The 10 most populated regions of Tanzania are:
Dar es Salaam
Tanzania regions by population size. From Most to least populated
Region | Population |
Dar es Salaam | 4,364,541 |
Mwanza | 2,772,509 |
Mbeya | 2,707,410 |
Kagera | 2,458,023 |
Tabora | 2,291,623 |
Morogoro | 2,218,492 |
Kigoma | 2,127,930 |
Dodoma | 2,083,588 |
Tanga | 2,045,205 |
Mara | 1,743,830 |
Geita | 1,739,530 |
Arusha | 1,694,310 |
Kilimanjaro | 1,640,087 |
Simiyu | 1,584,157 |
Shinyanga | 1,534,808 |
Manyara | 1,425,131 |
Ruvuma | 1,376,891 |
Singida | 1,370,637 |
Mtwara | 1,270,854 |
Pwani | 1,098,668 |
Rukwa | 1,004,539 |
Iringa | 941,238 |
Lindi | 864,652 |
Njombe | 702,097 |
Zanzibar West | 593,678 |
Katavi | 564,604 |
Pemba North | 211,732 |
Pemba South | 195,116 |
Zanzibar North | 187,455 |
Zanzibar South and Central | 115,588 |

Tanzania regions, districts
As of 2021 Tanzania comprises 31 regions divided into 184 districts.
The districts are each administered by a district council.
Cities are separately administered by their own councils, and while administratively within a region, are not considered to be located within a district.
Reformation of Tanzania districts
Around 1972: Makete district created from Njombe.
1980: Meatu district created from Maswa.
1995: Bukombe district created from Kahama. Karatu district created from Mbulu. Mkuranga district created from Kisarawe.
Around 1995: Kilolo district created from Iringa Rural.
1996: Tandahimba district created from Newala.
1996-07: Misungwi district created from Kwimba.
Around 1998: Mbarali district created from Mbeya Rural.
2000: Kishapu district created from Shinyanga Rural.
2002: Kilindi district created from Handeni.
2002-07: Mvomero district created from Morogoro Rural.
2007-07-01: Mkinga district created from Muheza.
2012-03-02: Government created 19 new districts: Buhigwe (capital Buhigwe, created from Kasulu) Busega (capital Nyashimo, created from Magu)
Butiama (capital Butiama, created from Musoma)
Chemba (capital Chemba, created from Kondoa)
Gairo (capital Gairo, created from Kilosa)
Ikungi (capital Ikungi, created from Singida)
Itilima (capital Lagangabilili, created from Bariadi)
Kakonko (capital Kakonko, created from Kibondo)
Kalambo (capital Matai, created from Sumbwanga)
Kaliua (capital Kaliua, created from Urambo)
Kyerwa (capital Rubwera, created from Karagwe)
Mbogwe (capital Mbogwe, created from Bukombe)
Mkalama (capital Nduguti, created from Iramba)
Mlele (capital Inyonga, created from Mpanda)
Momba (capital Chitete, created from Mbozi)
Nyang’hwale (capital Kharumwa, created from Geita)
Nyasa (capital Mbamba Bay, created from Mbinga)
Uvinza (capital Lugufu, created from Kigoma)
and Wanging’ombe (capital Igwachanya, created from Njombe).