Anambra State Association, ASA, USA, is a community of sons and daughters and indigenes of Anambra State of Nigeria, living and/or working in various States and localities in the United States of America, being fully committed to the honest advocacy, pursuit, and actual practice and living of the life of love, peace, unity, togetherness, cooperation, understanding and justice among and between ourselves in all matters of common communal interest to us and to Anambra State and Nigeria, do hereby unanimously resolve to constitute ourselves into a formal Union and Organization for the purpose of pursuing and actualizing these goals and ideals for all Anambra people here in the United States and in Anambra State, Nigeria, and elsewhere, and to be governed and regulated by the constitution.

The name of this Organization shall be ANAMBRA STATE ASSOCIATION, USA, Inc., otherwise called ASA,USA, or more simply referred to as The Union, or The Organization, or The Association. The Organization shall be a U.S.-based, non-profit civic, educational and charitable entity.
The motto of the Association shall be: UNITY, PEACE, PROGRESS, and LOVE AND JUSTICE
3.1 To promote and foster love, peace, unity, togetherness, cooperation, understanding, justice and fair play between and among all Anambra people living in the United States and in Nigeria or elsewhere in the world, and to do the same in regard to the promotion, pursuit, practice of transparency, accountability, good public policy and governance in public affairs.
3.2 To serve as a common social umbrella and a united front for constructive unity, solidarity, social interaction, networking, progress, and the healthy promotion of the Anambra/Igbo cultural heritage, identity and traditions among and between ourselves, and with all other associations, organizations, and entities of Anambra State people in the U.S.
3.3 To encourage and support justice, good public policies, genuine democracy, and honest, transparent, and non-corrupt governance at every level of society in Anambra State politically, socially, culturally, economically, and otherwise, ensuring that the Anambra State children and people are educated and encouraged to take their rightful places in society.
3.4 To cooperate and work with other well-meaning organizations in the U.S. in providing relief for the poor and the underprivileged, and in alleviating poverty, ignorance, disease and other ills within Anambra State, in particular, and in Nigeria in general, and in defending human rights secured under law.
3.5 To seek to research, study and analyze objectively the major intellectual, political, economic and social issues of public interest for Anambra State, and to present, publish, and disseminate a complete non-partisan analysis of same to the people of Anambra State.
3.6 To actively seek, promote and encourage international cooperation as well as the interest of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the economic, technological, educational, healthcare and social development and prosperity of Anambra State through patronage, international investments, collaborations as well as humanitarian and charitable programs in order to ameliorate the sufferings of our people.
3.7 To serve as a communication link between the people and government of Anambra State, the Federal, other State Governments, the people of Nigeria and the Anambra State Community resident in the United States of America.