Mbayongo is a council ward in Vandeikya LGA, Benue State, Nigeria
Government Primary Schools in Mbayongo
- LGEA Primary School, Mbakyo
- RCM Primary School, Asan
- RCM Primary School, Adamgbe
- RCM Primary School, Kyundu Aki
- NKST Primary School, Akpe
- NKST Primary School, Ageva
- RCM Primary School, Ikpaanyam
- NKST Primary School, Penda
- NKST Primary School, Shangbum
- LGEA Primary School, Mbayongo
- RCM Primary School, Ukpe
- NKST Primary School, Ato
Private Secondary Schools in Mbayongo
- Gaadi Comp. Coll. Jootar – Mbayongo
- Gbinde Mem. College Mbaajime – Mbayongo
- Peoples Comp. Sec Sch. Adamgbe
Government Health Clinics in Mbayongo
- PHC Ageva – Mbayongo
- PHC Tyemimongo
Private Health Clinics in Mbayongo
- Asanyi Clinic Adamgbe
- St. Robert Clinic/Mat. Adamgbe
- NKST Shangbum
- Charisma Clinic
- St. Martha Clinic/Mat. Adamgbe.
UBE (Universal Basic Education) schools in Mbayongo
- UBE Adamgbe
- UBE Mbayongo
- UBE Ukpe
- UBE Shangbum
Private Primary Schools in Mbayongo
- Angur Nursery /Primary School, Mbatseva
- Yita Nursery /Primary School, Adamgbe
- The Good Shephered Nursery /Primary School, Adamgbe
- Uganden Children Academy, Mbaikyombo
- Gbinde Nursery /Primary School, Kaamem – Tyemimongo
- Gody Mos Int’l Nursery /Primary School, Adamgbe
Government Secondary School in Mbayongo
- Yongo Tiev Comm. Sec Sch. Tyemimongo
Markets in Mbayongo
- Mbayongo Doo Market
- Adamgbe
- Ageva
- Anchiha
- Jootar
- Tyemimongo
Vandeikya LGA
Vandeikya is a Local Government Area (LGA) in Benue State, Nigeria.
Both the LGA and its capital town have the same name as Vandeikya.

Vandeikya is in the South Eastern part of Benue State and shares boundaries with Obudu and Bekwara in Cross River State to the East, Ushongo to the North and Konshisha LGA to the West.

Vandeikya LGA is located between latitude 7°5′ and 7°15′ north of the Equator and Longitude 9° and 9°6′ east of Greenwich. It has a landmass of 183,939 square metres (0.7 sq miles) with a population of well over 80,288.

There are 12 council wards, namely:
- Mbadede
- Mbajor
- Tsambe
- Mbagbam
- Mbakyaha
- Mbagbera
- Ningev
- Mbakaange
- Township
- Mbayongo
- Mbatyough
- Mbanyamagbagh
Vandeikya LGA was created out of Gboko LGA in 1976.
Almost all the indigenous people are of the Kunav clan of Tiv people.
Vandeikya people are a hospitable group and are predominantly Christians with a few traditionalists.

Vandeikya has undulating terrain with much of the area being below 183 m (600 ft) above the sea level.
Surface drainage is generally good with almost all the rivers being seasonal, notably river Aya and river Be.

The climate is tropical sub humid with the mean annual rainfall of between 1,200 and 2,000 mm (47″ and 79″) averaging seven months in the year, while the mean annual temperature is 32.5 °C (90 °F). The wet season is from April to October or November while the dry season is November to March.
Infrastructural facilities
These include the Trunk ‘A’ federal highway that links Cross-River State through Ogoja to Katsina-Ala and other parts of the North like Taraba, Adamawa States.

Electricity supply from the national grid spearheaded by communal efforts extends to Vandeikya township, Chi village and Tsar.
Also in place is a modern general hospital, missionary hospital, and local government clinics spread all over the pipeline.
Through the state water supply program, Vandeikya local government now enjoys pipe-borne water.
River Aya, and River Be
Major markets
Ihugh, Agbo, Tsar, Koti-Yough, Gbem,
List of markets in Vandeikya
Agricultural produce
Rice, sweet potatoes, sorghum, citrus, cassava, bananas, spices, tomatoes, pepper of various types, palm oil and palm products.
Agriculture is the mainstay of the people; with arable land for sheep, goats and cattle rearing. Over 80% of the population are directly engaged in the peasant farming of virtually all major food crops, with concentration on rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, sorghum, citrus, spices, pepper, groundnut and bambara nuts. The LGA is endowed with mineral deposits such as barites, kaoline and iron ores.
Being principally farmers, the major commercial engagements of the people in the area revolve around agricultural products. Presently, there are no major industries in the area; however there are many small scale cottage industries like rice milling, block making and furniture works and others. The settlement pattern is dispersed with thatched round houses.
The Vandeikya local government has wide Fadama area and good arable land for sheep and cattle rearing. Already, the Federal government has established sheep grazing area in Ningev Council Ward of Vandeikya Local Government.
VAndeikya has a short dry season (November – March), and Long wet season (April – October) which represent low and high rainfall respectively.
Industrial potentials
The Local government council is endowed with industrial potentials such as starch and glucose production, fruit juice extraction, vegetable oil, bottling of palm wine and solid minerals (zinc), barite, kaolin, rutile and others.