OGYEAHOHO YAW GYEBI II is the president of the National House of Chiefs.

He is known as Francis Kwame Agyei in his private life and he is the Anwiasohene of Sefwi Anwiaso in the Western North Region of Ghana.
He came to the National House of Chiefs with a great skill in conflict resolution to deal adequately with the many chieftaincy issues scattered across the nation.
He has an Executive Masters degree in ADR, a Bachelor degree in Commerce and is a Specialist in Geography from the Winneba Special College.
His extensive knowledge earned him a top position in many institutions like Takoradi University College, Sefwiman Rural Bank just to name a few.
National House of Chiefs
The National House of Chiefs is established by Article 274 (1) of the 1992 Constitution and Section 1 (1) of the Chieftaincy Act 2008, Act 759. The House derives its Mandate from Article 271 of the 1992 Constitution and Section 1 of the Chieftaincy Act 2008 Act 759.
The National House of Chiefs exists to exercise appellate jurisdiction in any cause on matter affecting chieftaincy which has been determined by the Regional House of Chiefs in a region. The House under Article 273 (5) of the 1992 Constitution also exercises original jurisdiction in certain causes or matters affecting chieftaincy.
Aside the above functions, the National House of Chiefs, under Article 272 of the 1992 Constitution performs the following functions:
- Advise any person or authority charged with any responsibility under this Constitution or any other law for any matter relating to or affecting chieftaincy;
- Undertake the progressive study, interpretation and codification of customary law with a view to evolving, in appropriate cases, a unified system of rules of customary law, and compiling the customary laws and lines of succession applicable to each stool or skin;
- Undertake an evaluation of traditional customs and usages with a view to eliminating those customs and usages that are outmoded and socially harmful;
- Perform such other functions, not being inconsistent with any function assigned to the House of Chiefs of a region, as Parliament may refer to it.