A Communique at the end of the NKST Synod of November 9 to 20 2020

The Nongo u Kristu u I Ser u Sha Tar – NKST – Universal Reformed Christian Church at its national synod held at Mkar and led by the President, Rev. Dr. D.Z. Anza under the theme, There are Accompanying benefits in suffering at the church’s headquarters, from November 9–20, 2020 considered several issues of urgent ecclesiastical and national significance including, but not limited to: approval for the organization of 5 new consistories and 2 new classes (district church councils),
Christian attitude during and within crisis, ministry funding and the state’s response and reaction to the End-SARS protest.
Of Eccelesiastical significance, the 2020 NKST Synod approved the organization of 5 new congregations and two classes; Igba and North Bank. This marks a significant structural and numerical growth of the church relative to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Synod also resolved to streamline and adjust funding of church ministries to curtail cases of post-budget financing. On the matter of frequent crisis in society, Synod encouraged members to shine the light of the gospel during crisis and should also seek to not involve themselves in crisis but rather seek to prevent it when necessary.
To ensure continuity of leadership in the church, Synod elected members of the Executive Committee of Synod. The following were reelected in their positions for a second term:
Rev. Dr. D.Z. Anza – President
Rev. N. A. Adure – Vice President,
Rev E.M. Shir – General Secretary
Rev. T.A. Targba – Assistant General Secretary.
Rev. L.I. Vavem – Member
Rev. Dr. J.M.Girgi – Member
Rev. E.I. Azenda was elected to begin a fresh term on the committee in the place of the late Rev. M. A. Abudaar.
Still, Rev. Fefa Kar and Rev.S.I. Damsa were reelected as directors of Sunday School (MIM) and Youth Ministry respectively, while Rev. Moses Iormanger was elected the director of NKST Literature department, in place of Rev. Terzungwe Saamo, whose tenure of office expired.
Repositioning of the NKST Christian Hospital at Mkar
In another development, Synod received heartwarming reports from the committee overseeing the repositioning of the NKST Hospital at Mkar.
Highlights of the report were the acquisition and available qualified medical personnels at the hospital. Now the hospital has state of the art medical facilities like a standardized chemical analyzer, a dialysis machine to be soon installed by experts from the UK and an X-ray machine found only at Mkar in the rest of Benue State.
No less than 5 consultant medical doctors man the hospital on a daily basis. Salaries of staff are being paid as when due. The public is invited to attend the hospital for their medical needs.
RTS at 50 Celebration
Further more, the NKST Synod resolved, at the request of her only seminary, the Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar to organize and hold celebration marking the seminary’s 50 years of existence as the first tertiary institution in Benue State.
This is intended to raise funds towards renovating the 50 year old structures at the seminary. Synod encouraged all churches to take this celebration seriously, contributing financially and prayerfully for its huge success.
Demolishing of NKST Church at Abule-Egba, Lagos State
The NKST Synod also condemned, in strong terms, the action of Lagos State government, in demolishing her Church building at Abule-Egba, in Lagos metropolis and taking over the land.
The Synod is quite aware that governments, at all levels, have legal right to revoke certified lands, owed by individuals and groups, for the good of the general public or public interest. However, since Lagos State government violated due process the Synod demands her to either pay full compensation and reposition the Church building in it’s former place, or pay full damages and secure land for relocation of the Church building.
The highest governing body of NKST calls on the federal government, the national assembly and Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to see to it that her demand is attended to as specified.
The End-SARS Protest
Synod commends the federal government for ending the protests and sympathizes with those who incurred loss of life and property, and there by calls upon the government machinery to carefully listen to yearnings of the citizens and work towards addressing their plight.
Synod notices with dismay why government operatives are rather arresting people, freezing their accounts and preventing them from travelling, on account of their participation or seeming connection with the protests.
This is not the best way to respond to the cries of the citizens of any nation. Government should note that the church, as light of the world, cannot identify with government in its response to this protests.
The Synod however promised to continue to support and participate in good governance for the purpose of maintaining the inalienable rights and privileges of citizens. NKST Synod continues to pray for a united Nigeria and calls upon all arms of government to uphold and ensure the rule of God in all areas of life and practice.
The NKST Synod reemphasized her stand on the Reformed tradition and calls on all her members to uphold the Church’s doctrine, even as they continue to pray for peace in Nigeria and the world at large
Rev. E. M. Shir
NKST General Secretary ①
① site.nkstonline.org/a-communique-issued-at-the-end-of-the-nkst-synod-of-november-9-20-2020/