Among the mineral occurrences spatially distributed all over Kwara
State, three categories hold promise for investment and commercial
development due to their potential large reserves. They are:
- Industrial minerals: Marble/dolomite, kaolin, silica sand, quartz, granites, talc and feldspar.
- Metallic ores: Gold, cassiterite, columbite, tantalite and rare-earth metals.
- Gemstones: Tourmaline, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald, amethyst and beryl.
The Kwara State government is open to partnering with individuals
and/or organizations to grow the value chain and cause growth in its
mining sector to aggressively promote the State’s capacity to satisfy
all market generated demands (real and potential) within this

Investment opportunities in Kwara mining Sector
Micro and small-scale operators that only extract. The government will further assist them with processing capacity; Opportunities to evolve the industry from a simple extraction to further along in value to create higher-value exportable items and
(semi-)final inputs for consumption in local construction and manufacturing industries