Compensation for inhabitants of Abuja affected by relocation due to urbanisation is being made for their crops, economic trees and structures like buildings among others. 

The FCDA’s (Federal Capital Development Authority’s) Department of Resettlement and Compensation makes policies, guidelines and implementation of resettlement schemes; and the payment of compensation for crops, economic trees and structures. 

The creation of the department provided the opportunity to bring under one umbrella all issues pertaining to resettlement and compensation which hitherto had been fragmented in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Development Control and Land Administration.
The Department has three divisions and they are:

  • Valuation and Compensation 
  • Planning and Resettlement
  • Monitoring and Logistics
  • Highlights on the activities of Resettlement and Compensation.

1. Resettlement Programmes

Three resettlement sites are at various stages of completions; these are Apo,  Galuwui/Shere and Wasa.
The resettlement of the original inhabitants of Apo has commenced in earnest in Apo resettlement site. Also there are 877 houses meant to accommodate the original inhabitants of Garki, Akpanjenya and Apo village respectively.
The Galuwyi/Shere resettlement site is meant to accommodate 12 communities of Jabi Samuel, Jabi Yakubu, Utako, Kpadna, Mabushi, Gishiri, Kado 1 and II, others are Magajipe, Zhilu, Maje etc.  The progress of physical construction work is at 75% completion covering an area of about 9,000 hectares of land.  The buildings are expected to be in a neighbourhood system were each neighbourhood is expected to retain their traditional institution as well as chieftaincy allegiance.
The next one is Wasa Resettlement Scheme which is expected to accommodate original inhabitants along the airport axis.  These are Karomanjigi, Kuchingoro, Chika, Aleita, Piwoyi.  The progress of work is about 56%.

2. Relocation
Several relocation activities were carried out by this Department since inception, they are: Kuchiko, Gidan Mangoro, Pegi and Yangoji. Kuchiko is a relocation scheme meant to accommodate squatter settlers from Jabi Samuel, Jabi Yakubu, Maje, Utako, Kpadna, Majajipe, Mabushi, Gishiri etc. 
Kuchiko is located in Bwari just after Law School.
Gidan Mangoro is also a relocation scheme meant to accomodate settlers from Angwar-Mada behind Mogadishu Barracks formerly known as Abacha Barracks.  Work is in progress in the site.
Pegi, is a relocation site slated to accommodate squatter settlers from Jiwa Chiefdom.  And it is located in the Kuje Area Council of the FCT.
Yangoji relocation site is  meant to accommodate squatter settlers from the Airport axis of Chika, Aleita, Piwoyi, Kuchingoro, Karomanjigi etc. Yangoji is located in Kwali Area Council of the FCT.

Payment Of Compensation
The Department of Resettlement and Compensation has paid compensation to the various communities across the FCT whose lands were acquired for overriding public interest.  The followings are communities and nature of projects:

  • Zuba farmers were paid compensation for the relocation of College of Education (COE) for the construction of a permanent site.
  • Pegi farmers were paid compensation for the relocation exercise of Jiwa Chiefdom squatter settlers.
  • Gidan Mangoro farmers also benefitted from the payment of compensation for the relocation of Angwar – Mada residence.
  • Bwari farmers were paid compensation for crops and economic trees for the relocation of squatter settlers to Kuchiko from Jabi 1 and 2, Gishiri, Kpadna, Magajipe etc.
  • There was payment of compensation to farmers for crops and economic trees at Yangoji in Kwali Area Council for relocation of squatter settlers along airport axis.
  • The verification of Apo Market paper for replacement has been completed and physical construction work is expected to commence soon.
  • There was payment of compensation to farmers at Idu for a railway double guage project.
  • There was payment of compensation for crops and economic trees at Kado – Kuchi village for an FCT Primary Education Board Project.
  • There was a valuation of crops and economic trees at Guzape District Lot (i)

On – Going Projects Of The Department

  • The procurement process of APO Market fence is in progress
  • Re-design of plots falling within undevelopable areas in Wasa Resettlement site is on-going.
  • The procurement process of the construction of phase II Wasa Resettlement houses is on-going.
  • Procurement process for the enumeration of original inhabitants of Jiwa, Gwagwa, Iddoh Sarki and Idu Karmo to be resettled at Anagada is on-going .
  • Procurement process for the enumeration of original inhabitants of Kuruduma/Guzape is in progress.
  • A 3rd report on the valuation for compensation of crops/economic trees and the acquisition of farmlands; for the construction of Abuja railway container terminals at Idu District, is being re-submitted for approval.
  • A valuation for compensation of 20 hectares of site over an area near Baruwa village allocated to Messrs, Fund Tai Engineering Company for Mining purpose has been approved for payment.
  • A valuation for compensation of crops/economic trees lost due to the acquisition of the site for a hospital by the Nigeria-Turkish International Colleges in Dape II, Mabushi District, FCT is completed and awaiting approval.
  • The compensation for economic trees/crops at Piwoyi FCT by the National Space Research and Development Agency; and the Federal Science and Technology is awaiting payment.
  • A valuation for an access road leading to Nigeria-Turkish University in Abuja by Messrs Surat Educational Nig. Limited has been approved for payment

Reference: Resettlement and Compensation (fcda.gov.ng)