1.1 Zoo Technician Grade Level 07
1.2 Higher Zoo Technician Grade Level 08
1.3 Senior Zoo Technician Grade Level 09
1.4 Principal Zoo Technician Grade Level 10
1.5 Assistant Chief Zoo Technician Grade Level 12
1.6 Chief Zoo Technician Grade Level 13
Similar: > Cadres in Nigeria Civil Service
2.1 Zoo Technician, Grade Level 07
2.1.1 Supervising a number of Zoo Assistants
2.1.2 Keeping records in the zoo or zoological gardens
2.l.3 Training Assistants/subordinates on basic skill of zoo keeping
2.1.4 Supervising feeding of zoo animals
2.1.5 Assisting in the control of endo and ecto parasites in the zoo or zoological
2.2 Higher Zoo Technician, Grade Level 08
2.2.1 Observing, detecting arid identifying ailments in the zoo animals.
2.2.2 Supervising the cleaning and feeding of zoo animals, including their care
2.2.3 Assisting in the collation of zoo or zoological garden records.
2.3 Senior Zoo Technician, Grade Level 09
2.3.1 Assisting in designing and supervising the construction of animal cages and
2.4 Senior Zoo Assistant Grade I, Grade Level 07
2.4.1 Assisting in training subordinate staff
2.4.2 Supervising the activities of a subordinate staff
2.4.3 Performing routine checks on the animals to detect signs of illness,
death, pregnancy, etc
2.4. Assisting in administering drugs on sick animals.
2.5 Chief Zoo Assistant, Grade Level 08
2.5.1 Supervising and coordinating activities of groups of Zoo Assistants
2.5.2 Receiving and taking charge of drugs
2.5.3 Assisting in preparing periodic reports
2.5.4 Overseeing the training of junior officers and trainers
2.5.5 Organizing students’ educational tours and visitors’ round the zoo or
zoological garden
NOTE: All promotions and transfers are subject to vacancy and satisfactory service record.
3.1 Zoo Assistant Grade II, Grade Level 04
3.1.1 By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a minimum of S .75 o Junior secondary School Certificate with passes in relevant subjects, who has
successfully completed a two years’ training programme in the school of
agriculture, or any other approved agricultural institution and obtained the
National Certificate in Agriculture.
3.2 Zoo Assistant Grade I, Grade Level 05
3.2.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Zoo Assistant Grade II who has
spent at least two years on the grade.
3.3 Senior Zoo Assistant Grade II, Grade Level 06
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Zoo Assistant Grade I who has spent at le two years on the grade.
3.4 Senior Zoo Assistant Grade I, Grade Level 07
3.4.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Zoo Assistant Grade U who
has spent at least two years on the grade.
3.5 Chief Zoo Assistant, Grade Level 08
3.3.1 By promotion of a confirmed and suitable Senior Zoo Assistant Grade I who
has spent at least three years on the grade.

Any officer in the Zoo Assistant Cadre who acquires any of the qualifications specified for appointment to any higher grade is eligible for transfer/promotion to the grade.
Federal Civil Service Commission: fedcivilservice .gov.ng /hq /includes /download.php ?f=hq /pages /generalItem /Resources Files /12.pdf&fc =SCHEMES OF SERVICE.pdf