Edo State has a lot of interesting places to visit. These places are interesting sights. Some are:
Ogba Zoological Garden
The zoological gardens was established in 1915 and it was the first to have a legal statute backing in Nigeria.The garden is located in a forest reserve area near Ogba village about six kilometers from Benin City and covers a land area of about 20 hectares, which exhibits trees for their scientific and educational interestand value.Ogba zoological gardens has an appreciable stock of local and foreign species of wildlife .Over the years the gardens has served as a functional recreational park with very strong educational impact
Benin Moat
The Benin moat, also known traditionally as Iya,is the largest man-made earthworks in the world. One of the wonders of the world. It predates the use of modern earth-moving equipment or technology in these parts. The moat encircles the old perimeter precinct of the City constructed, as a defensive barrier in times of war during the reign of {5th} Oba Oguola in the 13th century .An extension of the moat was constructed in the15th century during the reign of {12th} Oba Ewuare the great .The Benin moat is over 3200 kilometers long.
The Oba’s Palace
No visit to Edo State is complete without a visit to this edifice which itself is a personification of the proud and rich cultural heritage of Benin kingdom.
Revelation Tourist Centre
Researchers, historical events, excursions and entertainment. Its a reflection of the creativity for whichProfessor Victor Uwaifo is known. The tourist centre is open daily from 10am to 5pm daily. Highlights at thecentre include- the hall of fame, slave market, public execution of criminals, ritual voodoo corner, ancestral shrine, british punitive war battle field, e.t.c
This is located in Akoko Edo Local Government Area. Somorika hills consist of an extended expanse of hills crowned by massive boulders perched precariously on the summits of hills and alongside seemingly inadequate locations on the sides. Somorika is about five kilometres north east of lgarra and 165 kilometres from Benin city. The hills are a part of the rolling landscape of the Kukuruku range. The beauty of the scenery is the huge, hanging rocks that rest on one another
Ososo Hills
This centre is located atop the rocky area of Ososo in Akoko-Edo local government,north of Edo state. It presents a beautiful scenery for nature lovers and rock climbers. The tourist centre is an offshoot of a colonial rest house built in the 1930s.The first phase of a massive renovation programmed was commissioned in 1993 with a VIP lodge, four chalets and a main lounge consisting of a kitchen, restaurant and bar.
Emotan Statue
The statue of the stately woman, clad in the traditional wrapper and a headgear associated with the Benin royalty stands opposite the Oba market in Benin City. The statue was erected in honor of Emotan a patriotic woman who traded in foodstuffs at the very spot where the statue stands in the 15th century. At that period, {11th} Oba Uwaifiokun {1430AD-1440AD} usurped the throne of the Benin kingdom in place of his senior brother, Prince Ogun who was the heir apparent. Ogun in those times of travail, paid secret and nocturnal visits to Benin from his exile. On many occasions, this market woman called Emotan warmed Ogun of impending dangers and advised him against interacting with some treacherous chiefs who may reveal his presence. On one occasion Emotan actually hid prince ogun from his adversary. When Prince Ogun eventually regained the throne and was subsequently crowned as the real Oba of Benin, he took the name {12th} Oba Ewuare the great {1440AD-1473AD}. He did not forget the pivotal role played by this simple market woman, Emotan who saved him from glaring dangers during his exile years. When Emotan died, Oba Ewuare ordered that the sacred Uruhe tree be planted at the very spot where Emotan used to display her goods in Oba market and decreed that thereafter, every person in Benin who is performing any ceremony of whatever must pay homepage to Emotan. Thus to this day every citizen, including the Oba himself pays homage to Emotan.
During the reign of {33rd} Oba Osemwende {1816AD-1848AD} the commemorative tree fell and he replanted another Uruhe tree on the same spot. In 1951, the British colonial administration officials injected the tree with poisonous chemicals and uprooted it. This action almost led to a violent mass reaction. After which the {37th} Oba Akenzua II {1933AD-1978AD} vehemently protested the destruction of the Emotan shrine. This had been there since the 15th century. Consequently, the colonialists acceded to the request for a replacement. A life-size statue was cast by Mr. J.A.Danfor in London from a clay Marquette modeled by Enomayo, professional brass caster from the Igun-Eronmwon.
The new Emotan statue was unveiled amidst pomp and pageantry by the Oba Benin, Akenzua ll on March 20, 1954.
The National Museum, Benin City
The National Museum, Benin City contains artworks,artifacts and relics of the rich cultural history of the Bini people. Tourists can take a visual excursion through the varied collections and relish and re-live the artistic culture of the bini people. The Museum is a repository of the ancient, modern and contemporary artistic ingenuity, not only of the people of Edo state, but also of the major cultures of Nigeria. It is situated on king’s Square, Ring Road, Benin City.
Edegbake/Oghodoghodo caves
Those two caves are located near Fugar in Etsako central Local Government Area. They are prehistoric and are believed to have been the abode of a community of early men. Edegbake the smaller of the two, can conveniently accommodate 50 persons while Oghodoghodo has a capacity for 200 persons. A slow-flowing stream runs through Edegbake and there are prospect for amateur fishing, excursions and general relaxation.
The giant footprint of Ukhuse Oke
Located in a sacred grove between Ukhuse-oke and Ukhuseosi in lulehe clan of Owan west local government area, very distinct footprints of a prehistoric giant are permanently embedded on the flat granite rocks. It is believed that the footprints were made when the world was still in its molten state. It presents a challenge for archaeologists and anthropologists.
The animal footprint of Ivbiodohen
Footprints of various species of animals are embedded ia a flat granite stab that confound all imaginations. Legend has it that the footprints were imprinted during the formative stages of the planet earth. The footprints are very detailed and like the ones in Ukhuse Oke, will require an extensive archaelogical or anthropogical research. Ivbiodohen is in luleha clan of Owan west Local Government area north of Edo state.
The Ede or Anagwu Caves
These caves also know in the local parlance as Igodo, are located in the heartland of Edegbe village which lies between Ivioghe and Iviukwe towns in Etsako East Local Government Area. The Anagwa stream flows through the basement of the caves. The caves play a significant role in the initiation rituals for the age-grade members of the community. The biggest chamber of the two caves is used for this purpose. The two chambers combined, can conveniently sit up to 500 persons
THE TOMB OF ASORO at Sakponba Road
He was the valiant Odionwere Omada, Head of household staff, of Oba Ovonramwen. He mobilized a handful of Omadas and fought a very ferocious and gallant last ditch battle against the British invaders in defense of his Oba. The tomb marks the spot where he finally fell.
The guild of Benin bronze casters’ world heritage site. The street has the largest collection of bronze casters imaginable. Many of them are in family units who have been in the business for generations.
The first story building in Benin as it is fondly called, was started in 1903 and completed in 1905 by Chief Iyamu, the Ine of Benin. The splendor of the building as shown in the photographs above during the centenary celebration is a testimony to the awe the building must have generated a century ago when the architectural landscape was made up of mud huts.
THE BENIN MOAT at Sakponba Road
The first phase of the moat was dug from 1280-1290AD by Oba Oguola as a defensive shield against invaders. The third and final phase was completed in 1460AD.
Edo is a state in southern Nigeria that was created in 1991 from the former Bendel State

The capital and largest city of Edo State is Benin City, which was the center of the ancient Benin Empire

The state has a population of about 4.8 million people as of 2022, and covers an area of 19,559 square kilometers

Edo state is bordered by Kogi, Anambra, Delta and Ondo states, and has a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean
The state is home to various ethnic groups, mainly the Edo (or Bini), Esan, Ora, Akoko-Edo, Owan and Afemai people

The most common language spoken in the state is Edo, which belongs to the Edoid branch of the Niger-Congo language family
The state is predominantly Christian, but also has followers of Islam and traditional religions
Edo is known as the Heartbeat of Nigeria, and has a rich cultural heritage and history
It has a diverse economy, with sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, oil and gas, tourism, education and health

Edo people
With Benin City as capital, the population of the entire state is approximately 4million.It is made up of three major ethnic groups; namely the Binis, Esan and Afemai. However the State has a high presence of residents from across the country and the world because of its cosmopolitan tendencies. Benin City the capital has a history of being one of the foremost destinations of Europeans during their exploration of Africa continent many centuries ago. Some of the flash points have remained enviable tourists’ attraction for the state.

The State has a land mass of 19,794 km square. Lying on 05 44 N and 07 34 N latitudes,05 4 E and 06 45 E longitudes. Edo State is low lying except towards the north axis where the Northern and Esan plateaus range from 183 metres of the Kukuruku Hills and 672 metres of the Somorika Hills.
It is so located that it forms the nucleus of the Niger Delta region. It is bordered by Kogi state to the North and Delta State to the East and South, Ekiti and Ondo States to the West.
The climate is typically tropical with two major seasons- the wet (Rainy) and the dry (harmattan) seasons. The wet season lasts from April to November and the Dry Season December to March.
The governor of the state, at every time is the head of government. There is the Executive arm of government, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The state has eighteen local government councils each constitutionally headed by a democratically elected Chairman.
Edo is blessed with two major vegetational belts namely: the Forest Belt of the South and Central parts while the Guinea Savannah is in the northern part.
Natural resources in Edo State are in abundance. There is a heavy reserve of hard wood and high quality timber. Other mineral endowments include: Rubber, Limestone, Marble, Lignite, Clay, Kaolin, Crude Oil, Gold, Granite and Bitumen.
Apart from the wood products, there is high yield of Agricultural food crops, Cocoa,
Rubber, Palm trees, Vegetables, Cotton, Pineapple, Mango, Cashew, Cassava, Bushmeat, Snails, Fish and Rice.
The thriving industries are Carving, Saw-milling, Rubber processing, Cement and Textile, Brewing and Flour milling etc. The state also boast of key industries in the country such as Bendel Cement Factory Okpella, Bendel Brewery Benin City, Guinness Nigeria Benin-City, Nigeria Bottling Company (Coca-Cola) Benin City, Ewu Flour Mill Ewu and Bendel Pharmaceutical Benin-City, Okomu oil Plc , Presco Plc just to name a few. The Small-Scale industries are also on the increase with many Banks and Fast Food Eateries opening up their outlets in the capital and other emerging cities across the state.
Edo State is one of the most educationally advanced States in Nigeria. Its notable tertiary institutions include the University of Benin, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Igbinedion University Okada, Benson Idahosa University, Auchi Polytechnic Auchi, College of Education Ekiadolor, College of Agriculture Iguoriakhi and Institute of Management and Technology Usen.
Government in conjunction with local governments and some international agencies have successfully spread Medicare across the state. There are government hospitals, local government centres by local authorities and quite a few others jointly managed with some non governmental agencies.
From Edo State, there is easy access to Warri seaports. The state also has a direct route to Lagos from land and air. Edo is known as the heartbeat of the country because of its easy accessibility from various Southern cities like Lagos, Warri, Port Harcourt and the Eastern states.
Arts and culture
Edo is famous for her works of art, they include plaques, busts and royal figures. Some of these art works were looted during the British invasion of the Benin Empire in 1897. Various pottery, utility carving, bronze casting, smothering, Jewelry, mat-making, cloth weaving etc thrive in the state.