;
(Iv) Birth certificate/affidavit of declaration of age (not newly done).
• Your ten finger impression would be taken as well as your facial picture which will be stored on the IPPIS application without which your salary would not be processed
Why do you require all these documents?
The document would become a permanent record in the IPPIS application for future reference and the staff would not be able to change these at will. This is also to avoid falsification of record in the future.
Reference: ippis.gov.ng/support
More on IPPIS
Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) is Nigeria’s federal government payroll administration department meant to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of payroll service delivery for federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

IPPIS is an Oracle HCM solution that enables end to end management of all staff personnel and payroll management system. (Oracle is a US software company).

The system (IPPIS) performs gross-to-net calculations, including computation of the tax deductions, union dues, PFA among others.

The Director of IPPIS (the head) is responsible for the overall management of the department, reporting to the Accountant-General of the Federation.

IPPIS is under the Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation responsible for payment of salaries and wages directly to Government employee’s bank account with appropriate deductions and remittances of 3rd party payments such as; Federal Inland Revenue Service, State Boards of Internal Revenue, National Health Insurance Scheme, National Housing Fund, Pension Fund Administrator, Cooperative Societies, Trade Unions Dues, Association Dues and Bank Loans.

IPPIS carries out its functions in collaboration with; the Federal Ministry of Finance, Office of the Head of Service, Civil Service Commission, Office of the Auditor General of the Federation and MDAs that are enrolled on IPPIS.
The department have saved the Federal Government of Nigeria billions of Naira by eliminating thousands of ghost workers.

There are 696 MDAS on IPPIS Platform as at June, 2020. The department is responsible for processing and payment of salary to over One million (1,139,633) Federal Government Employees across the 696 MDAs. IPPIS aim is to enrol into the platform, all Federal Government MDAs that draws personnel cost fund from the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
What IPPIS does
Management of FGN employees records
Payment of Salary and Wages to FGN employees
Deductions of taxes and other third payments
Remittance of payroll deductions to third party
Enrolment of employees into IPPIS database
IPPIS pay slip
An IPPIS pay sip is a monthly generated document for every federal government staff on the IPPIS platform.
It is generated after calculations of salary figures and it is made available to limited persons. It’s availability is effected usually after payment has been made.

IPPIS was designed to achieve the following objectives:
(1) Facilitate human resources planning by providing information for decision making;
(2) Provide a platform for accurate budgeting and annual recurrent expenditure on staff emoluments;
(3) Monitor monthly payment of staff emoluments against FGN’s annual budget to ensure minimal wastage and leakage
(4) Eliminate payroll fraud such as multiple payment of emoluments to single employee or payment of monthly salary to
a non-existent employee;
(5) Facilitate easy storage, updating, and retrieval of personnel records;
(6) Ensure database integrity so that once entered cannot be manipulated by unauthorised users; and
(7) Enhance confidence in the process of determining staff emolument cost.

Office address
Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation
Treasury House, Ladoke Akintola Boulevard
Garki 11, Abuja
• +234 908 700 573 5
• support.ippis.gov.ng
• www.ippis.gov.ng
• 2006
The Phase I of IPPIS project was approved by the Federal Executive Council and commenced on February 2006 using the World Bank facility to finance.
• 2007
IPPIS Phase I went live in April 2007 with seven (7) pilot MDAs.
• 2008
IPPIS project implementation and management was transferred to the office of the Office of the Accountant General of the federation (OAGF) in October, 2008 from Bureau of Public Service Reforms.
• 2009
Pilot MDAs increased to 11
• 2010
The Federal Executive Council (FEC) in December, 2010 approved the service – wide implementation of IPPIS for enrolment of 1.2million Public Servants across 475 MDAs
• 2011
IPPIS Phase 11 implementation commenced on September, 2011
• 2014
N208 Billion has been saved by the federal government as at 31 December 2014 due to elimination of ghost workers and improved management
• 2015
263, 385 Government Employees in 388 MDAs enrolled and paid via IPPIS
Units & functions
IPPIS, a Department, comprises of four (4) units working together to ensure IPPIS objectives are met.
The duties and functions of ICT unit include among others are:
- IPPIS Application Management
- Hardware Infrastructure Maintenance;
- Connectivity management to IPPIS Data centres;
- System installation and configuration; and
- Payroll run, correction and other related technical matters.
The duties and functions of administrative unit include but are not limited to the following:
- managing all correspondences
- Coordinating enrolment of new staff and or MDAs into IPPIS
- Preparation of briefs, IPPIS budget and other repost;
- Manages IPPIS reference registry where all mails are dispatched / failed;
- coordinates staff welfare and training;
- coordinates verification exercises;
- Relations with MDAs
- Office maintenance; and
- Purchases / stores etc.
The duties and functions of audit monitoring unit are:
- auditing/investigation of IPPIS transactions on the application
- Reconciliation of budget payment;
- Monthly payout report; and
- Arrears verification & compilation
The duties and functions of third party & other payment unit include the following:
- Manages payment of pension matters, PAYE and unions/ cooperatives deductions;
- Pre and post payment processing;
- Processing of arrears repayment; and
- Liaison with CBN, NIBSS & Funds Dept.
Reference: ippis.gov.ng/what-is-3/