1.1 Assistant Registrar Grade II
1.2 Assistant Registrar Grade I
1.3 Senior Asst. Registrar Grade II
1.4 Senior Assistant Registrar Grade I
1.5 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade II
1.6 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade I
1.7 Assistant Chief Registrar
1.8 Deputy Chief Registrar
1.9 Chief Registrar
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
2.1 Assistant Registrar Grade II, Grade Level 08
2.1.1 Undergoing one year pupilage programme and performing the following dimes under supervision Verifying and assessing trademarks applications. Giving preliminary advice on registerable trademarks applications. Processing Patent application and giving preliminary advise on the
(a) Novelty
(b) Inventive Activity
(C) Unpatentable Inventions Processing and recommending the following for approval:
(a) Registrable Designs
(b) Non Registrable Designs
(c) Right to Registrable Designs
2.2 Assistant Registrars Grade I, Grade Level 09
2.2.1 Vetting and recommending for approval the following: Trademark registration, including:
(a) Form of application and specification
(b) Address for application
(c) Representation of Mark
(d) Additional forms and representation
(e) Separate applications
(f) Representations to be satisfactory
(g) Specimen of Trademarks in exceptional cases
(h) Series of Trade marks
(i) Transliteration and Translation Patent Registration including:
(a) A request for petition for Patents with Applicant’s full name and address
(b) Specification as to method or combination of methods including claim/claims
(c) Plans and Drawings
(d) Signed Power and Attorney
(e) Industrial result it produces
(f) Address for service in Nigeria Designs Registration including:
(a) A request for registration of design
(b) Applicant’s full name and address
(c) Specimen of the design or photographic or graphic representation
(d) An indication of the kind of product for which the design will be used.
2.2.2 Examining applications for change of names and addresses as on rademarks
2.3 Patents and Designs Senior Assistant Registrar GradeII, Grade Level 10
2.3.1 Vetting and processing assignments and transmission of documents such as: Joint application for entry of assignment or transmission. Application for entry of assignment or transmission by subsequent
proprietor. Proof of title Assign ability of industrial property documents or rights Approving of change of names/address of proprietor of trademark
patents and designs
2.3.2 Processing applications for alteration of registration i.e. correction change
cancellation striking out of goods and application for rectification of removal
from the Registrar.
2.3.3 Supervising the activities of a number of subordinate officers.
2.4 Senior Assistant Registrar, Grade I, Grade Level 12
2.4.1 Taking charge of matters relating to opposition to registration.
2.4.2 Servicing notices of opposition
2.4.3 Receiving and dispatching counter statements
2.4.4 Receiving, compiling and filing evidence in support of oppositions.
2.4.5 Vetting evidence in support of applications
2.4.6 Receiving evidence in reply
2.4.7 Preparing grounds for hearing of opposition proceeding
2.4.8 Granting extension of time in opposition proceedings on behalf of the
2.4.9 Assisting in hearing opposition.
2.5 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade II, Grade Level 13
2.5.1 Renewing registration of Trademarks, Patents Designs
2.5.2 Removing trademarks from the Register
2.5.3 Processing removal of trademark.
2.5.4 Cancelling and surrendering patents
2.5.5 Recommending for renewal approved certificates of trademarks patents
2.5.6 Approving trademarks applications
2.5.7 Coordinating the activities of a number of subordinates.
2.6 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade I, Grade Level 14
2.6.1 Vetting and assessing certificates on Trademarks, Patents and Designs for
2.6.2 Taking charge of a section.
2.6.3 Supervising the training programmes of staff
2.6.4 Taking charge of accepted marks for publications in trademarks journals.
2.6.5 Advertising and illustrating marks and devices
2.6.6 Approving patents and designs applications for processing.
2.7 Assistant Chief Registrar, Grade Level 15
2.7.1 Taking charge of a Branch
2.7.2 Initiating the review of relevant policies and programmes
2.7.3 Coordinating the training programme of staff.
2.7.4 Examining and taking decisions on associated marks
2.7.5 Granting duration, renewal and lapse of patents
2.7.6 Taking decision on nullity of a patent.
2.8 Deputy Chief Registrar, Grade Level 16
2.8.1 Taking Charge of a Division
2.8.2 Hearing opposition proceedings
2.8.3 Having responsibility for industrial property development planning
2.8.4 Granting approval for amendment of industrial property document.
2.8.5 Assisting in formulating relevant policies and programmes
2.8.6 Initiating the review of alteration of trade mark, Patents and Designs
2.9 Chief Registrar, Grade Level 17
2.9.1 Signing Trade Marks. Patents and Designs Certificates
2.9.2 Taking charge of the general administration of the Department.
2.9.3 Exercising such powers as are conferred on him under the relevant rules.
2.9.4 Advising on formulation, execution and review of policies and programmes
relating to commercial law.
2.9.5 Ensuring compliance with policies on research and inventions.
2.9.6 Implementing the TRIPS agreement in relation to formulated policies of the

NOTE: All promotions and transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service record.
4.1 Assistant Registrar Grade II, Grade level 08
4.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate who is legally qualified to practice as
Barrister and Solicitor in Nigeria.
4.2 Assistant Registrar Grade I, Grade Level 09
4.2.1 By advancement of an Assistant Registrar Grade who has successfully
completed a one year pupilage programme.
4.2.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in subparagraph 4.1.1 above plus at least one year post-qualification cognate
(Pupilage) experience.
4.3 Senior Assistant Registrar Grade 11, Grade Level 10
4.3.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Registrar Grade I who has spent at least
three years on the grade.
4.3.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing the qualification specified in sub-paragraph 3.1.1 above plus at least four years’ post-qualification cognate
4.4 Senior Assistant Registrar Grade 1, Grade Level 12
4.4.1 By promotion of a suitable Senior Assistant Registrar Grade II who has spent
at least three years on the grade.
4.5 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade 11, Grade Level 13
4.5.1 By promotion of a suitable Senior Assistant Registrar Grade 1, who has spent
at I three years on the grade.
4.6 Principal Assistant Registrar Grade I, Grade Level 14
4.6.1 By promotion of a suitable Principal Assistant Registrar Grade Ii, who has
spent at least three years on the grade.
4.7 Assistant Chief Registrar, Grade Level 15
4.7.1 By promotion of a suitable Principal Assistant Registrar Grade I who has spent at least three years on the grade.
4.8 Deputy Chief Registrar Grade Level 16
4.8.1 By promotion of a suitable Assistant Chief Registrar who has spent at least
four yea on the grade.
4.9 Chief Registrar, Grade Level 17
4.9.1 By promotion of a suitable Deputy chief Registrar who has spent at least four years in the grade.
4.10 Direct Appointment to Posts in Grade Level 12 and above:
Direct appointments may also be made to posts in Grade Level 12 and above; but the will be preceded by specified advertisement at the instance of the user
Ministry/Department. Promotion from such direct appointment to higher grades are subject confirmation of appointment.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf