1.1 Assistant Stores Examiner Grade Level 03
1.2 Stores Examiner Grade Level 04
1.3 Senior Stores Examiner Grade Level 05
1.4 Assistant Chief Stores Examiner Grade Level 06
1.5 Chief Stores Examiner Grade Level 07 - DUTIES
2.1 Assistant Stores Examiner, Grade Level 03
2.1.1 Assisting in carrying out physical checking of all stock items
2.1.2 Assisting in the preparation of stock schedule
2.1.3 Performing routine store checking duties 2.2 Stores Examiner, Grade Level 04
2.2.1 Assisting in carrying out physical checking of all stock items 2.2.2 Assisting in
preparing Discrepancy Forms
2.2.2 Assisting in stores examination duties
2.3 Senior Stores Examiner, Grade Level 05
2.3.1 Checking stores
2.3.2 Carrying out examination of receipts/issue vouchers and conversion vouchers
and entering the sun-serviceable, redundant, dormant or obsolete store, etc, into
their appropriate forms.
2.3.3 Reporting on findings
2.3.4 Supervising subordinates
2.4 Assistant Chief Store Examiner, Grade Level 06
2.4.1 Carrying out pre-supply verification
2.4.2 Assisting in supervising stock verification record units
2.4.3 Assisting in keeping Local Purchase Order/Contract Records/Returns
2.5 Chief Stores Examiner, Grade Level 06
2.5.1 Coordinating the activities of a number of subordinates
2.5.2 Carrying out pre-supply verification
2.5.3 Assisting in reconciling Tally Card postings with store ledger entries
2.5.4 Supervising team of Stores Examiners
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
Note: All promotions and transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service
3.1 Assistant Stores Examiner, Grade Level 03
By direct appointment of a candidate possessing Junior Secondary School
Certificate or S. 75 or General Certificate of Education (O/L) in three subjects
obtained at one sitting or four subjects at two sittings.
3.2 Stores Examiner, Grade Level 04
3.2.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Assistant Stores Examiner
who has spent at least two years on the grade and passed the
Confirmation/ Promotion Test at promotion level i.e. 50%.
3.2.2 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing SSSC/WASC or
General Certificate of Education (O/L) in four subjects obtained at one
sitting or five subjects at two sittings.
3.3 Senior Chief Stores Examiner, Grade Level 06
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Stores Examiner who has
spent at least two years on the grade and passed the Confirmation/
Promotion Test at promotion level i.e. 50%.
3.4 Assistant Chief Stores Examiner, Grade Level 06
3.4.1 By promotion on a confirmed and suitable Stores Examiner who has
spent at least two years on the grade.
3.5 Chief Stores Examiner, Grade Level 07
3.5.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Assistant Chief Stores
Examiner who has spent at least two years on the grade.

Any officer in the Stores Examiner Cadre who acquires any of the qualifications specified for appointment to any higher grade, is eligible for promotion/ transfer to the grade.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf