How Coca Cola was founded by John Pemberton

American pharmacist John S. Pemberton created Coca-Cola, which he initially marketed as a cure-all tonic.

Dr. John Stith Pemberton invented Coca-Cola on May 8, 1886, forever transformng the world’s eating patterns. The drink’s name comes from two of its original ingredients: coca leaves (a source of legal cocaine) and kola nuts (a source of caffeine). As a pharmacist from Atlanta, he had access to a wide range of chemicals and natural components. One day, he made a dark liquid and decided to take it to his shop, Jacobs’ Pharmacy, to be mixed with soda water. At this time, a test was necessary. So he had the pharmacy’s customers try it, and they raved about how wonderful and refreshing it was. Pemberton then began selling the precursor to today’s Coca-Cola for five cents per glass as a takeout drink.

Frank M. Robinson, Dr. Pemberton’s accountant, created and designed the logo that we know today, believing that the two Cs would make an attractive advertising brand. The Coca-Cola brand, inscribed in its distinctive italic type, was born with a first advertising campaign dedicated to the drink appearing in the newspaper The Atlanta Journal, asking citizens to try this “popular new take-out drink”. The advertising campaign for the product debut featured on the first awnings of the shops, with the phrase “Drink Coca-Cola” prominently displayed.

However, the first year was not particularly thrilling, with only roughly nine glasses sold per day.

In 1887, John Pemberton registered the copyright for Coca-Cola Syrup and Extract with the United States Patent Office. A year later, dismayed by the failure of his invention and yet not entirely convinced – or aware – of the drink’s potential, he progressively sold the company’s shares to several partners. Shortly before his death, he sold the remainder of Coca-Cola to Asa G. Candler, who repurchased the shares of other shareholders until he had entire control of the corporation.

Mr. Candler founded The Coca-Cola Company with his brother, John S. Candler, Frank Robinson, John Pemberton’s previous partner, and two other partners, starting with $100,000. They investd heavily in marketing, including free coupons, promotions, souvenir fans, calendars, clocks, cup holders, and so on. He went to great lengths to promote and popularize the brand. The first facility was established in Dallas, Texas, in 1894, and a year later, Candler made the famous claim that “Today Coca-Cola is drunk in every state and territory of the United States”.

Under Candler’s direction, syrup sales increased from 9,000 gallons in 1890 to 370,877 gallons by 1900. See more…