Nigerian Political Parties

The Registered Political Parties of Nigeria from 2014-2016 are:

 Accord A
 Action Alliance AA
  Advanced Congress Of Democrats ACD
  Allied Congress Party of Nigeria ACPN
  Alliance For Democracy AD
  African Democratic Congress ADC
 African Peoples Alliance APA
 All Progressive Congress APC
 All Progressives Grand Alliance APGA
 Citizens Popular Party CPP
  Democratic Peoples Congress DPC
  Democratic Peoples Party DPP
  Fresh Democratic Party FRESH
  Hope Democratic Party HDP
  Independent Democrats ID
  Kowa Party KP
 Labour Party LP
  Mega Progressive Peoples Party MPPP
  National Conscience Party NCP
  New Nigeria Peoples Party NNPP
  People For Democratic Change PDC
  Peoples Democratic Movement  PDM
  Peoples Democratic Party PDP
  Progressive Peoples Alliance PPA
  Peoples Party of Nigeria PPN
  Social Democratic Party SDP
  United Democratic Party UDP
 Unity Party of Nigeria      UPN
 United Progressive Party UPP
  Young Democratic Party YDP