Mbaise people in USA

There are many Mbaise people in the United States.

Mbaise people in US … 1
Mbaise people in US … 2

Mbaise USA Inc

Mbaise USA Inc was formed in response to the need for an umbrella organization of all Mbaise people in the United States.

It seeks to generate enthusiasm among Mbaise people. The not-for-profit organisation is committed to cultural awakening, fostering community identity, forging solidarity as well as promoting development and progress of Ndi Mbaise.

It helps forge solidarity among Mbaise people.

In September of 2008, Mbaise USA Inc held its inaugural national convention in Houston Texas.

During the convention, affiliate chapters formally registered into the organization, appointed delegates to the Board of Delegates, ratified the constitution and elected its officers.

The leaders of Mbaise USA Inc as of 2023 are:

Chief. Sir ​S.O.S Echendu
​National President

Chief (Ezeji) ​Alozie A. Aguwa
Vice President

Chief (Dr.) Charles Iwejuo
Chairman Board of Delegates

Hon. Cliff Opara
Deputy Chairman, ​Board of Delegates

Hon.(Arc) Chuks Ikwu
Secretary General

Chief Dr (Mrs.) ​Jovita Ike
National Treasurer

Dr. Ken Akwuole
National Financial Secretary

Hon. Chidi Ahaghotu
Director of Socials

Prince Richard Nwachukwu-Abii​
BoD Secretary General

Dr. Oledinma Eugene
Deputy Secretary General

Dr. (Mrs) ​Alice Ukaegbu 
Director, Women Affairs

Chief (Mrs) Ngozi B. Mbaocha
Director, Youths Affairs 

Hon. Bright Akwarandu
Deputy Director, ​Youths Affairs  

Chief Edward ​Uzoechila Ezeh
BoD Assistant Secretary

Chief Festus Anaele
​Executive Publicity Secretary

Hon. Bethels Agomuoh
Director, Technology 

Hon. Emeka Okoro
Director, Culture

Dr. Chris Ahaghotu RPH
Executive Provost

Chief Mrs. Charity Ejelonu
BOD Provost

​Mrs. Victoria Awuzie 
Deputy Director, Culture

Atty. Ben Onyenacho
​​Legal Adviser

​Mr Pauly Nwachukwu 
Deputy National Financial Secretary 

Mbaise is a sub-group of Igbo ethnic group located in Imo state, south eastern Nigeria.


In Igbo language Mbaise literally means “five towns”.

5 towns (clans) of Mbaise

The 5 towns (clans) that make up Mbaise are:

Ezinihitte and

Map of Mbaise

Mbaise’s 3 Local Government Areas

The towns constitute 3 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Imo state, namely:

Aboh Mbaise
Ahiazu Mbaise and
Ezinihitte Mbaise


The great “Abigbo” dance troupe, “Oji” Mbaise, which celebrates the significance of the kola nut, “Iri-ji” Mbaise, an annual celebration of the yam harvest – all are festivities for which Mbaise is well-known in Nigeria and beyond.


Mbaise people are also known for starting self-help projects. As a result, many infrastructures in Mbaise are products of private initiatives and communal efforts.
