The coming of Christianity to Mbaise

In 1911, the Christian Missionary Society (CMS) mission came to Mbaise at Ife and Ubonukam Onicha Ezinihitte. It was the first advent of Christianity in Mbaise. Following the coming of churches was also the schools.

Catholic Church, Ahiara Diocese, Mbaise
Christians at Catholic Church, Ahiara Diocese, Mbaise

In 1915, four years after, the Catholic Mission came to Nguru, through Chief Anyamele who also brought the school at St. Joseph Ogbor Nguru.

In 1916, The Catholic Church arrived Ahiara through Chief Onyekwere together with the school at St. Bridges Ahiara, while St. Patrick’s Church and School Ekwerazu were established at Umuokirika in 1917.

In 1927 the first Mbaise man obtained a standard six certificate. He was Chief Pius Nwoga from primary school at Egbu.

Mbaise is a sub-group of Igbo ethnic group located in Imo state, south eastern Nigeria.

Mbaise people … 1
Mbaise people … 2


In Igbo language Mbaise literally means “five towns”.

5 towns (clans) of Mbaise

The 5 towns (clans) that make up Mbaise are:

  1. Agbaja
  2. Ahiara
  3. Ekwerazu
  4. Ezinihitte and
  5. Oke-Uvuru

Mbaise’s 3 Local Government Areas

The towns constitute 3 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Imo state, namely:

  1. Aboh Mbaise
  2. Ahiazu Mbaise and
  3. Ezinihitte Mbaise
Map of Imo State showing Local Government Areas (LGAs). The 3 LGAs of Mbaise are indicated


The great “Abigbo” dance troupe, “Oji” Mbaise, which celebrates the significance of the kola nut, “Iri-ji” Mbaise, an annual celebration of the yam harvest – all are festivities for which Mbaise is well-known.

Culture, traditions and customs

Mbaise people have rich culture, traditions and customs. Some of the activities are:

  • Isu asusu Igbo
  • Igoo Orji
  • Iru Mgbede
  • Iwa Akwa
  • Iboo uzo
  • Ilu Nwanyi
  • Ntozu Oke
  • Igba ngba
  • Ijike njike ka onye Mbaise
  • Imuta otu esi agba egwu anyi dika
  • Agbigbo na Ogbongelenge