Busokelo District Council is one of the districts councils in Tanzania.
It was split from Rungwe District Council in the year 2012 after a long series of reform and the need to give services to the community adequately and efficiently.

Geographical Background
Busokelo District Council lies between latitudes 8° 30’ East at 9° 30’ south of the Equator and Longitudes 33’ and 34’ east of Greenwich Meridian. The Council shares borders with Kyela District in South, Rungwe District Council in the West, Makete District in the East and Mbeya District in the North. The Busokelo District Council headquarters is situated at Lwangwa Township which is 47 Km from Tukuyu Town.

Land area
The Council covers a total of 969.14 Sq Km of which 85 percent of total land area is used for Agriculture while the remaining land 15 sq km is covered by forest, mountainous and residential area.

The climate condition of the District is a function of altitude. The District is mountainous with Rungwe Mountain and Livingstone ranges rising from an altitude of 770 meters to 2,265 meters above sea level. Rainfall average 900mm in the low land areas to 2700mm on the highland. Temperature is generally moderate and range from 18° – 25° all the year round.
Administrative structure
The Council consists of 1 division namely: Busokelo wherein there are 11 Wards and 56 registered villages. The villages are further sub – divided into 231 sub – villages popularly known as hamlets.

Population size and density
On the basis of the year 2012 population census, Busokelo District Council had 96,348 people out of which 53,704 equivalents to 54% were females and 43,142 equivalents to 46% were males. The council has 2,773 households.
The granite stones are found at Kipangamansi hamlet in Kikuba village. It is said that these stones are found only in two countries in the world including Tanzania. The stones are not yet exploited enough as it can allow investors to engage in mining activities at this area and bring positive economic changes to the council residents and a country as a whole.The picture below shows the mountain with tiles stones and excavated stones.

Below is the picture of Kibole waterfalls, which can be used for generating hydro electric power.
Agriculture Production
Busokelo District Council has a total land area of 96,914 Ha, out of which 82,634 Ha (equivalent to 85% of the total area) is suitable for Agricultural production and the actual cultivated land is estimated to be 51,364Ha, equals to 62% of the land suitable for agricultural production. This means that, uncultivated land is about 31,270 Ha, which is equal to 38 % of the land suitable for agriculture. There is an opportunity of investing in agriculture activities to areas not yet used.
Irrigation opportunity
There is a total of 2,695 Ha suitable for irrigation. However, the opportunity has been exhausted only by 27%, equivalent to 715 Ha.
Livestock production
Livestock keeping is among the important economic activity for the residents of Busokelo district council. The council is estimated to have 311,055 livestock of which 31,119 are cattle, 2,637 goats and 1033 sheep. Other livestock keeping in the district include pigs (12,816), chicken (254,442), chicken broilers (8,932) and donkeys (76). Livestock kept are both indigenous and improved dairy cattle of which there are 17,049 indigenous and 14,070 improved dairy cattle.
Opportunity for milk production and processing
Average milk production per annum is estimated at 1,980,000 liters/year. Referring to international recommended dietary requirement for human, liters of milk required by Busokelo District community is 8,671,320 liters/year. The estimated production is far more behind from recommended consumption. Given available pasture land, possibility of improving our indigenous-local breeds and quality animal feeds, there will be a possibility of raising milk production and so into processing for variety of products for human consumption.
Flower production in Busokelo District Council, is an economic activity not practiced by the community due to lack of knowledge in dealing with it. But given the International Airport at Songwe and favorable weather condition, the council is inviting investors to carry out this activity so as to impart knowledge to our residents and raise the council economy in general. This activity can be carried out at Mpombo, Luteba, Kandete, Isange, Lwangwa and Lupata and the production area is 329 Ha. Contract farming is more encouraging for floriculture activity in Busokelo District council. The picture below depicts an area that can be used for flowerproduction.
Busokelo District Council is most favorable for investment in cropprocessing rural industries. This is due to the fact that the Council has favorable weather for producing both cash crops(cocoa) and food crops (paddy). For example the production of cocoa in the year 2013/14 was 8,309.5 tons and paddy 1,773.9 tons but there is no processing industries for adding value to agricultural produce. Therefore investment in processing Industries is a very crucial aspect for rural development in order to add value to agricultural raw produce and promote effective marketing of farm products. The picture below shows a cocoa farm in Busokelo.
Busokelo District Council is rich in Crater Lakes which can be used to carry out fishing activities to feed fishing industry. These crater lakes are capable enough to produce fish for consumption and surplus for commercial purposes. These Crater Lakes include Kyungululu, Kingili, Ilamba, Ikapu, Itamba and Itende. Potential Investment includes fishcultivation where by different species of fish can be planted in these lakes.
Bee- keeping in Busokelo District Council, is an economic activity practised by the community, however the council does not have many beekeepers who practise beekeeping as a major economic activity. But recently the Busokelo residents are increasingly engaging in Beekeeping activities in many villages and they have formed beekeeping groups to produce honey and wax products in large amount. All wards in the council have suitable environment for beekeeping activities. The activities are being carried out in water catchment areas and a number of Forest Reserves such as Kyejo Forest Reserve, Mount Livingstone Forest reserve, Ngeleka, Ivolelo community forest, Katebhele community forest and others. The picture below shows some of the potential area, friendly to beekeeping activities.
Busokelo District Council has a number of attractive tourism potentials which are Natural Heritage. There are several attractive natural heritages within the area and include.
The Water falls
The Council has abundant waterfalls found in various rivers and streams like Ntele waterfall which flows in Ntele stream, Busango waterfall which flows in Busango stream, Mwasambi waterfall flows in Mwasambi stream, Mbande waterfall in Mbande stream, Kalebwa waterfall in Kalembwa stream, All these waterfalls feed its water to Lufilyo river before reaching Lake Nyasa, other waterfalls that feed theirwater into Mbaka river include Itupi and Mambwe I&II. These waterfalls can be used for tourist attraction as well as power generation (hydropower). Also can be used for processing bottled water.Some of the scenery of River waterfalls
Mambwe God’s Bridge
The council is blessed with natural bridge found at Mambwe River in Nsoso village. The inflow speed is high but outflows slowly and continues. It shows that there is a natural break pressure tank which regulates the water speed. The bridge is very attractive for tourism activities. The picture below shows the scenery of God’s bridge
Kyejo Mountain
This is a volcanic mountain and when you climb, you will find many attractions like volcanic soils, volcanic holes, short grass and flowers. Unique grass is found on the peak of this mountain. The mountain has 3 peaks, the first two peaks are closer and other (The highest) is in the other side of the mountain.
The following are the scenery of Kyejo Mountain with volcanic holes.
Kilambo Hot Water Spring
Busokelo council is blessed with a unique spring which emits hot water known as Kilambo hot water spring. This amazing hot water is found at Kambasegela and Lupata wards. The spring has good scenery for Tourist attractions. It has been a reliable source of water especially to the river hence makes a great possibility for crop cultivation and cattle rearing. It is recommended that this place should be developed, since it has scenery features for Tourist attraction. The following are the scenery of Kilambo Hot Water Spring.
Features of Hot water
• It is a permanent; of which its water neither increase nor decrease in volume throughout a year.
• Its water is very hot in such a way you can boil eggs or sweat potatoes.
• It has very clear water which usually brings visual impression.
• Around Kilambo spring there is Arable land, in which there is no human economic activity undertaken due to lack of people with interest to invest over there.
• Kilambo Hot spring flows its water into a river; therefore it is a catchment area for this river.
Busokelo is endowed with two Caves which are found along the Lufilyo River at Kipapa village and Makwitwa Cave is found at Kipyola village in Ivolelo forest. The Kipapa cave is natural with stones and is large whereby 7 to 8 people can enter at once. The caves have good scenery for attraction and on the way you can see the waterfalls. (a) Kipapa cave(b) Makwitwa cave The Makwitwa cave is found within Ivolelo forest reserve and mouth of this cave is a round shaped, the cave can handle five to six people at once.
The Crater lakes
There are several crater lakes found in Busokelo District Council which include Kyungulu, Kingili, Ilamba, Ikapu, Itamba, Itende, Kyambangungulu, Lusiba and Kyejo. The first six crater lakes are suitable for camping sites, tourism hotels and other tourism activities since have theirunique features but the remained one needs some conservation activities to rectify its situation.
Kyungululu Crater Lake
Kyungululu Crater Lake is deeper than other lakes aroundBusokelo. It has areas suitable for tourism activities especially camping, swimming and tourist hotels. This Crater Lake is found at Itete ward. The following picture shows Kyungululu Crater Lake.
Kingili Crater Lake is large and surrounded with natural trees which produce veryfresh air. It also have suitable area for constructing hotels around it and other tourism activities, the crater has crocodiles which attract tourism activities. The lake is found at Kisegese ward.
Ilamba Crater Lake
Ilamba Crater Lake is found at Kambasegela ward and is very deep and large with crocodiles. This Crater Lake is surrounded with different natural tree species which regulate weather condition around the lake.
Ikapu Crater Lake
Ikapu Crater Lake is found at Kambasegela ward. It is large with crocodiles and wild duck found in this lake. This lake is very attractive to tourism activities with high speed of wind around the Crater Lake. Below is a picture of Ikapu crater lake.
Itamba Crater Lake
Itamba Crater Lake is found in Lupata ward at Ntapisi village. It is large and surrounded with natural trees which produce fresh air. This Crater Lake is potential for tourism activities like camping, swimming, construction of tourist hotels and fishing.
Itende Crater Lake
Itende Crater Lake is an amazing crater lake since is found on the mountain. To the peak of it you see three lakes of Ikapu, Kisiba and Lake Nyasa. It has a very good view and tourism activities can be done to this area. You will be passing to the God’s bridge before arriving to the lake. Also you will found the Local bridge popularly known as ‘’kindandali’’ and the expected source of Itende Crater Lake. This lake is found at Lupata ward.
Kyamba Ngungulu Crater Lake
Kyamba Ngungulu Crater Lake is found at Mount Ngungulu and needsconservation activities to rectify it since it has perished. This Crater Lake is potential for fish keeping. Beekeeping is possible since it has enough conserved forest. The crater is found at Kambasegela ward.
Lusiba Crater Lake
Lusiba Crater Lake is found at Mpombo ward and is large but human activities have destroyed its features. The council needs to put more effort to restore the situation of the lake. This crater is potential for fish planting and tourism activities.
Kyejo Crater Lake
Kyejo Crater Lake is found at the peak of Mount Kyejo but it has been destroyed by Human activities which caused to decrease to the size of the Crater Lake. This Crater Lake is very attractive to tourists.
Reference: https://busokelodc.go.tz/