The NESREA Green Corps (NGC) Initiative focuses on individual responsibility at achieving a cleaner and healthier environment. It affords the individual the opportunity to render selfless service to humanity, particularly to his community in the protection of the environment. It also empowers the individual to be a true Vanguard and Watchdog of his/her environment.

It is in realization of the unique role of the citizen in environmental protection, that the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), an Agency of the Federal Ministry of Environment, birthed the NESREA Green Corps initiative as a mechanism for operationalizing environmental Volunteerism in Nigeria, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The initiative was formally launched by the Honourable Minister of Environment. Subsequently the initiative shall be launched at the Zonal and State levels
Goal And Objectives
The overall goal of the NESREA Green Corps Initiative is to actively involve the citizenry in environmental governance through volunteers under the guidance of NESREA.
Among the objectives of the Initiative are to:
- Promote environmental Volunteerism among the citizenry;
- Mobilize the citizenry in solving environmental problems;
- Create environmental awareness at all levels;
- Build partnerships up to the community and grassroot levels;
- Inculcate environmental discipline and consciousness; and
- Empower the citizenry in effective environmental stewardship.
The Roles/Responsibilities of the NESREA Green Corps include:
- Ensuring that every offender (polluter) cleans up his/her mess (the Polluter-Pays Principle);
- Educating the public on best environmental practices;
- Visiting designated areas to assist in inspection and monitoring;
- Promoting the culture of environmental protection and sustainable development;
- Cautioning environmental violators;
- Reporting environmental violators to appropriate authorities;
- Mobilizing and participating in community environmental activities; and
- Participating effectively in NESREA activities as required.
The NESREA Green Corps shall always be properly kitted, and this includes T-shirts, Face caps and reflective jackets with NESREA logo and special inscription.
Requirements For Membership
The following are the minimum requirements for citizen who may wish to become members of the NESREA Green Corps:
- Must be registered with the Agency;
- Must be 18 years and above;
- Must have a verifiable means of livelihood (or gainfully employed) so as not to be exposed to corrupting influence by offenders;
- Must have verifiable contact address;
- Must provide 2 Referees of high social standing, one of which must be civil servant at directorate level;
- Must be literate;
- Must be able to communicate in English or local language where he or she resides and in any other local language/s; and
- Must be ready to take an oath of allegiance to the Federal Government.
Code Of Conduct For Nesrea Green Corps
The NGC has a code of conduct for effective operationalization of the initiative. In this regard therefore, the following elements are prerequisite:
- Must be a team player and a bridge builder;
- Must be of high integrity;
- Must be able to operate the 3Fs – Friendly, Fair, but Firm;
- Must have very good human relations;
- Must show respect for constituted authority; and
- Must be of good conduct and demeanour at all times.
The Agency shall organize mandatory induction course for all newly registered volunteers and occasional refresher courses on various environmental issues as they evolve.
Mode Of Operation
Every registered NGC:
- Must carry an authorized Identification Card (I.D) issued by NESREA;
- Must be properly kitted wearing the appropriate T-shirt, Face cap or reflective jacket issued by NESREA during assignment; and
- Must maintain contact with the nearest NESREA office and undertake assignment within areas nearest to NESREA office.
The NGC initiative is expected to generate the following output, among others:
- A databank of registered environmental volunteers;
- Fulfillment of the citizen’s desire and commitment to partake in environmental protection;
- Improved compliance and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, standards and guidelines;
- Increased environmental awareness and consciousness at all levels; and
- A cleaner and healthier environment.
All prospective NESREA Green Corps shall complete prescribed registration forms available in NESREA Headquarters and all NESREA Zonal and State offices or Click Here to download form